You old fox..."

"You can see that my apprentice is quite good, but it's a pity that I don't have a handy magic weapon on hand. You Luo family should have quite a few treasures, why don't you give me one, as this time's reward."

But I had something important to discuss at the time, so let's move on and talk about it."

Ye Zhiqiu also screamed in the sky, but this time he was very happy with the ripping off.

As the light spot of Ye Tian disappeared, the crowd also began to riot.

Castle Lord!

Thinking of this, even the usually serious and solemn fort master turned a little red, and then said with a trembling voice.

"Is there anything you dare not, how about it? Have you thought about it clearly?"

"No baby! You can choose any formation here."

"No problem! Hahaha."

"You think too much, can I be so inauthentic..."

"Tell me, what do you want? But now that it's settled, I'm not in charge of this Luo family, so don't use my name to bluff people."

With the appearance of that figure, the crowd instantly became silent. The originally bustling crowd also separated like a tide, making way for a path.

After hearing Ye Tian's words, that Fort Lord's eyes were also measured.

"You see Ye Tian's light spot!"

In this way, amidst the hustle and bustle of discussion, Ye Tian followed the castle owner into the depths of this Luojiabao._

It seems that this young man really lived up to expectations, he should have seen the souls of his ancestors and took out what he wanted.

"Okay! That's it! But you can only take one! Don't think about this tower, this is the last treasure of our Luo family!"

"Lord Castle Lord, where is this, the kid has benefited a lot these days, and there is no such thing as suffering or not suffering.

"Don't talk nonsense with me, just say something!"

Seeing the strange scene outside and the middle-aged man in front of him, Ye Tian also reacted instantly, and hurriedly clasped his fists and said.

However, just as the quarrel and shoving in the crowd was about to reach its peak, a figure slowly stood up behind.

After the transaction was over, the two chatted for a while. After finishing the array of towers he had acquired along the way, Ye Tian hurriedly left the tower.

"Oops don't squeeze me..."

The more Ye Zhiqiu was like this, the more uneasy he felt. From that smiling face, he could see the huge conspiracy buried underneath.

"Alas, it's fine if we can't agree... Anyway, when a few countries are negative, I'll come in person, and I'll probably be able to get a piece of the pie."

As the figure walked to the front of the tower, the crowd became extremely silent, and needles could be heard throughout the venue.

"Presumably this is Ye Xiaoyou. Sure enough, he looks like a talented person at a young age. These days, we are ineffective in doing things, which has caused you to suffer."

"you dare!"

"Okay, then let the little friend say it. Please come with me."

Luo Jiabao spread his hands and looked like he was being slaughtered by you, his rogue spirit was exactly the same as that of Ye Zhiqiu.


"Is this the end!? Hurry up and see what the first magic genius of the past century looks like!"

Luo Jiabao scolded with a smile, and there was a look of helplessness in his eyes. He knew exactly what Ye Zhiqiu was thinking. If he didn't dig something out of his hands, he would feel strange.

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