The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3003: Soul skill

Chapter 3003 Spiritual Technology

"Is it only five thousand Chinese spirits?"

Xu Feng’s eyes were cold and murderous, and his mouth whispered slightly.

The opposite face of Chen Wenhao is full of killing and ridicule.

"Kid, you really think who you are, five thousand middle-class spirits, in the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield, enough to kill the top 30 members of the flame list!"

Chen Wenhao's eyes are disdainful.

At first, he did not understand at all.

Why does Qiu Cheng spend five thousand Chinese spirits?

Even let everyone kill a child with a false world.

However, after knowing Xu Feng’s killing of Du Futian’s five peaks, he understood why

It is a horrible talent to revive the seven sacred ambitions and to kill the five peaks of the creation.

"Next, as long as I kill you, I can get five thousand Chinese spirits." Chen Wenhao finished.

The spiritual power of the body continues to flow, and what he comprehends is the mystery of power, and the spirit of his body is stirring.

Above his head, a strip of spirituality emerges constantly, forming strong waves of waves.


Chen Wenhao said, above the hands, the spiritual power gathered, became unstoppable, and shot toward Xu Feng.

When he attacked, many people were merciful. They felt that Xu Feng was afraid to suffer big losses.


Xu Feng’s golden light appeared, he did not dare to have any care, and sixty spirits emerged.

His golden fist also attacked Chen Wenhao's palm, and his body, gravity, broke out.

Many people feel that the body becomes heavy, they are extremely difficult to move, and their faces are very ugly.

"This kid, he actually realized the gravity of the righteousness, how is this possible?" Some people feel the momentum of gravity and the meaning of Xu Feng's body, he is stunned, his face is stunned.

Even Chen Wenhao was shocked. He never imagined that Xu Feng could understand the gravity.

"Oh, I don't think you can understand the gravity of the righteousness. Unfortunately, your cultivation is too low. You are not my opponent after all."

The power of Chen Wenhao’s palm is too horrible, and the spiritual power is constantly chaotic.


With the collision of the fist and the palm of the hand, Xu Feng displayed the inflated tyrants and the hot waves rolled.

He felt a strong impact, violently attacked his arm, and he went backwards.

I have to say that Chen Wenhao is the first strong opponent that Xu Feng came to the flame battlefield.

His body went back and forth for dozens of steps, and finally he stood firm, and his blood was rolling.

"The strength of horror, this person is worthy of being a member of the 97th Flame List." Xu Feng's heart is full of dignified emotions.

"Yes, I can resist my hand, no injury, you are unusual."

Chen Wenhao did not hesitate to stay on top of him. His 60 spirits are accompanied by strong momentum fluctuations.

Immediately afterwards, his palms were shot out one after another, each time making a squeaking sound.

"But, next, you are probably not so lucky!"

Chen Wenhao said.

The palms become more powerful, and the spiritual power floats like a choppy wave, bringing incredible shock.


The strong momentum fluctuations of the inflated tyrants made the emptiness of the emptiness, as if it were shocking.

The violent waves of the waves rushed in all directions, forming a flame-like shock wave.


Xu Feng’s fist constantly collided with Chen Wenhao’s palm, and the spiritual force moved toward the surroundings and continually rolled.

Within a few ten meters of the square, everyone has retreated. They are afraid of the aftermath of the two men and hurt themselves.


Xu Feng spurted out a blood, his face became ugly, and the whole person squatted on the ground.

Chen Wenhao was on the top of his body, and his hands were on his hands. The strong spiritual power fluctuated and he went out to Xu Feng’s shackles.

Xu Feng is a pair of eyes, I can see that Chen Wenhao really wants him to die here.


The spiritual power of Xu Feng’s body flowed, and the whole person turned from the ground and avoided Chen Wenhao’s palm.

A bang.

The palms of the palms are on the ground, the smoke and dust are everywhere, and the ground is cracked, it is terrible.

"Hey, are you hiding?"

Chen Wenhao continued to rush.


Xu Feng’s body was once again shaken out, and his internal organs were rolling.

The power of Chen Wenhao’s comprehension is really strong.

"Kid, if you want to avoid it, then I have to look at it. How do you avoid my third-order Holy Spirit?"

Chen Wenhao's eyes narrowed and the pupils were filled with cold and fierce killings. The momentum on his body became terrible.

"Half a month."

Chen Wenhao's body, the intense spiritual power of the surging, the essence of his strength is cohesive.

Above his palm, it is a half-moon-like momentum, and the sound of squeaking is like a silver-white lightning.

Immediately afterwards, his palm was like a Thunder, and he was pressed against Xu Feng’s head.

"The third-order Holy Spirit of the horror, such a powerful Holy Spirit, the kid is afraid that he can't escape!"

Many people have no reason to worry.

They all want to see, how does Xu Feng respond?

Xu Feng didn't have much hesitation. When gravity was used, the voids fell slightly.

"Dry Tianzheng: Red Lotus Pai!"

Xu Feng, a strong fist, red lotus blooms.

The lotus condenses above his fist, and all that breaks out is the violent momentum.

"I don't think you can practice third-order holy spirits, but unfortunately you are too weak!"


The collision of the two third-order holy spirits is really too shocking, and the sounds of the rumble are so loud that the vibration is incomparable.


Xu Feng spurted out a blood, his face turned pale, and his face was full of anger.

This Chen Wenhao's cultivation is much higher than him. This is the biggest reason why he is not Chen Wenhao's opponent.


Chen Wenhao slammed and screamed with Xu Feng. He felt that he had to do his best to kill Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s talent and strength are beyond his expectations. He does not kill Xu Feng, and he is also very difficult to reassure.

"Golden kill!"

Seeing Chen Wenhao's attack, he was extremely fierce and came to attack himself. His eyes sparkled with a fascinating light.

Above the top of the head, the two-legged Taikoo Dragon Soul erupted, and the forty-five striped roads filled in an instant.

"What? I am not mistaken?"

"This kid is still a second-order soul teacher?"

"His holy spirit is so horrible, why have I never heard of such a shocking holy soul?"

"His holy spirit is really strong, it is really unheard of, I feel as if the soul has been pinned."

(End of this chapter)

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