Sir? How many years has our family not heard this name, giggle..."

Ye Tian and Su Wei resisted the discomfort in their hearts and followed the old man quickly.

The servants lived on the edge of the entire palace, or directly in the towns closest to the palace.

I have to say that laughing is uglier than crying...

Maybe let him find the truth and accept it more easily...

The design of the palace is very particular. Generally, the important members of the royal family will be on the central axis, and some princes will be placed slightly to the east.

But this old man led Ye Tian and the others to the west.

Originally, the two of them did some homework before coming to the Endless Sea System, and also had a general understanding of the structure of the palace in that era.

After that guy finished speaking, he stretched out his disgusting-looking fingers and pinched the two of them twice.

After saying that, the old man waved the handkerchief in his hand and walked in with his waist that looked very soft.

"Standard? There's really no such thing. I think you two are thin-skinned and tender, and you don't look like those who suffer... If you really want to come, then come with me!"

At this time, Ye Tian turned his head, but seeing Su Wei's hopeful eyes, he couldn't help but sigh.

How disgusting that look is.

The two quickly followed the old man into the carriage, and after about half an hour, a magnificent city appeared in front of them.

The huge city in front of it is completely different from most of the other wooden structures on the entire island. The overall building of the city is cast with sand and stone, and the exterior is painted with a layer of color paint, which looks majestic and full of momentum.

"Ye Tian, ​​why do I feel something is wrong..."

The more I listen to Ye Tian, ​​the more I feel that there is a kind of urge to slap this non-male or female thing in front of me. But in order to enter the palace, Ye Tian still gritted his teeth and held back a blunt smile. .

"This gentleman, I just want to ask, if you want to enter the palace, what standards do you need?"

"Don't watch you two little guys. When you watch it in the future, hurry up and enter the palace with our family. There are still important things to do."

From a purely outward appearance, one would think that this is a behemoth rising up in a resource-poor island group.

Seeing this scene, Su Wei could only endure his constantly churning stomach and bite the bullet.

Su Wei walked slowly to Ye Tian's side and whispered.

If it wasn't for a special person to lead, Ye Tian would never have thought that such a place still exists on this seemingly dilapidated island.

Thinking of the legendary thing, Ye Tian couldn't help but get goosebumps._

Is it...

And the various gorgeous castles inside this huge wall, both the pattern and the overall design, are much better than those Ye Tian had seen in the museum.


Around the city, there are constantly patrolling soldiers, one standard armor, which looks extremely majestic.

A very bad feeling suddenly rose in Ye Tian's heart.

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