The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3031: Dragon Shadow

Chapter 3031 Long Ying Shengteng

Wu Xin appeared outside the Orange Heart Pavilion.

When he looked at Zhuang Fengyu, his face became a bit ugly.

Several people around him are also looking dignified.

Zhuang Fengyu looked at Wu Xin and other people and said: "How many of you are people in Orange Heart Pavilion?"

Wu Xin said: "I am the elder of Orange Heart Pavilion. I don't know if Zhuang Gongzi came to our Orange Heart Pavilion. What happened?"

Wu Xin gave birth to a bad feeling.

They are all very clear.

That is what Zhuang Fengyu is pursuing for Yan Yuting.

"Are you all blind? I haven't heard my question just now, or do you want me to repeat it?"

In the tone of Zhuang Fengyu, a sudden burst of cold killings, the momentum of the body, makes many people feel chilling.


Many people take a breath.

"It is the first existence of the flame list, so the strength is really terrible."

"Zhuang Fengyu came to the Orange Heart Court this time. I am afraid that the person who came here is not good. I am afraid that the person who is the Orange Heart Court can't resist it?"

"I don't know if Xu Feng is still in the Orange Heart Court. If it is, it is estimated to be dead."

"It is no wonder that Xu Feng did not dare to come out from the Orange Heart Court. Whoever provoked Zhuang Fengyu did not dare to care."

The streets on both sides of the Orange Heart Pavilion and the Wangdan Pavilion gathered a lot of warriors, all of which whispered.

Wu Xin’s face was a bit ugly. He looked at Zhuang Fengyu and said: “Zhuang Gongzi, Xu Feng is the alchemy teacher of our Orange Heart Pavilion.”


"That kid is actually an alchemy teacher. Can it be said that the medicinal herbs that were launched before the Orange Heart Court were refining from Xu Feng?"

Qiu Cheng heard Wu Xin’s words. His eyes were all killing, and his heart was resentful.

"That kid is a horrible talent, he is able to refine the third-order Shangpin spirit, it is terrible."

Qiu Cheng is very clear.

Xu Feng is so young, able to refine the third-order Shangpin Holy Spirit, which means that talent is very against the sky.

Zhuang Fengyu said slowly: "Since he is the alchemy teacher of your Orange Heart Pavilion, let him roll out and see me!"

Zhuang Fengyu's tone is very dignified. He used a scrolling word directly, which is extremely arrogant.

However, Wu Xin said: "Zhuang Gongzi, it is unfortunate that you came, Master Xu has left our Orange Heart Court for four days!"

The words of Wu Xin sounded, and the whole scene was a loss.

Qiu Cheng’s eyes are all angry.

He looked at a few people around him, and the few people shyly bowed their heads.

Qiu Cheng is very clear.

Wu Xin did not dare to deceive Zhuang Fengyu.

Zhuang Fengyu cheeked and asked: "Where do he want to go, do you know?"

Wu Xin shook his head. "How can we know!"

"I left alone?"

Zhuang Fengyu asked a few people.

Wu Xin, they all have a gaze, and their eyes are hesitant.

"What are you doing?"

Zhuang Fengyu asked.

Wu Xin said: "Zhuang Gongzi, it seems that the smoke girl and Master Xu left together, specifically where to go, we really don't know."

Zhuang Fengyu’s cheeks became awkward, and his eyes sparkled with a sense of killing.

"Very good, in this case, you Orange Heart Court, there is no need to exist!"

On Zhuang Fengyu's body, a strong momentum broke out, and his eyes were all killing, and his body was very cold.

"Fast into the Orange Heart Court, use the bundle of dragons to lock the sky!" Wu Xin burst into a bang and turned to go to the Orange Heart Pavilion.


The bundled dragon locks the sky array and the whole orange heart pavilion seems to have become very strong.

"Hey, the district system can also resist me?"

"It's a joke!"

The strong momentum of Zhuang Fengyu broke out, and the moment of his palm lifted up, the body of the mystery broke out.

Zhuang Fengyu’s sentiment was chilly and sinister, and his attack came out, causing the void to become cloudy.


With the moment when Zhuang Fengyu stepped out, the palm of his hand was like a condensed endless wind, and he went out to the bombardment of the Orange Heart Pavilion.


The bundled dragon locks the sky and suddenly makes a squeaking sound, and the burst of spiritual power continues to overflow in all directions.


The continuous bombardment of his palms caused the Orange Heart Pavilion to collapse completely.


The face of Wu Xin and others is a big change. The strength of Zhuang Fengyu is really terrible.

Even if it is the six-fold cultivation of Wu Xin's creation, it is impossible to resist the attack of Zhuang Fengyu.

"Want to run?"

Zhuang Fengyu's eyes do not bring any feelings.

The palms of the hands successively bombarded, and the figure of the road fell to the ground.


Wu Xin spurted out a blood, his eyes were all sly, said: "Zhuang Fengyu, you are so bullying, you are not worthy of being the first in the flame list, the arrogant woman like the smoke girl, how can you look at you like this? Rubbish!"

"On the surface, you seem to be a talented person, and it seems to be handsome and talented!"

"But you are narrow-minded, you can't get anything, and you don't want others to get it."

"When you compare with Master Xu, it is really a matter of difference. It is no wonder that the girl of smoke is interested in Master Xu, but I have been disdainful for your pursuit for so many years!"

The voice of Wu Xin continues to stir.

His eyes are resentful.

Since all are dead, it is good to be able to vent their anger when they die.

"You can rest assured that it will take a long time, Master Xu in your mouth, he will also accompany you!"

Zhuang Fengyu hit a palm on the head of Wu Xin, he looked at the death of Wu Xin.

"I will kill Xu Feng that you said by hand. When it is time, it is not a difference!"

Zhuang Fengyu walked to the side.

Everyone has made way, and their hearts are full of fear.


Xu Feng and Yan Yuting walked on the Longyuan Valley.


Just as they walked, the entire Longyuan Valley suddenly became turbulent, as if it were an earthquake mountain shake.

Xu Feng’s face suddenly changed, and the central part of the Longyuan Valley in the distance, even a horrible shadow, rose up.

Throughout the Longyuan Valley, all the warriors are staring at the illusion of the shackles.

"Dragon Shadow?"

“Longyuan Valley really has a dragon?”

"I don't think our luck is so good. Is it the dragon of Longyuan Valley that is about to appear?"

Many people are chasing them out quickly in the place where the dragon shadow rises.

For a time.

The entire Longyuan Valley is full of sly sounds, all of which are chased out to the dragon shadow.

Xu Feng glanced at the smoke and rain around him, saying: "Smoke girl, let's go and have a look, join in the fun!"

“Is there really a dragon in Longyuan Valley?”

Yan Yuting and Xu Feng also quickly moved to the Dragon Shadow, and their speed was very fast.

The dragon shadow in the distance is constantly rising, and the horrible momentum is really shocking.

Even in the Longyuan Valley, many of the flames of the flames have also swiftly gathered toward the place.

(End of this chapter)

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