I have to say that going out shopping with a woman was the worst decision Ye Tian made today.

Everything is silent..._

Due to the experience in the endless sea, Tian's face was not as white as before, but instead showed a healthy bronze color.

Xiao Hei looked at Anya helplessly with fearful eyes, while sneaking off his clothes there. It looked pitiful.

This look is like robbing their wife.

"Sister, we have already chosen tonight. And now, I just feel like a cheetah in rut..."

After about half an hour, Anya's shopping interest finally subsided quietly. At this time, Ye Tian, ​​who was already exhausted, was slumped on the chair next to Xiao Hei who also looked exhausted. The two looked at each other.

"Why are you still not happy!"

"What about your little leopard, there's still time. I heard that there are some pet clothing sellers here. Your little leopard looks majestic and can be brought to the dinner party."

"This blue suit is nice, that's it!"

Anya's identity can be said to be well known in the entire shopping mall, after all, the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce, but this is the only backstage of the largest shopping mall in the entire Magic Capital.

"Don't dare, don't dare..."

In this way, Ye Tian had no choice but to pull out Little Black, who was sleeping well in the car, to try on clothes one by one.

That look made Ye Tian feel uncomfortable.

In Anya's world, it doesn't matter if it is suitable or not, just buy it and try it out.

The original Ye Tian was still quite interested in going around in the entire store, but once he saw the price on the tag, Ye Tian couldn't help but sighed that this guy's clothes are more expensive than people's clothes.

Before Ye Tian could answer, Anya took Yitian's hand and walked into the pet shop next to her.

And Anya has obviously noticed this, most of them are rushing to some clothing styles that can reflect more mature masculinity, and each piece of clothing can perfectly outline Ye Tian's body curve.

Facts have proved that Anya's eyes can be said to be very vicious.

If it weren't for the master's order, it is estimated that he would be ready to violently hurt people now.

Although people all know Anya, they don't know who Ye Tian is. In their eyes, this might be a child of a rich family, so all the female characters who pass by will be ambiguous when they look at Ye Tian, ​​and men...

And Anya continued to show her wealthy side, buying more than 20 pieces of clothes with a wave of her hand.

Almost 20 people greeted each other without passing through an aisle. Anya, who has always been known for her aloofness and beauty, just nodded hurriedly. But it was all bitter Ye Tian.

The pet store can be said to be dazzling, and there are all kinds of clothes of various sizes, some of which are cute, and some of which look graceful and luxurious.

Since they went to a high-end pet store at night, the things inside are naturally high-quality goods, and many things are rarely seen even outside.

Along the way, the nympho look of the female clerk also made Ye Tian enjoy it.

But fortunately, Anya has always maintained a resolute attitude. Almost every time she enters a clothing store, she glances in a hurry and knows which clothes Ye Tian is most suitable for.

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