After listening to the blood ancestor said these words, Ye Tian only had two words in his heart.

Crazy! This is a total lunatic!

The most obvious taboo in undead magic is that it is forbidden to obtain power through other means to summon undead creatures.

You must know that although the undead magical creatures have lost most of their consciousness, their original physical strength is very strong, so even the current soul body has some residual obsessions.

Don't underestimate this small obsession, it often becomes the biggest obstacle for necromancers to communicate with undead creatures.

Many necromancers who are not familiar with the world are often disturbed by these obsessions due to their lack of strength and delusions of summoning powerful undead creatures.

In light of this, the second half of the life will be spent in ignorance, and in severe cases, it will be violently killed on the spot! It can be said that this is an absolute forbidden place, and it is the first lesson of every undead magician!

As if aware of the shock in Ye Tian's eyes, the blood ancestor smiled self-deprecatingly, and then said.

"Maybe you think I'm a lunatic, but when such an epoch-making discovery is in front of you, I'm afraid you will do the same as a young man.

Maybe it wouldn't be like this if that person was there back then..."

"That man is Astali!"

"How do you know! Is that guy still alive?"

"Dead. Died to break the gates of the mirror world."

"Mirror world! That trash Luo Tian shot at him."

Suddenly, the blood ancestor in front of him seemed to have been stabbed by some kind of sting, and the shaking of the chain that was trapped on him began to rattle, as if it would open at a certain moment.

After struggling for a while, the blood ancestor still put down his hands weakly.

"Senior, what was it like back then?"

Feeling that the blood ancestor was almost calm, Ye Tian asked quickly.

"Since you already know about Astali's existence, it doesn't matter if these Mishin stars tell you.

That was many, many years ago, and I have even forgotten what it was like to see Astali for the first time. At that time, the Endless Sea was still very conservative and did not welcome outsiders.

So Astali just arrived at the endless sea and was hunted down by various islands. But at that time, his undead magic was already very outstanding, so despite the lack of strength of the people on each island, he didn't win it for a while.

This story was passed on from time to time, and it slowly spread to my ears.

At that time, I had been working on how to completely combine undead creatures with people. At that time, I had reached a bottleneck period.

So I am also very curious about what this outstanding necromancer from the mainland is like.

The next thing became very simple. When I saw his strength for the first time, I was full of shock. I never thought that a magician on the mainland could reach this level,

So I managed to keep him in the endless sea against all odds.

Slowly he became a friend of mine.

I also began to try to tell him my thoughts. As a necromancer, he naturally also has a strong interest in the limits of life.

So we hit it off and we started researching.”_

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