Suddenly Ye Tian's pupil shrank. At this time Ye Tian's eyes have been filled with a kind of deep green.

And behind the huge green ball of light in front of him, was the big mouth that the bone whale had already broken free.


Ye Tian only heard such a word, and suddenly his eyes fainted.

Ye Tian, ​​who was in a daze, felt that his body was floating at an extremely fast speed in the sea following the body of the giant whale under him.

In the end, Ye Tian only heard a huge collision sound, and then lost consciousness.


"Where is this?"

Ye Tian touched his head and stood up in a daze.

Ye Tian, ​​who had just woken up, hurriedly touched his body in a panic, and he was relieved after checking that he had not suffered any substantial damage.

Ye Tian felt the atmosphere around him, the team members should be by his side.

In the darkness, Ye Tian walked around for a while, feeling that what they were in now seemed to be in a hole.

Ye Tian hurriedly cast a light technique, and at this moment, the entire entrance of the cave completely appeared in front of him.

Where is this place?

The hole in front of him is much bigger than Ye Tian imagined, and the surrounding walls are very smooth, obviously it should be an underground cave washed out by sea water.

Ye Tian hurriedly looked around to see that the rest of the team members were lying scattered in the cave, and their slightly undulating chests proved that they were still alive.

Although some people were obviously affected by the attack just now, and their clothes were tattered, their breathing should be fairly even, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

Ye Tian gathered all the other members of the team together and released a light spell, and the wounds on everyone's body were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After about a quarter of an hour, most of the members slowly straightened up.

"Do you know what this place is?" Ye Tian asked quickly.

The rest of the team members shook their heads one after another, stroking curiously.

Ye Tian reluctantly sat on the ground to regain some physical strength. The most urgent task now is to find water and food, otherwise he will starve to death after being trapped in this cave for a long time.

Ye Tian tentatively took two steps forward, and soon felt a thin film covering his body, and when he moved forward, there was endless sea water on the opposite side.

Ye Tian carefully looked at the thin film at the entrance of the cave, which had an obvious magical aura, which was obviously the handwriting of other magicians.

This place has definitely been visited by other people, so that means there must be other outlets for this place!

At this time, Ye Tian didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly ordered the almost recovered team members to search around.

Sure enough, a few hundred meters away, the body of the giant whale that was riding before was found, as well as a deep passage behind it.

Since giant whales are also mammals, they still have the ability to survive for a certain period of time in such a space. Although the body has exposed the bones and a lot of rotten flesh, the powerful vitality is still maintaining the operation of his body.

Ye Tian quickly cast a light magic, slowly repairing the body of the giant whale, and then everyone pushed it into the ocean together.

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