To say that Uncle Li and Ye Tian's father are really a pair of happy enemies.

The two grew up in the same village, whether it is kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, or even university, they are all in the same class, which can be said to be a wonderful fate.

And the two people have been small since childhood, but they are not the kind of small ones who have a harmonious relationship and help each other.

At the beginning, they began to compete with their toys and pocket money, and gradually began to compare their academic performance. Under the mutual show between their parents at home, both of them had a strong competitive spirit in their hearts.

From one's own wife to one's own children, nothing compares.

Last time, because Ye Tian was admitted to the Jiangdu Magic Teaching, this incident made Ye Tian's father show off for half a year. After the banquet was just finished, he went to Uncle Li's house. I heard that Uncle Li has spent half a year. It can be said that there are some sighs coming from the bedroom from time to time, as if feeling that his son can't fight against others.

I don’t know if it’s because Uncle Li was depressed and kept putting pressure on his son. I heard that his son has also made some achievements while working outside. He established a small and medium-sized company and made a lot of money. money.

I guess this time I'm here to show off...

Ye Tian thought to himself.

Just then the door opened.

As if to verify Ye Tian's conjecture, he followed Uncle Li with his son.

This guy's name is Li Wenwu, but he is not like his name, both civil and military.

As early as in junior high school, this guy was a well-known thorn in the school.

Smoking, drinking, fighting, and talking about one thing, he didn't fall behind. It was because of this that he wasted his studies, so this guy didn't even get into high school. Uncle Li, who used to work in a state-owned enterprise, can be said to be very angry.

Because of the bad records in the school, even if it is a single move, no school is willing to take it. It was Uncle Li, the boss, who finally put him into a pheasant school last year.

It's a pity that this kid is not up to his standards at all. He doesn't feel the same way about losing weight, but he is even more aggressive. I heard that he has participated in a lot of group fights and has cost Uncle Li a lot of money.

And in the end, the incident of a female classmate having a big belly was unbearable, and even went to court. Fortunately, Uncle Li has worked for so many years, and some people can finally settle this matter.

It was precisely because of the "brilliant deeds" of this kid that he became Uncle Li's pain point for so many years, and he never dared to bring him into Ye Tian's home.

At this time, Ye Tian glanced at Li Wenwu, who was dark and cold, with a suit and leather shoes, and even his leather shoes were polished.

At this time, Ye Tian couldn't help but sighed in his heart. It seems that these two guys came prepared this time, and wanted to slap his father in the face.

"Son! Why are you back? Don't tell your mother in advance!"

Seeing Ye Tian's mother-in-law, her face was full of loving brilliance, she came up and gave Ye Tian a hug._

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