Back in the bedroom, Ye Tian quickly prepared a list of items according to what Ye Zhiqiu just said, and handed it over to the next person directly.

"Mental strength?"

"Although you are a little self-aware, that's right, I've almost recovered in the past few days. With these things, I can barely create a formation for you to temper your spiritual power.

Although Ye Tian's spirit was all in the compass at this time, his body was also affected by some kind of induction, and layers of cold sweat appeared.

"Okay, if you have an old guy, don't play dead with me here, tell me, what do you want to do with these messy things?"

At this time, he was in Ye Zhiqiu's formation, and it could be said that he suffered like this.

You must know that in order to slip out of this formation, he did everything possible, and even his master felt a headache.

Because what he hadn't thought about was that this Luojiabao attached great importance to him, and in just half an hour, he had already gathered the items and delivered them all at once.

"Damn old bastard, you just want to make a public announcement. It hurts me to death, my lord!"

In Luojiabao's hands, something that was almost astronomical in his eyes turned out to be so ordinary.

But fortunately, Ye Zhiqiu also has a sense of proportion, every half-day training arrangement will let him rest for an hour.

Boy, do you know why you can't use the many formations in the compass?"

Maybe one day he can reach that height, and the task assigned to him by the master will be considered completed._

The pain of tearing again and again makes even Ye Tian, ​​who has passed through the sea of ​​swords and fires, feel a little powerless.

It's really a skinny camel that's bigger than a horse.

Every time it is introduced, it will bring him a burst of incomparable pain, and even his mental strength will be weakened a bit.

The surrounding green dots like fluorescent light kept penetrating into his body.

After half a day.

Looking at a table full of spiritual potions and various items, Ye Tian couldn't help but stunned.

However, as his mental power reached a certain level, the green water in the pool would supply him, making his mental power more solid, and even the aura around his body became stronger.

Slowly Ye Tian's shouting also began to weaken.

Hearing Ye Zhiqiu's voice, Ye Tian also felt horrified.

"Hmph, I really don't know how to respect the old and love the young at all.

Enjoy it, this was given to me by the master back then, the taste in that, hehe..."

Outside of the formation, Ye Zhiqiu carefully looked at the reckless figure in the middle, feeling that the two of them became more and more majestic, and there was joy in their eyes.

What made him feel gratified was that although Ye Tian kept scolding him along the way, he never thought of giving up. This tenacity made him feel very admirable.


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