At the same level, the elemental body has almost suppressing combat power against magicians with other attributes.

After a quarter of an hour.

"Big brother...big brother...You take it easy, we are wrong. There is something to say, after all, we are all people in the sea of ​​ruthlessness."

"You are me or not!"

Ye Tian sneered, looked down at the man in the luxurious robe and said lightly, through what he had just learned, he already knew that this guy's name was Li Qiang.

This Li Qiang is from Dark Island.

Dark Island is one of the weaker islands in the endless sea. Because it has no special products and few people living in it, it is often forgotten by people in the endless sea.

And all the shrimp soldiers and crab generals who were just brought down by Ye Tian can be said to be the strongest group of their younger generation.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian couldn't help but smile awkwardly, it seems that this vortex island is not as bad as I imagined.

"Tell me what's going on on the island now?"

Ye Tian let go of the man's hand and asked lightly.

"Now basically all the teams on the islands of the Endless Sea have arrived on this small island.

Except for some extremely powerful ones who are still watching at the entrance of the cave, the rest are constantly wandering around, trying to find other exits.

Now the entrance to the mine has basically been occupied by a kind of strong man led by Ye Tian from Whirlwind Island. It is basically impossible to get in through the hole that is easy to defend and difficult to attack."

"What about Eddy Island?"

"They don't seem to be doing anything in the east of the entire island. It is estimated that they should have given up the competition for the mines like me, right?"

Ye Tian's expression suddenly became unnatural, it is estimated that these guys should still be there waiting for him...

Thinking of this, Ye Tian didn't dare to stop, but he just moved his footsteps and seemed to suddenly think of something, and hurriedly turned around and said to Li Qiang.

"You know what to do."

"Yes, yes, big brother, don't worry! I will lead the others right away, and I will never interfere with this matter again!"

Ye Tian nodded after hearing this, but just as he was about to leave, he was stopped by that Li Qiang.

"Can this brother tell you your name so we can visit in the future!"

"Whirlpool Island, Ye Tian!"


The area of ​​the island Ye Tian was on at this time was not very large, it was only about 1/8 of the size of Eddy Island. Therefore, Ye Tian only spent two or three hours walking towards the east, and he had already come to an end.

At this time, the people of Eddy Island had already stationed the camp around, and the red color was very conspicuous from a distance. Ye Tian had already arrived at the camp soon.

"Brother Ye, you are finally back, but we seem to be a step too late this time. The entrance of the cave has already been occupied by others. Otherwise, let's go home this time!"

"That's right, what are you trying to do with that group of people!"

"Just for such a so-called title, what do you want!"

"That's right, anyway, the final benefits will not be part of our heads!"

As soon as I saw Ye Tian, ​​everyone seemed to have found the backbone, and began to discuss with various hands and feet, but Ye Tian at this time was a golden light flashing in his eyes.

Knight title?

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