The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3030: The tragedy of Orange Heart Court

Chapter 3030, The Tragedy of Orange Heart Court

"Smoke girl, you found no, it seems that this hole is somewhat unusual!" Xu Feng asked Yu Yanting.

Xu Feng's eyes looked around the surrounding walls, and he found that the hole was artificially created.

Yan Yuting looked around, she also found clues, said: "It seems that this hole is artificially opened."

The walls inside the cave look smooth and flat.

"Let's go in!"

Xu Feng said to Yan Yuting.

He didn't know what was in the hole.


The two are like this, and they are constantly deepening into the cave.


Xu Feng and Yan Yuting went to a ridiculous place, his eyes were on the front and his eyes were bright.

"There is another mystery, there is a battle here!" Xu Feng looked at Yan Yuting, he slowly said.

"Array method?"

Although Yan Yuting is the third in the flame list.

However, she really does not know anything about the formation.

Xu Feng stepped forward and a flame appeared on the palm of his hand.

The moment the flame burns.

In the air, there is a circle of light blue flames, with the burning of flames.

Originally looking at the ridiculous place, it turned out to be a new look, and what appeared in front of us seemed to be a paradise.

Yan Yuting's eyes wide open, she looked at the surrounding environment, her face changed, "a beautiful environment!"

The scenery is beautiful, as if it were a picture.

Not far away.

A table is placed there and it looks very clean.

There is no dust on the table.

"The thatched cottage over there, we have a look."

Xu Feng took Yan Yuting and walked quickly toward the front thatched cottage.

The thatched cottage is very neat.

The pervasive are all faint and quiet.


Pushing the door of the thatched cottage, Xu Feng walked inside, and did not know how many years he had experienced this thatched cottage.

"Hey, what is this?"

Xu Feng looked at the shelf next to it, with two medicinal bottles and a reel.

At the same time, next to the scroll, there is a worn animal skin, which is very traces of the years.

Xu Feng took the medicinal bottle down, his eyes slightly picked up and opened the medicinal bottle.

The scent of the bursts filled out, Xu Feng said: "It turned out to be the fourth-order best spirit of the Holy Spirit..."


It is a pity that when the drug came out of the medicinal bottle, it shattered and shattered.

These medicinal herbs have passed through the ages for too long, and once they come out of the medicinal vials, they become powder.

"Oh, some pity, if these remedies are good, they can give it to you!"

Xu Feng looked at the smoke Yan Ting.

Another medicinal bottle, the medicinal herbs inside, is also crushed.

However, Xu Feng looked at the scroll.

When he opened the scroll, he slammed, and a sword slammed into the door of his face.

Xu Feng suddenly evaded, his eyes looked at the scroll inside the hand, turned out to be a fourth-order under the holy spirit.

"Green Emperor Phoenix sword."

Xu Feng looked at the sword. He looked at the smoker Ting, and he did not hesitate to send the scroll.

"This is a sword, I don't like to practice swordsmanship, just give it to you, the remaining piece of the skin, count me, how?"

Xu Feng said to Yan Yuting.

Yan Yuting looked at the animal skin. She frowned and said: "The animal skin is broken and can have any value."

"You give me this sword, I will give you a good spirit, it is a fair deal."

"As for the worn hide, it is still yours!"

Yan Yuting is very clear.

If it weren't for Xu Feng, she would not be here.

She could not break open by the outside array alone.

"Forget it, we come here together, naturally it is an even distribution."

Xu Feng handed the sword to Wu Yuting.

He walked to the front of the broken hide, took the hide, and the light shone in his eyes.

"This is not a remnant figure of the broken frosty fire before, is it a map?"

Xu Feng’s heart is a surprise. The piece of the picture he obtained before is very pleasant.

However, he wanted to find the frosty fire, but it was very difficult, but he did not expect to find a broken map.

Xu Feng put the residual picture together.

Yan Yuting took out some of the Chinese spirits and said: "Xu Feng, these middle-quality Lingjing give you, you quickly accept, otherwise I can't learn and practice mentally."

The misty crystals handed over by Yan Yuting, exudes pure spiritual power.

"Since you are in a good situation, then okay!"

Xu Feng said.

Still accept a few hundred pieces of Zhongpin Lingjing.

His current cultivation is upgraded, and Zhongpin Lingjing is more valuable to him.

"Let's go!"

Xu Feng looked at it, there was nothing else, and he wanted to leave.

He has some heart can't wait, want to see the frosty fire, where is it?

The two walked toward the outside.

When they went back, they did not follow the old road just now, but another road.

Yan Yuting walked behind Xu Feng and said: "Xu Feng, after going out, where are you going?"

Yan Yuting has some loss in his heart.

I have been with Xu Feng for so many days.

She discovered that Xu Feng did not deliberately attract her attention, but this guy, really did not have any interest in her.

"For the time being, there is no good place to go, or go back to Hard Rock City first!" Xu Feng said to Yan Yuting.


Yan Yuting should have a voice.


Xu Feng looked at the appearance of Yan Yuting, and he frowned and asked.

Yan Yuting has some slap in the heart.

She didn't know what happened to her. Suddenly she didn't want to be separated from Xu Feng.

Xu Feng naturally does not know the inner thoughts of Yan Yuting.


Hard Rock City.

Outside the Orange Heart Pavilion.

A young man, handsome and handsome, is the object of many women's worship and love.

However, his face at the moment is awkward, saying: "What is the relationship between Xu Feng and your Orange Heart Pavilion?"

"Isn't that the first fan of Zhuang Fengyu? He really came to the stone city, this is the trouble to find Xu Feng!"

"Zhuang Fengyu pursued Yan Yuting for so many years, how could he allow, a young man who just appeared, get the heart of Yan Yuting."

"I don't know if Zhuang Fengyu will kill Xu Feng?"

When many people look at Zhuang Fengyu, they are full of excitement.

Zhuang Fengyu is the first in the flame list.

His strength is naturally beyond doubt.

For so many years, no one can shake.

Qiu Cheng stood outside the Wangdan Pavilion. His face was awkward and said: "Surely, Zhuang Fengyu is here!"

"This time, I have to see, Xu Feng, the kid, how can you leave alive?"

Qiu Cheng’s heart is full of excitement. He can’t kill Xu Feng. That’s because Yan Yuting is the shield of Xu Feng.

Yes, Zhuang Fengyu is here now.

Even Yan Yuting is not the opponent of Zhuang Fengyu.

(End of this chapter)

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