As soon as the voice of the big man who claimed to be the blood ancestor just fell, a very violent, as if containing endless resentment, swept in the direction of Ye Tian.

At this time, Ye Tian had just realized that he was in a mental state, and the damage caused by the mental attack in this state was increasing exponentially.

Just when Ye Tian tried his best to find his body, he saw that the very violent mental power seemed to be like encountering something terrifying, and it dissipated like a tide.

"'re an alien!"

The big man in front of him made another sound, which made people feel like his teeth were brushing. It was just that in this voice, there was no longer the arrogance and domineering before, but there was a trace of fear.

Although Ye Tian was unknown at this time, there was still a faint feeling in his heart that the change in the attitude of this big man was related to the system, and Ye Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief when he thought of this.

"Now can we talk about who you are?"

"I'm just a remnant of a soul in the world now. It won't take long for me to dissipate. I have no use value anymore. You can go."

"I'm not someone from outside the sky as you said, nor from the Su family. I just got something by chance. I'm more curious about who you are?"

At this time, Ye Tian has calmed down and said in a deep voice.

In fact, Ye Tian also has some guesses in his heart.

The spirit just now had a very violent and gloomy aura, but Ye Tian felt the same when he used the summoning technique for the first time.

And feel it carefully, Ye Jue's mental attack just now has the same origin and the same origin as the so-called twelve undead holy beasts.

This guy may have something to do with Tully back then!

When he learned that Ye Tian was not someone from outside the world, the big man in front of him no longer had the fear he had before, but the awe in his eyes couldn't be hidden.

"I am the honorary knight of the Su family, the so-called security of the Su family from generation to generation, but this honor is actually broken in my generation.

Back then, we had just taken root in the endless sea, and we were flourishing, coupled with the constant exploration of the surrounding islands, so the national strength reached an unprecedented grand occasion.

There were no wars of all kinds, so I was free. So I set my sights on the holy stone."

Hearing this, Ye Tian suddenly became alert, the holy stone is a holy stone, how many secrets are involved in this holy stone?

However, Ye Tian also knew that this was not the time to ask questions, so he nodded and signaled the blood ancestor in front of him to continue.

"The non-attribute magic element in the holy stone is a great temptation for every magician.

So at that time, I obtained a lot of holy water with my own connections, and I also extracted some valuable things from it.

Later, I slowly discovered that the undead magic element required for using the summoning technique can be completely replaced by this non-attribute magic element!

After discovering this, I kept using these holy waters to summon all kinds of powerful undead creatures, and I got a lot of benefits from them.

In this way, my strength is rapidly increasing."_

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