The movement within the dynasty naturally could not escape the attention of the people on the island, and at the same time in the small towns around the imperial city.

"Lord, look!"

"Formation?! This Su Qing can't help but use this trick in the end, huh, after all, it's a little girl, I'm still worried that there is no way to catch it!"

An old man kept supporting his beard and said slowly.

If Ye Tian can definitely recognize it here, this is the island owner of the vortex!

I saw the golden light flickering in the island owner's eyes, he pondered for a moment, and then said to the man next to him who looked like a servant.

"This circle is not complete at all, and the attack range is very limited, so you don't tell the soldiers not to act rashly.

Didn't that Huang Yuntian escape in a few days ago? It seems that Su Qing wants to play a game, but this young man is still too tender...

You quickly strengthen the defense of the surrounding roads. Once that Huang Yuntian has any movement, you will quickly pounce on it! When necessary, you can take some thunderous measures.

In war, some sacrifices are inevitable."

The island owner narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the golden formation in the distance, and even the supreme scenery of his own great deeds and rewards came to his mind.

In his heart, this little trick of Su Qing could never be hidden from his eyes.

Turning his eyes, Huang Yuntian didn't know that he had already been counted, looking at the more and more majestic formation in the distance, and now he began to beat violently.

As the time drew nearer, Huang Yuntian looked around, and those imperial city guards whom he had finally recruited, sighed involuntarily.

These guards were originally selected from various islands, and they were all good players back then, but after so many years of comfort in the imperial city, they had already given up on their own cultivation, and instead took their own offerings to the surrounding towns. Eat, drink and have fun.

Their originally strong bodies have long been hollowed out by wine.

It can be said that over the years, not only have their own magical attainments not progressed at all, but even the blood in their hearts that originally belonged to the strong has been worn away.

It can be said that the people behind Huang Yuntian are just a group of waste wood who only eat, drink and enjoy themselves.

Huang Yuntian naturally knew that this group of people was unreliable. At this time, he had already prepared for the worst in his heart.

Just when Huang Yuntian was about to sacrifice himself to attract attention, Su Qing's voice suddenly came from his ear.

"After another quarter of an hour, when the surrounding troops are almost gathered, you pretend to use the forbidden spell to try your best to attract their attention!

Remember that your purpose is not to destroy the enemy! Your survival is worth far more than the enemies you kill!"

After Huang Yuntian heard the order, there was no embarrassment in his eyes because his own thoughts were seen through, but more reverence.

This is the wise and domineering Su Qing in his impression!

The arrogant girl who strives for the first place in every aspect!


At the same time in the very center of the imperial city.

"Aunt, can we both leave?"

Looking at Su Qing with a serious face in the center, Su Wei asked tentatively.

"Don't worry, wait, wait... That old fox won't be hooked so easily..."_

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