When Ye Tian was approaching the junction line, on the other side, the magician team that found the bodies of the young city lord Jesse and others also sent people back to Lanhuang City and came to the outside of the city lord's mansion, ready to inform the city lord's mansion. man of.

For some reason, they didn't dare to move the corpse without permission, so they could only send one person back to inform this side, while the other people stayed on the spot, waiting for the people from the City Lord's Mansion to confirm, and they couldn't do anything about it.

If the dead were other ordinary adventurers, even if they were magicians of the fifth rank, they would not care.

After all, he is an adventurer, and he is in the forest of monsters, so casualties are inevitable, and no one can guarantee that there will be no accidents.

But the key is that the person who died is the son of the city lord of Lanhuang City, or is in the outer area, which is not a trivial matter.

The city lord of Lanhuang City is an eighth-order magician, and even among all the magicians in the Kingdom of Finland, he belongs to the top group. Even the royal family of the kingdom is not willing to offend easily, but someone dares to do something to Jesse, it is simply courting death.

If this is found out, the magician team may not even think about living.

The man who came back was a middle-aged man wearing a cyan magic robe. Because he was a wind magician, his speed was relatively fast, so the other people let him come back to Lanhuang City alone and inform the City Lord's Mansion.

The City Lord's Mansion is a huge mansion, surrounded by walls on all sides, decorated with endless luxury.

There are guards on duty at the gate, there are about a dozen people, all of them are third-level intermediate magician-level strength, and two are fourth-level strength, divided into two teams, guarding both sides of the gate. , do not let outsiders approach privately.

The wind element middle-aged man didn't know what to say when he saw this lineup, he could only secretly sigh about the power of the City Lord's Mansion.

Among the guards at the gate of Dangdanglian, there is a magician of the same level as himself.

Not to mention, what will happen inside the City Lord's Mansion.

The wind element middle-aged man just came here, the guard on duty at the gate of the city lord's mansion, someone saw his figure, saw him standing by the aisle at the door, affecting the appearance of the city lord's mansion, walked up to him Drive out loud.

"That guy over there, what are you doing standing here! This is the City Lord's Mansion, not a place you can get close to!"

"Several magicians, I have an important matter here, I want to meet the city lord, I don't know if you can tell the city lord on my behalf, it's really important, I'm afraid there will be an accident! "

The middle-aged man in the cyan magic robe was stunned for a moment, but he also turned his head. Hearing the words of the city lord's mansion guard, he did not leave, but retreated to the side. He was not able to walk in the center, and then approached. went up.

"The city lord has a distinguished status, let's not say that you are not in the mansion at this time, even if you are there, you can see it if you want to see it. If you have anything important, you can tell us first, and if we think it is appropriate, we can take you to tell it. One sound!"

"Otherwise, all the little things will be passed on to the city lord. If he is to blame, none of us will be able to eat and walk away!"

Among the guards on duty at the gate, a fourth-level guard team captain hesitated for a while, and then said.

He didn't want to pay attention to it at first, but after thinking about it, he really had to do something important, but because of his own reasons, it was delayed, it would be bad, so he still asked the man in the blue magic robe.


The man in the cyan magic robe had a happy expression on his face, and hurriedly responded, and then told the guards on duty about the discovery of the young city lord Jesse's body, and he didn't dare to hide it at all, anyway, they didn't kill the person.

"It's like this..."

I saw that the guards at the door suddenly changed their expressions when they heard the words of the blue-robed magician.

"You said you found Master Jesse's body in the Forest of Monsters, and he was killed?"

Among them, the captain of the guard who opened the question stepped forward and confirmed it again, for fear that he had heard it wrong.

"Exactly, we didn't believe it at first, we thought it was wrong, but it's not that our entire magician team is wrong, right now the other members of my team are guarding there, I'm coming back to inform From the City Lord's Mansion, by the way, lead the way!"

The middle-aged magician in Qingpao heard the words, sighed helplessly, and said.

"Who do you know when Master Jesse went to the Forest of Warcraft?"

The captain of the guard team turned heavy, glanced at the other guards, and asked.

"More than a week ago, I saw Master Jesse taking his five personal guards out. I think Master Jesse had already gone to the Forest of Monsters at that time. I don't know the details!"

When the guards heard the words, they looked at each other, and then one person seemed to know something and answered.

"You wait here first. The Lord of the City is not in the mansion now, and I have gone to the palace with a few court magicians to discuss matters. If I won't be back in a short time, I will inform the housekeeper first!"

Hearing this, the captain of the guard team nodded, and without asking any more questions, he turned to look at the middle-aged man in green robe and said.

"Okay, let's go!"

The middle-aged man in green robe hesitated a bit, but still replied.

Right now, he can't leave. The guards of these people's mansions will not let him leave until the matter is completed, so they can only wait here with peace of mind, waiting for the steward of the city lord's mansion to come out.

After waiting for a few minutes, the captain of the guard who entered in front came out again.

At the same time, there was an old man beside him, wearing a brown magic robe. His body exuded a strong aura, and he had reached the peak of the sixth-order.

"This is the housekeeper of our City Lord's Mansion, now you repeat what happened just now to him!"

Sure enough, when the two came to the door, the captain of the guards introduced the middle-aged man in green robe.

"Okay, my lord, here's the thing..."

The middle-aged man in the green robe didn't say much nonsense, and used short words to repeat the previous words again.

"Okay, I'll call a few people, and you'll take me there right away!"

The old man in the brown magic robe raised his palm, blocked his words, and said indifferently.

The man in green robe nodded and waited quietly.

It didn't take long for seven or eight auras to rise in the city lord's mansion, all of them being magicians of the sixth rank.

Under the housekeeper's instructions, they flew out of the house with him, and under them sat a huge monster that looked like an eagle. The green-robed magician recognized those monsters as fourth-order flying monster lions. Eagle.


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