Although the body of the giant whale has recovered seven to eighty-eight, but because the attack just now consumed too much energy in its body, there is no way to complete the long-distance travel task at this time.

Now I can only temporarily cultivate around and wait until I recover my stamina before leaving.

"Why don't we go inside..."

I don't know who spoke first, and the surroundings began to cater to him.

"it is good!"

"I see it!"

"Let's go!"

Ye Tian took the lead and walked towards the passage where he was holding him, while observing the surroundings vigilantly.

The inside of this cave is empty, and apart from the film before, there is no trace of man-made.

At this time, everyone could only swirl around in the cave like flies with no head.

"What happened to that bone whale before?"

Being bored, Ye Tian hurriedly found a team member and asked.

"A thousand years ago, there seemed to be a very powerful necromancer in the endless sea.

At that time, people in the entire endless sea had just left the first stage and finally found this very dense island and were fighting against the local indigenous people, so the undead magic flourished for a while. At that time, various islands also appeared on the island. Many very outstanding necromancers.

In this way, in the process of the indigenous struggle, we gradually gained the upper hand, but I don't know when a lunatic suddenly appeared and broke the situation.

He claimed to have found a magic that could make undead creatures permanently exist in this world, and there were still a group of people who followed suit, so this experiment started slowly.

However, for some unknown reason, this time came to an abrupt end, leaving only these creatures that were experimented at that time.

Because the attack power is too large and it is difficult to tame, they can only be exiled in the endless sea.

The strange thing is that these creatures have always had their own fixed areas of activity, and I don't know why they ran above our route this time."

Ye Tian couldn't help but touched his chin. Obviously, the powerful necromancer in the mouth should be Astali. As for why this experiment was terminated, it was obviously related to Astali's departure.

In this way, Ye Tian and this group of people chatted with each other, because of what happened before, so now the hearts of this group of players have long since disappeared without a trace.

Ye Tian didn't give up this opportunity, and began to inquire about a lot of information about the Endless Sea among this group of people.

Now it can be said that he has a general understanding of this endless sea.

The long passage gradually consumed Ye Tian's heart little by little, just when he was about to give up this place, the person in front suddenly exclaimed.

"Look what the hell is that!"

Following the direction pointed by the finger of the frontmost player, Ye Tian saw as if there was a very thin shadow sitting in front of him.

As the distance got closer and closer, Ye Tian could see clearly that it was a mummified corpse.

At this time, Ye Tian suddenly felt a little weird, this place is so dense with water, it is logically impossible for there to be mummified corpses.

There must be something odd here!

"Everyone, stop now!"

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