After shopping, the two and one beast got into a luxury car and drove directly to the venue of the banquet.

According to Anya, this dinner is a kind of charity, which is to let the young people of the major families communicate more. All the money from this auction will be used for construction in poor areas.

Anya was not idle in the car, while chatting casually with Ye Tian, ​​while introducing Ye Tian to the elite children of the major families in this party.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for her to arrive at her destination, and after finishing her clothes and getting off the bus, Anya got rid of the chattering look she had before, and her indifferent expression returned to her face, but she couldn't find anything wrong.

"Miss An's style is still the same!"

"Sister, your skin is getting better and better. My sister will come to visit another day and ask you for some tips on how to care for your skin."

"Sister An, long time no see!"


As soon as Anya entered the venue, people around her kept coming up to say hello. Ye Tian, ​​who was on the side, seemed a little embarrassed, as if she had been ignored.

After all, the upper-class circle in the magic capital is so big, and the young disciples in it don't say they've seen it before, but they all have familiar faces.

In their eyes, a raw face like Ye Tianan is likely to be the male partner that Anya found, after all, this is not the first time...

"Ye Tian, ​​try this, I got it with great difficulty."

Anya picked up a similar glass of wine on the table, and stuffed it into Ye Tian's hands at once.

Seeing the intimacy of the two, the crowd suddenly exploded.

"I'll go, this Miss An is really playing this man, isn't he the one who came here to make up the number this time!?"

"It's impossible that Miss An is not lustful. It has already been spread, and the elites of the magic capital here have chased Miss An. There are no one thousand but eight hundred, and one has any effect.

It's unlikely to find a boyfriend without a word."

"I don't think so, maybe the cycads really bloomed this time?"


Hearing the surrounding discussions, Anya's expression did not change, as if she had expected such a situation, but Ye Tian's eyebrows were slightly angry, and the expression she looked at Anya became a little strange.

What the hell is this woman thinking?

Just when Ye Tian couldn't help but plan to ask, he suddenly heard Xiao Hei's non-stop roar.

Ye Tian couldn't care less about the other people and quickly pushed aside the crowd. In the distance, he saw Xiao Hei and a cat about the size of a palm facing each other.

The cat seemed to be frightened, all the fur on his body exploded, but even so, he still stared at the little black paws, and kept scratching the floor as if provocative, and there was a lady beside him who was helping the emperor. scolded.

Ye Tian, ​​who saw this scene, immediately understood.

In order to prevent Xiao Hei's aura from leaking out, Ye Tian had long since depicted a formation on him that could hide his aura. He originally thought that he would be able to live in peace like this, but it seemed that there was still some eye-opening.

"Xiao Hei, hurry up and come here!"

Ye Tian also had no intention of causing trouble and hurriedly greeted Xiao Hei, touched Xiao Hei's head, comforted him, turned around and planned to leave this place of right and wrong._

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