The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3005: Orange Heart Court

Chapter 3005 Orange Heart Court

Xu Feng walked in the city of Hard Rock. He went to a place with some bustling streets and saw this street. There were two shops.

The two stores are large in size and are located on both sides of the street, seemingly forming a competitive relationship.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and the two stores were Orange Heart Court and Wang Dan Court.

"If you want to come to this Wang Dan Pavilion, you should need an alchemy teacher. I can use the Wang Dan Pavilion to find the green lush that I need, and the water of the sea."

Xu Feng looked at this Wangdan Pavilion with a Dan character.

However, he happens to be an alchemy teacher.

Simply go to Wang Dange.


Wang Dan Pavilion seems to be very lively. There are warriors entering from time to time, and there are also alchemists.

When those people came to Wangdan Pavilion, the people who greeted them were full of smiles and looked at everyone.

When Xu Feng came to Wang Dan Pavilion, a middle-aged man, his face was somewhat disgusted.

"Hurry and roll, we don't need a handyman in Wang Dange, and the opposite of Orange Heart Court likes the handyman like you."

The middle-aged man is the elder of Wang Dange.

This person is the cousin of Qiu Cheng.

Qiu Yan.

Xu Feng heard the words, slightly frowned, said: "I came to Wang Dange, not to be a handyman, but to buy a third-order spiritual material, green lure and third-order supernatural spirits, Van Gogh water."

At the moment when Xu Feng spoke, many people around him looked at Xu Feng, and some people even laughed.

"Ha ha ha... This kid knows two kinds of third-order spiritual materials, and he will take the initiative to say it. Isn't this a handyman?"

"It’s ridiculous. I want to enter the Wangdan Pavilion and I don’t know how his aunt taught him.”

"This stone city is so dangerous. He came to Wang Dange alone. It is not a good thing to come to his aunt."

Many people around, have been unscrupulously mocking.

When Xu Feng heard the words.

His eyes, with a cold and murderous intention, looked at the person who said something to the party, saying: "If you dare to say more than one word, I will let you die immediately in front of the Wangdan Pavilion!"

Several people not only humiliated Xu Feng, but also insulted his parents with impunity.

Xu Feng is like this.

He can suffer humiliation, but he can't abuse his loved ones, especially his parents.

"Hahaha... Kid, you are quite arrogant. What place do you want to see Dange, and can you scatter wild?"

"What is your parents, you really think that I am afraid that you will not be!" The man who insulted Xu Feng's parents, he did not put Xu Feng in his eyes, even more unscrupulous roar.

Inside Xu Feng’s eyes, there is a spurt of killing, and the spiritual power of the body is rapidly stirring.

"you wanna die!"

Immediately, the spiritual power of his body floated instantly, and the golden fist was unstoppable to attack the man.

The man had disdain on his face at first, and he said: "I am standing here. If you can beat me, it is your skill."

However, when Xu Feng’s fist was only a step away from him, he felt the impact.

"No, this kid is not easy!"


Unfortunately, when he rushed to deal with it, the whole person was shaken out and blood was sprayed from his mouth.

Xu Feng is on the body, very fast, stepping on the man's face with a kick, great strength.

The sound of the cockroach came out, and the man’s cheeks were sunken, and there was blood flowing in his mouth.

"What are you, you are also qualified to insult my parents, do you know that if my father is here, what you have just said is enough for all the people around you to die without a place to die."

Xu Feng’s words rang, and many people looked condensed.

"Hey, this kid's strength is good, isn't his parents very powerful?" Someone heard the words, could not help but wonder.

"Elder Qiu Yu, here is the Wang Dan Pavilion. Some people dare to provoke your life in front of your door. This is your face!"

The man who was stepping on his head by Xu Feng, he made a cry for help from Qiu.

He wants to struggle.

I found Xu Feng's strength at the foot is very strong.

As a four-fold cultivation of the realm of creation, he was unable to struggle.

The man’s words rang, and Qiu’s eyes narrowed.

He looked at Xu Feng and said: "Kid, let him go, here is Wang Dange, you can't let you go wild here."

Xu Feng has just heard the name of the man calling the other person. It is no wonder that this person is a man of the Qiu family.

He is a killer for the people of the Qiu family.

The current anger said: "What are you doing, or you have no long eyes, he just insulted me!"

"What's more, the place where I am now is the street of the city, but it is not the site of your Wangan Pavilion."

"Or to say, you Wang Dange thinks that you can dominate the stone city?"

Xu Feng directly put a high hat on the other side.

"Kid, you are looking for death!"

The strong momentum of Qiu Jun’s body broke out. This person turned out to be a six-strong warrior in the creation of the environment, and the spirits on his head violently emerged.

"Do you think he can save you?"

Xu Feng’s eyes looked at the man at his feet, and the spiritual power of his body flowed, and the cockroaches flew out.

The strength of the incomparable strength, the men's chest, are directly smashed, the man is going out to Qiu.

"Ah! This kid is crazy, he dares to provoke so much!"

Someone looked at Xu Feng’s behavior and replaced Xu Feng with a cold sweat.

"you wanna die!"

Qiu Yan’s eyes were all cold and cold. He kicked the man out on one foot and the man fell to the ground. His eyes were unwilling, but he died.

Xu Feng just glanced at Qiu Yu, and took a step and walked toward the opposite Orange Heart Pavilion.

He thought that Wang Dange had a Dan character and he only went.

I did not expect this Wang Dan Pavilion to be the management of the Qiu family.

Immediately, he is very fast.

"Hey boy!"

Many people looked at each other and did not expect Xu Feng to go to the Orange Heart Pavilion.


Qiu Yu still stayed up and headed out toward Xu Feng.

Xu Feng quickly appeared in front of the Orange Heart Pavilion.

The strong wind behind him came and his eyes were extremely calm.

On the left hand, a man with gray hair, his eyes slightly picked up.

On the side of his body, the attack of the palm and the mound collided.

"Qiu Wei, you are crossing the border!"

The man’s voice is very calm.

Qiu Yu stepped back a few steps. He looked at the man in front of him and said, "Wu Xin, this kid is killing in my Wang Dange. Do you want to cover him?"

Wu Xin turned his head and looked at Xu Feng. He turned his head and looked at Qiu.

"Since he came to our Orange Heart Court, it was our guest of Orange Heart Court. You think about it, if I let you kill him, who will come to our Orange Heart Court in the future?" Wu Xin slowly said.

(End of this chapter)

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