Fortunately, when Ye Tian had nothing to do and was sweating profusely, the movements in front of him finally stopped.

The compass and the Qiankun bottle were like two tired children who had just finished playing and playing, and returned to their previous places without a trace of movement.

Just like everything before is an illusion.

Ye Tian, ​​who saw this scene, also suddenly remembered that when he first entered that world, there was a very familiar feeling in his body, but he couldn't tell for a while.

At this time, Ye Tian discovered that the majestic and vast power that enriches the world is nothing but the power of the holy stone!

This thing is actually related to the Holy Stone!?

Thinking of Ye Tian here, he couldn't help but be overjoyed when he just got the Qiankun bottle, he knew that there were 7 holy stones. During this time, although he tried his best to inquire about the news, he never got any information about it. intelligence.

When I dozed off, someone gave me a pillow.

Although there are still many things that I don't understand, but the interests are actually placed in front of me, and I can't fake it.

Suppressing his inner impulse, Ye Tian quickly walked out of the bedroom.

Since my obstacles have been swept away by the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce, I don't have so many worries at this time, and I quickly re-signed the ticket and went home according to the previous plan.

Everything grew so smoothly, about 5 hours later, Ye Tian finally returned to his hometown.

Ye Tian, ​​who had experienced life-and-death crises over and over again in the city that made him think about it, saw all the familiar streets and familiar local accents, and couldn't help but feel a sense of joy in his heart.

Finally... go home.

Ye Tian quickly took a taxi and went to his own community.

Before reaching the entrance of the building, Ye Tian did not choose to go in, but kept arranging his clothes in front of the bright and clean glass, trying to make himself look more energetic.

This may be the so-called timidity of the nostalgia.

After finally packing up, Ye Tian stepped into his house.

What surprised him was that at six or seven o'clock this night, his home was actually empty. Ye Tian quickly sat on the sofa, but found that the door of the kitchen was already filled with various kinds of things. Vegetables and meat, as if to hold a big dinner.

Isn't it right? It's still about half a month before the real summer vacation. I didn't reveal any news to my parents before, I just wanted to surprise them. How did they know that they were going to come back and prepare in advance?

Are there any guests at home?

Just when Ye Tian was full of questions, he suddenly heard the sound of the key being inserted and the chatter outside.

"I said, Lao Ye, why are you being so polite? We just came to take a look, look at you..."

"It should be, it should be, how dare I neglect you when you come, don't you think so? Lao Li."

"Ha ha..."

Although the conversation outside looked very harmonious in terms of content, Ye Tian could also feel the sharpness and the mutual ridicule.

And hearing two familiar voices outside, Ye Tian's expression changed wildly.

The people outside are his father and Uncle Li who comes to visit every other year._

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