You two little guys come in quickly, and when you finish this matter, you are considered your own..."

The palace was densely covered with buildings, which also gave Ye Tian and Su Wei room to escape. The figures of the two kept jumping on the various minarets, and there was a faint trend of getting rid of these soldiers.

This guy really is a eunuch!

The old man's legs could not be seen how fast, but the movement speed exceeded Ye Tian's expectations.

The structure of the interior is very simple, with a long carpet in the center, which still continues the style of the entire palace and looks very luxurious. At the end of the carpet is a pile of very complicated knives.

Ye Tian hurriedly released a high-level magic, although it would be shameful for a magician to shoot an ordinary person without any magic, but at this time Ye Tian couldn't care so much.

Ye Tian saw that his magic didn't have much effect, so he planned to turn around and run. But just turned his head and found that there was already a dense crowd of soldiers standing in front of the open door.

"Earth Bulwark!"

"Giggle...I knew it wasn't that simple for you two little guys...Yo, you're still a high-level magician. Where are the guards!"

"Solvay, run!"

Once you get out of this dynasty and reach the flat ground outside, you will probably be at a disadvantage with fewer enemies and more enemies.

At this time, Ye Tian could see the whole picture of the house clearly.

Damn it! You guessed it right!

Although he looked expressionless on the surface, Ye Tian always felt that this old man had a gloomy feeling.

"The God of Fire Blesses!"

The old man pushed open the door in front of him that had not been opened for some time, and walked in quickly.

This old man is definitely not easy!

Su Wei immediately saw the change in the expression on Ye Tian's face, and immediately reacted to those things around him.

There's a man's stuff in there...

The old man's feet suddenly took a strange step, the whole body tilted at a certain angle, and swayed back and forth.

"This uncle... aunt... er... is it too late for the two of us to go back on it now?"

Directly, the old man picked up a small knife that looked cold and light next to him, and walked straight towards the two of them.

Ye Tian and Su Wei quickly took advantage of this opportunity to escape.

The old man didn't seem to mean that the two of them would say such a thing. The corners of their mouths were slightly raised, and they looked very eerie in this slightly dim room.

At that time, let's not say that the two are exploring the secrets! I'm afraid even how to get out will become a problem!_

"Do you still want to go here? I'll break your legs if you dare to run!"

Although the distance is getting farther and farther, Ye Tian's expression at this time is still very unsightly. Ye Tian can clearly feel that no matter how he runs, the number of soldiers below will only increase.

However, it was just a movement that looked like a convulsion, but it just avoided all Ye Tian's attacks.

Those soldiers didn't seem to have thought that Ye Tian would still be so resolute and unpredictable when facing so many of them, and suddenly a hole was opened.

As the old man stepped into the room in front of him, it suddenly became brighter.

But what attracted Ye Tian's attention at this time was the neatly arranged bottles and jars on both sides.

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