The violent sound of the wind still had frantic magic elements, and even Ye Tian's body, which had been strengthened countless times, also sent waves of severe pain.

At this time, Ye Tian couldn't help but have doubts in his heart. According to his previous observation, this cloud cloud is absolutely incapable of independently casting great magic.

What exactly is going on?

But now Ye Tian doesn't have much time to think, because with the influx of magic elements, the power gathered in the entire great magic has also reached its peak. There was a loud bang, and the sound of wind mixed with thunder was moving towards the ring in the ring. A corner of Yun Mo was bombarded away.

However, Ye Tian at this time also found that there was no expression of absolute despair or regret on this guy's face, everything was so plain, as if What happened in front of him seemed to have nothing to do with him.

As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is a friend, so Ye Tian immediately took action when he saw this scene.

"Royal law! Condensate!"

Even though it was a normal defensive formation, the materials brewed by the power of the holy stone also exerted unimaginable power at this time.

Originally, such a formation should not be able to fight back in the face of great magic. For this reason, Ye Tian added a few more layers to delay the time.

But what he didn't expect was that just after the formation was completed, the surrounding materials began to independently send magical elements to the formation, causing the defensive power to soar geometrically.

Therefore, although the attack of this great magic was aggressive, it could not do anything for a while.

"What are you still doing here! It's not fast"

Yun Mo, who had already closed his eyes and waited to die, heard the voice, his eyes widened and he panicked.

"Get out of here now!"

Ye Tian pushed away anxiously.

Because at this time he had already felt a very cold mental force locked his body.

"There is a way for you to go to heaven! I thought you should have two brushes, but now it seems that you are just a fool!

Then you will die with him!"

"Nine Heavens Thunder! Lightning Induction Technique!"

At this time, Yun Yi formed a very strange formation with both hands and stuck it on the ground.

I saw that the originally dark blue slate suddenly emitted a little blue light at this time, and the blue light seemed to have some kind of magic power, making the surrounding perfect and noisy environment suddenly quiet.

At this time, Ye Tian also noticed that the surrounding thunder arcs began to be attracted by something, and they gathered in his direction. Slowly, nine huge thunder snakes had formed in the sky, constantly shuttled in the ring. Above, the terrifying power made people shudder.

Ye Tian, ​​who had been sighing at Yun Yi's powerful magic control ability, finally realized something was wrong at this time.

That was? Holy Stone Powder!?

Even though it was only a very small amount, Ye Tian, ​​who got along with the holy stone day and night, recognized it at a glance.

At this time, Ye Tian's heart also set off a storm, he originally thought that this guy had mastered some powerful method to control this powerful force.

Now it seems that this guy has no intention of controlling this power at all, but instead uses another power to protect his body!

This method of killing a thousand enemies and destroying eight hundred is really vicious!_

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