Time slipped away like this, and under people's anxious waiting, it was finally midnight.

At this time, the entire imperial city was completely silent, and it looked like a dead city from a distance, and there was no shadow of people at all.

At this time, Ye Tian and Su Wei were accompanying Su Qing to reach the midpoint of the central axis of the entire imperial city. Next to a huge sculpture.

The sculpture is about ten feet high and is depicted with the face of a middle-aged man. The dense wrinkles on his face show the wind and frost he has experienced. Although the statue as a whole looks a bit worn out, it is just there with a kind of contempt for the world. The momentum is so great that one cannot ignore it at all.

"May the ancestors bless! I hope the endless sea can survive this ordeal!"

As soon as the words fell, Su Qing placed her token in a groove in front of her, and the rumbling sound quickly echoed throughout the imperial city.

As the voice got louder, the statue in front of him also began to move, I saw his hands slowly raised, the whole statue was covered with a kind of golden pattern, which looked very mysterious, but it was touching again. Don't mind.

The entire stone platform also began to slowly rise, revealing an incomparably huge halo.

The halo was not static, but kept floating up and down, as if trying to break through this limit.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian's heart also began to thump up.

Magic circle!

This is the first time Ye Tian has come into contact with magic in so many years. After all, this is a very mysterious inheritance on the entire road. It is said that there are not many people who study magic arrays that value talent very much, and general aptitudes are common. Basically, if you exhaust your whole life, you can only display some small magic circles, and it doesn't have much effect at all.

Therefore, this industry is slowly hidden from people's sight due to the withering of talents.

But despite this, magic exists in people's minds, and whenever a formation master appears, it will be madly robbed by major forces, and many superhuman characters will be treated as guests.

After all, the magical power of moving mountains and reclaiming seas and breaking millions of masters with a wave of hands has long been firmly engraved in people's bones.

bang bang bang!

Seeing that the preparations were almost done, Su Qing quickly took out a storage ring from her arms,

With the opening of the storage space, a stream of holy water was quickly poured into the magic circle in front of him.

At the same time, the halo under the circle began to become brighter and brighter, began to gather continuously, and slowly formed a large aperture, surrounding the entire statue.

"Four Elephants! Get up!"

Su Qing frantically motivated her mental power and roared towards the sky,

As the voice reverberated, only seeing the huge statue in front of him, he opened his eyes instantly, and two fierce rays of light shot out from it.

The light did not shoot out very far, as if it was mounted on an invisible film and scattered again.

At this time, Ye Tiantai realized that the sky above the entire imperial city where he was located, seemed to be enveloped by this huge light film, exuding a faint golden brilliance, giving people a very strong coercion.

That feeling is as if the gods are watching the ants._

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