Sure enough, although the child's movement skills were very superb, his disadvantage against a ranged attack like Dashang was immediately revealed.

The thunder arc would make a crackling sound wherever it passed, although such a small attack could not hurt his body, but it directly provided Yunyi with a direction.

"Brother Mo, it seems that you haven't mastered your kung fu! Then don't blame me for being ruthless!"

As soon as the voice fell, Yun Yin also stretched out his right hand and gave it a firm grip in the air.

"Thunder arc! Condensate!"

I saw a flash of lightning in a corner of the arena, revealing a figure in a state of embarrassment.

It's just that although Yun Yi's figure staggered, there was not much panic in his eyes, and he continued to use his body technique, and the speed was much faster than before.

If he was a flying bird floating on the water before, now he is like a giant whale in the deep sea.

Dangerous with a hint of mystery.

Seeing this wisp of cloudy eyes, he was also slightly fascinated, and it was obvious that a bad feeling arose in his heart.

"Shadow Thorn!"

Suddenly Ye Tian felt that the surrounding air was rippling like water waves, and after Yun Yi didn't react at once, a blood hole appeared on his waist.

"You can apply the technique of shadows to this level at a young age, and the future of this cloud ink is limitless!"

Yun Tianheng also said with emotion.

At this time, Ye Tian couldn't hold back his surprise, because he was very familiar with the fluctuation.

Undead Magic!

The powerful undead breath is probably not as simple as just such a magic, I am afraid that the weapon in the child's hand should also be in the undead world.

I like to imagine how this child can resist the cold erosion of undead magic at this age, and use it so skillfully.

Whether it is character or talent, this child has reached a very terrifying level, making Ye Tian not dare to raise a trace of contempt.

At this time, Yun Yi also quickly covered his lower back, but the aura of the undead kept disturbing his body and the blood kept pouring out like a stream, causing his face to turn pale.

Yun Mo's attack is still continuing, although Yun Yi is also working hard, no matter what kind of spell he uses, it seems so vulnerable under Yun Mo's strange speed and terrifying undead attack.

"Ah ah ah! Boy, you forced me!"

At this time, Yun Yi also completely let go of the previous disguise, revealing a hideous expression.

"Great magic, nine days of thunder!"

In a hurry, Ye Tian only felt a slight fluctuation of the holy stone around, and then the original clear sky was already covered with dark clouds.

"Go back! Quick!"

Seeing this scene, Yun Tianheng shouted loudly.

The crowd is so dense now that if the power cannot be controlled, most of the elites of the Yun family in the entire arena will suffer casualties.

This kind of loss is absolutely unacceptable for the Yun family, which is now much worse than before.

Ye Tian didn't leave in a hurry like the others, but went upstream, taking advantage of the time when everyone was in a panic, while resisting the surrounding violent magic elements and sticking them directly around the arena._

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