Sunu, tell me, what exactly is this so-called knighthood?"

"Brother Ye, you have just arrived in the endless sea, so you may not know something. Although there are as many as 10 islands in this endless sea, there is only one largest.

Royal Island!

Now the headquarters of this alliance is located in that place, and most of the royal people live there. However, due to the mysterious disappearance of the previous orthodox royal family, the entire alliance has no leader, and there are constant disputes between the various islands. , the position of the head of the alliance has not yet been determined.

So that place is not as heavily guarded as before, and anyone from the Endless Sea can land on it to take a look.

And the reward for the mineral deposits in this competition, in addition to the distribution of some more resources, is that you can go to the imperial city to obtain the title of a coronated knight.

What is the use of this world now?"

After listening to Su Nu's words, Ye Tian nodded.

Originally I was planning to return home, but now it seems that this mine still needs to be fought for!

As if aware of the expression on Ye Tian's face, that Su Nu said in surprise.

"Brother Ye, you don't want to..."

Today's popularity among the younger generation of Eddy Island has almost reached a terrifying level, so after Ye Tian said it, everyone's face was a little teasing, but it was not easy to attack, so he had to take the initiative to follow Ye Tian towards the direction of the hole. go.

It only took about half an hour for Ye Tian to arrive at the destination of the trip.

What he didn't expect was that this place didn't have the tense atmosphere he imagined, instead it looked 10 minutes lively, just like a vegetable market.

"I heard that the group of boys from the dark island retreated in a daze!"

"I heard that they were beaten by a mysterious powerhouse. It is estimated that Fengxing is the only one with that power..."

"Don't talk nonsense, Fengxing and the others are exploring the mines on foot, how can they have so much effort. I heard that it was beaten by the people on Eddy Island!"

"How is it possible for Eddy Island?! Don't say that Haier didn't come this time. Even if Haier came, he wouldn't have the ability!"

"The people from Eddy Island are here!"

With the arrival of Ye Tian and the others, the originally noisy area suddenly became silent.

During this period of time, the fact that Ye Tian had urinated the people on the dark island had obviously spread throughout the entire small island, and everyone looked at the eddy current with a trace of awe.

The people on Eddy Island obviously have not enjoyed such treatment, so they are cautious along the way.

At this time, Ye Tian led the crowd to find a fairly flat place to camp. After watching him during this period of time, it was obvious that the hole in front should be the so-called mine hole.

Around this hole, various flags are erected. These are obviously people from various islands. It is estimated that they should also be sent by the elders of the clan to carry out this task, but because of the popularity Strength does not dare to make mistakes.

Ye Tian, ​​who had a general understanding of the surrounding situation, simply sorted out his things, and turned his head and said to the people on Eddy Island.

"You stay here, I'll go into that cave to explore..."

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