The record ends abruptly here.

At this time, Ye Tian was only deeply shocked, and he kept recalling the appearance of the holy stone at that time, how could it be a simple thing that could cause disputes in the whole world.

What happened back then, to let these powerful families slip away the holy stone they had finally obtained?

Ye Tian put the book into his arms, simply said goodbye to Suning and left the library.

There is definitely something more important hidden here.

But fortunately, in Ye Tian's heart, he was very satisfied with the results of this trip.

According to the above records, and the knowledge Ye Tian has learned over the years, Ye Tian at this time can roughly infer that the time when the Su family left the mainland happened to be a node.

That is, the news of the holy stone is basically blocked in the crowd, and the dynasty period on the entire road has come to an end.

You must know that after the end of the dynasty, people have made breakthroughs in scientific research.

The industrial revolution has greatly facilitated people's lives and gradually cast the present very modern world.

And all of the latter have no relationship with the Su family, because at that time they had just reached the stage where the endless sea was still taking root, and the appearance of this phenomenon also led to the development of the Su family in the endless sea and the entire continent. Civilizations are completely out of touch.

Although there are limitations in many aspects such as resources, but one day to understand the idea is the biggest imprisonment.

And the faint Ye Tian can feel that this seems to be a very extreme differentiation, that is, the power on the mainland is now more advocating for technology, although the magician still has a sublime, but for ordinary people, it is too far away .

The people on the endless sea are more like ancient times, basically everyone can use magic, and they are constantly pursuing the ultimate in magic.

I have to admit that the magic level of the endless sea is much higher than that of the mainland.

One day at this time, I suddenly thought of something, that is, what Principal Su once said to him, Dalu must have some understanding of the endless sea.

However, people who want to come to the road must know very little about this place. If they know the existence of the holy stone, some high-level officials will definitely take action against the endless sea without hesitation.

It can be said that the ferocious environment here in the Endless Sea has instead become a natural barrier. Some relics of this dynasty era can still live here safely.

The continent and the endless sea seem to be two very independent entities, quietly developing under such a wonderful balance.

After thinking about all this, Ye Tian immediately returned to his bedroom and called Su Wei over.

Su Wei held the golden book in his hand and looked at it intoxicated, his face full of shock.

Ye Tian also smiled slightly when he saw this scene, after all, there are many master records about the glorious history of the Su family in this book.

If an ordinary person who has lived on the mainland for more than ten years actually knows that he still has such an identity, I am afraid that everyone will show this expression.

After a while, Solvay also read the whole book to suppress his mood, and then said.

"What the hell are we going to do now!?"_

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