The fourth-order monster griffin is not uncommon in the Kingdom of Finland, and the green robe magician is not unfamiliar, because in the kingdom of Finland, the famous sky magician is composed of magician and flying monster griffin. The lineup is very strong.

Basically, the magicians who can join the sky magician are composed of some young heroes selected from various cities, as well as the veteran magicians with strong skills, and each of them is not inferior to him in terms of strength.

However, the sky magician is not usually dispatched, and is mainly responsible for guarding the Finnish city.

The Finnish city is not a deserted city, but the capital of the Kingdom of Finland. The royal palace where the royal family lives is also in the Finnish city. It is the location where the most powerful magicians are located in the entire kingdom of Finland.

Unless there is a war, or an attack by a neighboring country, such as a battle with a magician belonging to the intruder's magic city not far from the Kingdom of Finland, it is possible to dispatch a sky magician.

At this time, the housekeeper of the city lord's mansion in Lanhuang City, as well as seven other sixth-order magicians, riding the fourth-order beast griffin, slowly descended from above the void in front of the city lord's mansion, and stayed not far in front of the city lord's mansion. of an open space.

As for why all the people from the City Lord's Mansion are sixth-order magicians, but there are no seventh-order magicians, the reason is actually very simple.

The seventh-order magician is a huge watershed, just like the second- and third-order magicians are divided into primary and intermediate magicians, and the fourth and fifth orders are divided into intermediate and advanced magicians.

The sixth-order and seventh-order can be divided into high-level magicians and great magicians. After entering the seventh-order magician, there have been earth-shaking changes in both strength and status. It can be said that they have officially entered the powerhouse. 's ranks.

A magician with a strength of the seventh rank can get a title even in the kingdom, and even the royal family of the kingdom will only win over. How could a magician of this rank enter the city lord's mansion and become a servant-like existence Woolen cloth!

Although most of the low-level magicians are proud to work in the Lanhuang City City Lord's Mansion, this only represents the low-level magicians, not including the seventh-level magicians and the powerful magicians above.

The middle-aged man in green robe looked forward to the eight sixth-order magicians of the city lord's mansion sitting on the body of eight fourth-order beast griffins, his eyes were full of envy, when would he be able to reach this level of strength.

Immediately, he sighed helplessly.

He is only at the fourth-order level now, and he is not too young in age. I am afraid that it will be possible to reach it when he is old and dead.

The housekeeper of the city lord's mansion released a total of nine fourth-order monster griffins, and their own people sat on eight of the griffins, and there was an extra one, and no one was sitting on it.

"Go up, the griffins are faster, you lead the way!"

The butler of the City Lord's Mansion glanced at the blue-robed magician lightly, then looked at the unmanned griffin and said.

The middle-aged man in green robe hesitated for a while after hearing the words, and then he looked at the fourth-order beast Griffin with some worry. There was nowhere to cry.

"Hurry up, dawdling, the griffins in the City Lord's Mansion have been specially domesticated, and they can't hurt anyone!"

The butler of the City Lord's Mansion seemed to see what he was thinking, and his expression showed disdain and said indifferently.

As soon as these words came out, the middle-aged Qingpao breathed a sigh of relief, walked slowly towards the griffin, and climbed up.

The griffin is very large, with a size of four or five meters, and it is no problem to seat several people.

After everything was ready, a group of nine, led by the middle-aged man in green robe, flew in the direction of the Forest of Monsters.

"Isn't that the steward of the City Lord's Mansion and the guards? What are they going to do, aggressive?"

"I don't know, it seems that someone has provoked the City Lord's Mansion. They are going to ask for an explanation!"

"That direction seems to be going to the Forest of Monsters, right?"

At the same time that the people of the city lord's mansion flew in the direction of the forest of monsters, some poor people, nobles and magicians in Lanhuang City noticed this scene, raised their heads curiously, and then discussed with each other.

"You don't know that, do you?"

At this time, an adventure team that came back from the forest of monsters passed by, one of them said.

"Don't we know, you know?"

Some other personnel, hearing this man's words, couldn't help asking questions.

"Hehe, this matter has spread in the Forest of Monsters now, and we have just returned from the Forest of Monsters, do you think we know about it?"

The young magician of the adventure team was not angry either, and sneered.

As soon as these words were said, the surrounding crowd was also a little dubious. These people had not been to the Forest of Monsters for a while, and they were not very clear about what happened there.

"If you know it, say it, what nonsense?"

Someone in the crowd was upset, groaned, and said.

The returned adventurer team knows that even if this matter is not disclosed at the moment, after a while, the adventurer team that is still in the forest of monsters will return, and everyone will know it, and it is not concealed at the moment.

"When we just came back, we seem to have heard that Jesse, the third young master of the City Lord's Mansion, died in the forest of monsters. He was killed by someone. We don't know exactly who killed it!"

"Right now, the stewards of the City Lord's Mansion are going to the Forest of Warcraft for this matter!"


"Master Jesse died in the forest of monsters, who is so bold, dare to kill him?"

"That's right, don't you know that Master Jesse's father is the lord of our Lanhuang city Barlow?"

"If it is found out this time, the magician who killed Master Jesse will definitely die!"

When the surrounding crowd heard the words, their pupils shrank sharply, their eyes showed shock, and they started talking.

"I don't think that Master Jesse died in the hands of our Lanhuangcheng people!"

The talking young magician dragged his chin with one hand, thought for a moment, and then said.

"Didn't he die in the hands of our Lanhuangcheng people, did he die in the hands of other city magicians?"

Someone was puzzled and asked again.

"That's not what I mean. What I want to say is that Mr. Jesse may not have been killed by our own people, but by the magician of the invader's realm not far from Lanhuang City!"

"Not long ago, when I was in the forest of monsters, I also heard that a human magician who invaded the realm broke into the territory of the kingdom of Finland in the outer area of ​​the forest of monsters!"

The young magician smiled and expressed his opinion again.


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