In the early morning a week later, Ye Tian opened his eyes and slowly let out a breath of turbid air, and there was also a bright glow in his eyes.

"Why, are you afraid?"

"Maybe there will always be some in my heart, but I don't think I will lose to those guys!"

Seeing this reborn young fortress in front of him also suppressed his surprise, and then quickly said.

Ye Tian also nodded the memory crystal in his hand, and immersed his spiritual power in it after the castle master disappeared.

"Then let them remember my name this time!"_

And even though he had never fought against Wang Moyu, he had heard of it at Roland College. With the strength of the teacher there, it is estimated that this strongest disciple is not a simple thing.

Feeling the change in Ye Tian's mood, Ye Zhiqiu said mockingly.

"Old man, although you are a bit of a jerk sometimes, I have to say that your method is still pretty good."

After roughly flipping through the other players' profiles, Ye Tian's eyes flashed a dignified look.

"The competition is about to start, you should familiarize yourself with it first, and there are still some things to deal with."

I have collected a lot of information in the past few days, and I hope it will be of some use to you."

Ye Tian, ​​who heard this sentence, did not dare to hesitate, and hurriedly jumped out of his bedroom and found the castle master.

The candidate for the patriarch of the Mo family in Dongcheng, seventeen years old, with unknown magical ability. He has a sinister and cunning personality. He once challenged a great magician a year ago. Although he failed to win, he still retreated.

"it is good."

"Little friend is really progressing rapidly, it seems that I don't need my help to read these things.

According to intelligence sources, it is estimated that he has made great progress in the retreat this year, and he is expected to be careful.


You must know that when he met this kind of role a year ago, he had no choice but to escape.

However, candidates from major families or geniuses from any college are not fuel-efficient lamps.


Although he suffered great pain during these days, his spiritual power was also growing at a strange speed.

The super genius of Roland College. He has dominated the whole school in his sophomore year. Although he is a female class, he has done very few shots, but it is said that his position in Roland College is very high and unshakable. And there are rumors Saying he has surpassed some of the teachers in the academy is a formidable rival.

Good at all kinds of magic formations, firm in mind, not fond of words. It is a trouble in the early stage, try to avoid fighting.

Wang Moyu.

At this time, under this powerful spirit, he felt that his control over this and his body had been greatly enhanced, and that natural feeling also made him very obsessed.

"That's right! How can the disciples I trained myself be bad!"

This time it was really mixed, there were quite a lot of people, about a thousand people, many of them were cannon fodder, maybe they just came here to see the world.

After simply flipping through the pages, Ye Tian quickly came up with a list of several important people.


"Shut up brat, Luo Tian and that castle master have come to you many times."

Ye Tian was a little surprised that Mo Hai once challenged the great magician's undefeated record a year ago.

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