Ye Tian followed the figure of the castle lord, and since all the people in the tower were basically attracted to the square, there were not many figures on the way.

And as the depth continued, the terrain also continued to improve. At this time, Ye Tian looked down, and the entire Luojiabao scenery was revealed in his eyes.

This also gave Ye Tian the opportunity to spy on the magic of Luojiabao for the first time.

Although the Luojiabao space is very tight, they are very particular about the layout, and they are not cramped at all, and they are even arranged according to a certain pattern. Ye Tian can feel it with such a quick glance. of the extraordinary.

With Luo Jiabao's deep formations, perhaps these living places are a grand formation.

"Why, little friend. My Luojiabao has caught your eye."

"The castle owner doesn't have to be humble. If the formation below is really activated, I am afraid it will be able to destroy the world."

Hearing Ye Tian's words, the Castle Lord's eyes flashed with surprise. He didn't expect this kid to see the mystery in such a short time.

"Indeed, if it was at its peak, I would naturally not go to Luojiabao. However, after so many years of blockade and suppression, coupled with the decline of our talents, the power of this formation may only be able to display one or two of them.

In the face of what happened next, it's really not enough to watch."

The two walked while talking, and soon a large building appeared in Ye Tian's eyes.

Following the figure of the castle lord, Ye Tian was also seated, feeling the quiet atmosphere around and the calming fragrance in the air, Ye Tian couldn't help but feel that when he looked at the distant scenery, this is everyone's spirit.

"Okay, little friend Ye Tian, ​​I have already set up a formation around this area, and I should be able to avoid those annoying flies.

Fortunately, Luo Tian has already explained our current situation to you. Why don't you tell me what you think."

"Since the information in Luojiabao has been seen through with our own eyes, we simply don't need to hide it. Since we can no longer hide in the dark, why not bring it to the table."


Ye Tian quickly waved his hand, interrupting the castle master's words, and then continued.

"I know your concerns, but if they really recruit troops, I'm afraid even with the powerful formations around them, they can only stop one or two of them.

Besides, the price of the entire Luojiabao will be paid at that time, which is really not worth it. In my opinion, the enemies outside still need to be solved by outside forces!"

"I understand what little friend means, but I, Luojiabao, have always been aloof, and have little communication with the outside world.

It's usually enough to deal with some troubles, but it's really a critical period of life and death, and I don't believe those people will be on our side."

After realizing Ye Tian's thoughts, the Castle Lord's face also showed a look of disappointment. Originally inviting Ye Tian to come over was based on his relationship with Ye Zhiqiu, and now it doesn't seem to have much effect.

I'm afraid I made a mistake this time.

The castle owner's heart sank instantly._

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