There are energy fluctuations ahead, and it looks like we are coming!"

Li Wen, who appeared to be agitated due to the impact of the water, obviously didn't react, just nodded dumbly.

Seeing Coco like that, Ye Tian didn't pay much attention to it, but just slowed down and continued to swim towards the depths of the sea.

Soon after about half an hour, a small spot of light finally appeared in the sight of the two of them.

It should be there!

As the distance kept getting closer, the true face of the sunken ship No. 730 was also revealed in front of Ye Tian.

It was a very large freighter, the whole body was a dark yellow color, there were large and small scars on it, and many places were squeezed out of shape, only the mottled number 730 on it was still vivid.

"go in!"

Following the flickering light, Ye Tian and the others quickly found a huge gap, drilled in, knocked on the wall, and sure enough, there was a relatively empty space inside.


After following some traces of rescue for a long time, Ye Tian finally found the doorway, got out of the water at once, and breathed fresh air again.

The wreck of No. 730 in that year, but as an ocean-going freighter, the tightness cannot be said for the time being. There is also a circulating oxygen production system driven by a magic nucleus, so even after such a long time, it is only the power system that damages the inside. Most devices can even be used.

"Come out!"

Shaking the water droplets on his body, Ye Tian said with a gloomy expression.

As soon as the voice fell, a small screen in front of him flickered twice, followed by a human face.


"Ye... Ye Tian..."

Before Ye Tian could speak correctly, Anya, who was facing her, rubbed her eyes in disbelief, and then shouted loudly.

"Sister Anya, they didn't treat you like that!"

"I'm fine, hurry up, what are you doing here? Go to the police!"

Anya, who had reacted from her stupor, looked a little hoarse.

"Yoyo, I didn't expect to catch a big fish this time. I heard that you have returned to the Devil's Capital. I didn't expect you to come here..."

Hearing the evil voice on the opposite side, Ye Tian's heart throbbed.

It is indeed a monster!

"Let her go! What do you want? I'll give it to you!"

"Don't be so excited, Mr. Ye, we haven't treated Miss Anya badly these days. We want to take her away to control the center!"

"What tricks are you playing!"

Feeling that there is a fearless look on the opposite side, Ye Tian's heart is even more anxious.

"You have no reason to negotiate terms with me now. If you want her to live, just do as I say!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the screen in front of him flickered a few times, and turned into pitch black again.

"Inspector Ye, what should we do?"

Although Li Wen is a member of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, he is only an administrator of a jurisdiction and has never participated in a front-line war.

Now that I saw a real monster, it was still so arrogant, so I was naturally a little flustered.

"I don't care what tricks he's playing! I'll kill one if he comes! I've never seen such a big scene in Laozi!"

At this time, Ye Tian was also angry from his heart and said coldly.

At this time, Li Wen, who was still a little obedient, saw Ye Tian's appearance, and he was also emboldened.

After all, this guy's heroic deeds have long been spread in the Heaven and Earth Alliance, and now he can only follow him in despair.

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