The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3006: Alchemy Master Wan Ping

Chapter 3006 Alchemy Master Wan Ping

"Wu Xin, it seems that you are orange heart, it is sincere to be right with our Wang Dange!"

In the eyes of Qiu Jun, there are cold and cold intentions filled with water. His face is cold.

As the famous shop in the city of Shishi, Wangdan Pavilion is the industry of Qiujia. The master behind it is Qiu Cheng of the 16th Flame.

"Qiu Wei, we don't say whispers in front of us. You look at the Dange Court for our Orange Heart Court. The recent impact is not small."

"When you look forward to the third-order Chinese product, the Holy Spirit, will stop bleeding and heal Dan, isn't it competing with our Orange Heart Court?"

"If I watched you killing people in our Orange Heart Court, wouldn't it be that we are orange heart, will it be worse than your Wang Dan Pavilion in the future?"

Wu Xin did not let it go.

His voice is powerful.

What emerges between the gods is firm.

Xu Feng stood behind Wu Xin, his eyes slightly picked up, his heart said: "It seems that Orange Heart Court is a good place to go."

Xu Feng knows that Orange Heart Court and Wang Dan Court are competitive relations, and his eyes are deep in his eyes.

"Very good, very good, since you don't give me the face of the Dange Pavilion, then don't blame me for being welcoming."

In the eyes of Qiu Yan, with a cold,.

"Kid, don't think that you can hide in the Orange Heart Court, you can live!" Qiu Yan's eyes flashed, and the look was cold and killing.

Xu Feng spread his hands and said: "You come to bite me!"


Qiu Xiao almost did not spurt blood.

Everyone in the city of Stone Rock is a person with a head and a face, and how can it be said that it is so bright and honest.

His eyes are dignified, and his eyes are cold and killing. "You kid, you will die very badly!"

Qiu Yu turned his head and said to the crowd: "Whoever can kill the imaginary kid who is in the opposite direction, and then buy the medicinal herbs in our Wangdan Pavilion, and enjoy a 10% discount!"

As the voice of Qiu Yu sounded, many people on the scene were hot.

You know, in the flame battlefield, the demand for the drug by the military is quite large.

Xu Feng’s eyes are full of killing intentions, and he said: "Since you want to use medicinal herbs to kill me, then I will use medicinal herbs to make Wang Dange disappear forever in the city."

Xu Feng itself is a hate for the Qiu family.

Unexpectedly, Qiu Jun is still so poisonous.

Wu Xin's eyes are calm, said: "Our Orange Heart Pavilion welcomes you to come to buy medicinal herbs, but if someone comes to provoke a mistake, my Orange Heart Court is not a good idea."

Someone looked at Wu Xin and said: "Wu Xin, we are not killing people in Orange Heart Court. Is it still not?"

Wu Xin heard the words, said: "Since you are not killing in Orange Heart Court, it is naturally not much relationship with our Orange Heart Court."

"We still don't believe that the kid doesn't leave the Orange Heart Pavilion."

Many people have said one after another.

Xu Feng walked inside the Orange Heart Pavilion.

Xu Feng is like this, leisurely looking for in Orange Heart Court, he is constantly looking for all kinds of spiritual materials.

Wu Xin came in from the outside, his face was wrong and strange, he did not expect Xu Feng to be so indifferent.

You must know that at the moment, outside the Orange Heart Pavilion, you want to wait for Xu Feng to leave. There are no one hundred and fifty.

Is this kid's imaginary ambiguity seven repairs, even fearless, or is the newborn calf not afraid of tigers?

"Little brother, there are many people waiting to kill you outside. If your parents are very powerful, you can give me some news. I will find someone to help you out and let them come to rescue you."

Wu Xin looked at Xu Feng, a slow road.

Xu Feng heard the words and said: "My parents are very powerful, but they can't come here for a while, and you can't bring a letter."

Xu Feng's voice is very calm, and the look is light.


Wu Xin is somewhat worried about the safety of Xu Feng.

"Little brother, don't you want to leave the Orange Heart Court?" Wu Xin asked.

If Xu Feng really does not leave the Orange Heart Court, he is not good enough to drive Xu Feng out, but they are orange, and they are afraid that they will not be able to continue to do business safely.

"I really want to leave. When I find two kinds of spiritual materials, I will leave the Orange Heart Court!"

Xu Feng said to Wu Xin.

"Which two brothers want the two spiritual materials, maybe I can do it for you." Wu Xin said to Xu Feng.

"The third-order superb spirits Vatican Xianshui, and the third-order Shangpin spirit material, green lure!" Xu Feng said.


Even Wu Xin is a glimpse.

Xu Feng said that the two kinds of spiritual materials, he only heard of the third-order Shangpin spiritual material, green lure.

As for the Vatican Xianshui, he really did not hear it.

"Little brother, what do you need to do with these two spiritual materials?"

Wu Xin asked.

Xu Feng said with dissatisfaction: "Are you orange business is doing business? Or investigating guests?"

Wu Xin smiled a little slyly. It was Xu Feng who was too young. He didn't think Xu Feng was an alchemy teacher.

However, if there is an alchemy teacher behind Xu Feng, the predicament of their Orange Heart Court may be solved.

Only the third-order Shangpin Alchemist Wan Ping of Orange Heart Court can't cope with the competition of Wang Dan Pavilion.

"Our Orange Heart Court is of course doing business. This green green dew is sold in our Wang Dan Pavilion, but the price..."

Before Wu Xin finished speaking, Xu Feng said: "How many Lingjing you need, you directly said."

"The third-order Shangpin Lingcai green lure, the price of our orange heart pavilion is 34,000 spirits."

"As for the Fanhai Xianshui you said, I have never heard of it." Wu Xin said to Xu Feng.


For the price of green lure, Wu Xin did not have a high price.

Xu Feng said: "This Fanhai Xianshui, you may know the alchemy teacher of Orange Heart Court, you can ask him."

"As long as he can come up with Van Gogh, I can satisfy him with a request."


Even Wu Xin is somewhat unhappy at the moment, it is Xu Feng's tone is too arrogant.

They are the alchemists of Orange Heart Court, and that is the third-order Shangpin alchemy division.

How can Xu Feng be required to meet the requirements?

"Good boy, I will help you to ask, if you dare to fool Laozi, I can't eat you!"

Wu Xin turned and walked inside the Orange Heart Pavilion.


"Master Wan Ping, there is a kid outside, the tone is very arrogant, he needs the third-order supernatural spirits Van Gogh water, but I have never heard of it, just ask the master?"

Wu Xin asked.

Wanping heard the words and his face changed slightly. He said: "As far as I know, this Vatican Xianshui, but refining some of the spiritual materials of the fourth-order Holy Spirit Dan, even someone asked about the Vatican Xianshui?"

"Ah? Is there really a spirit of Vatican?"

Wu Xin said strangely.

Wanping said: "Yes, this kind of spiritual material is very rare, and it is very precious, so we don't have it inside the Orange Heart Pavilion."

Wu Xin’s eyes are very different.

Wan Ping asked: "Who wants to buy Van Gogh?"

(End of this chapter)

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