There was no magic on the roads in ancient times.

At that time, people only pursued to develop their potential to the extreme, and used their powerful bodies to fight against the various beasts that existed around them.

Although the progress of development was extremely slow at the beginning, in the first half of the year, humans gradually learned to use tools, relying on their own ingenuity and the ability to unite far beyond other beasts, and gradually became the master of the continent.

This is how human civilization began.

As the tribal life that had just begun ended, slowly dynasties were established.

A dynasty was established and then destroyed, and the whole mainland fell into the stage of Chenxiong Dispute.

And just when this was something that changed the direction of human civilization, it appeared.

It was a very calm night, and a meteor shower suddenly appeared in the sky.

Originally this was just an ordinary phenomenon, but slowly and suddenly someone realized that they seemed to be able to run faster and jump higher.

Slowly, some people with extraordinary talents appeared on the mainland, and they seemed to be able to sense some kind of mysterious power in the natural world.

This is the rudiment of magic.

At that time, the magic element on the entire continent was much higher than it is now, so the birth rate of magicians has gradually increased. Almost every civilian on the continent will use one or two magic, and it is because of this. The brutality of wars on the continent also began to increase.

The important position of the magician is gradually reflected in all kinds of wars, big and small.

This is how the Canaanite Empire came into being.

This is the first magic kingdom on the whole road. His symbol symbolizes the beginning of a new era on the whole road.

The emergence of the kingdom, to a certain extent, promoted the popularization of magic, and slowly people began to establish a complete system about magic.

And it is this that makes the research of magic develop in a blowout style.

Most of the systems Ye Tian and the others use now were established at that time.

With the deepening of research, people finally know the reason for this change.

Holy Stone!

As soon as this discovery was revealed, there was an uproar on the road.

And the first to bear the brunt was the emperor of the Canaan Empire at that time, because he was the first to discover the holy stone.

The fire of war once again spread to this continent.

There were more than one holy stone that landed on this continent, and although people at that time had such a concept in their hearts, they didn't know how to use it.

And those families or countries that got the holy stone all hid the news, so after this short upsurge, the continent fell into silence again.

And that's when a clever alliance emerged.

No one knows his name, but the only certainty is that it is made up of countless families who have received the Holy Stone.

Ye Tian, ​​who turned to this page, couldn't help but feel a little helpless, because the back was all golden paper, as if it was a part for future generations to fill.

In the last text, there was no mention of what the alliance did at that time and its contents, and only a short sentence was left.

The holy stone will be permanently sealed, and the name is also blocked in subtle ways.

How the holy stone was sealed, and where it was sealed, there is not much written description in it.

This is the end of the era of strife._

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