The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3002: The gap is too big

Chapter 3002 is too big a gap

"I really don't understand, where did your courage come from?"

Xu Feng is on the fence.

The golden light on his body is constantly emerging.

The golden fists are all shining with golden light, and the shocking momentum is coming out.

Strong air waves continue to roll.

The sixty threads of Xu Feng’s body are violently surging.

The violent shock wave, constant suppression.


Duan Tian Cave continually quits, his mouth, blood madly flowing out.

His face is not reconciled.

He could not imagine that Xu Feng actually realized the existence of the righteousness.

The people onlookers are all wrong.

They never imagined that such a situation would arise.

The members of the Duan Tian Cave Quasi-flame Flame List are not Xu Feng’s opponents.

Moreover, it was completely suppressed by Xu Feng.


A piece of blood was sprayed from Duan Tian Cave, and the whole person squatted on the ground again, his face pale.

Xu Feng stepped on the face of Duan Tian Cave and said, "Did you not want to humiliate me?"

"You know, I didn't want to fight you before, but I didn't even bother."

"Your strength, for me, weak!"

With the weak explosion, three words came out.

Many people can't help but shake their eyes.

Dare to be such a small 觑 烈 flame member, that is, a genius like Xu Feng can do this.

"Insults are insulting!"

Xu Feng looked at Duan Tian Cave and said: "I have no innocence with you, and the soul of the soul falls into my hands. That is my luck."

"Since you are not my opponent, as you said, such treasures, people like you, are not eligible to have."

In Xu Feng’s voice, he is carrying overbearing.


A fist squatting down.

Duan Tian Cave made a miserable snoring.

His eyes were round and the whole person was unwilling, his chest was sunken, and his breath gradually disappeared.


"The Duan Tian Cave of the Quasi-flame Flame List was so smothered by Xu Feng. It is incredible."

"I didn't expect this young man to be so powerful. With his illusory repairs, he could kill Duan Tian Cave, and the future is boundless."

Everyone looked at Xu Feng’s eyes with shock and awe.

One by one is incredible.


Xu Feng's eyes looked around and the body's breath converges.

He has strong self-confidence in his heart.

Killing Duan Tian Cave is not a happy thing for him.


Just as Xu Feng was about to leave, a horrible wave of air filled the air, and a figure never came far away and slammed out toward Xu Feng.

Above his palm, the horrible turbulence of the horrible waves, the formation of intense spiritual fluctuations.

The momentum of his body is much stronger than that of the previous section of the cave.


The golden light of Xu Feng’s body is flowing, accompanied by the violent violent momentum. The arms are lifted up and condensed into golden fists.

The fists rushed out in the rush of the attack.

His body of creation and spiritual power are all surging.

He didn't dare to have any idea.

It is really that the momentum of the attack is terrible.


With the fists of his fists and attacks, the moment of collision, the wind swelled.

His whole person suddenly flew out, and the blood of his body was rolling, if not for his fortified body.

I am afraid that under this attack, he will inevitably be seriously injured, and it will be very miserable.

Oh la la...

Xu Feng’s footsteps continued to retreat, and among his eyes, the twinkling of them was dignified.

This is the first time he has met such a tough opponent after he came to the flame battlefield. He is very clear that the other party is definitely a member of the Flame List.

Moreover, I am sure to realize mystery.

A man in a light blue robes, about the age of thirty, his eyes are full of light.

The spiritual power in his body flowed slightly, and the clothes were all squeaky, his eyes condensed slightly.

Chen Wenhao!

He did not expect that he was a member of the 97th Flame List, and he was the strongest of the six mid-term peaks.

He also realized the meaning of the first-order power.

Today, his palm did not cause Xu Feng to be injured.

You must know that the other party is only a virtual reality.

"Chen Wenhao, turned out to be Chen Wenhao?"

"Chen Wenhao, who ranked ninety-seventh in the flame list, he appeared in the Wen Valley, which is really surprising."

"It is said that Chen Wenhao is a genius disciple of Moxiemen. He has been in the flame battlefield since he was 19 years old and has never gone out."

"How did he come to the Wen Valley, is it also for the Dongfu?"

"No, Dongfu has been searched. How did he come?"

Many people have speculated about what happened to Chen Wenhao here.

"Don't that kid provoke Chen Wenhao?"

Some people looked at Xu Feng with surprise.

However, Xu Feng's face is very calm.

"It's really good. It's no wonder that I need to let me kill you. The area is full of ambiguity. I can resist my palm and die. You are proud enough." Chen Wenhao's voice is very arrogant.

There was a cold killing on his face, saying: "Unfortunately, your life is very valuable. I don't want to kill you."

Chen Wenhao got the killing order from Qiu Cheng, but anyone who killed Xu Feng in the flame battlefield could get five thousand pieces of Chinese medicine spirit crystal.

Do not say that the members of these flames behind the list, even those in front of the flame list, are extremely heart-warming.

He did not know that Xu Feng appeared in Wen Valley.

Only he heard that a vain young man appeared in the Wen Valley and he became suspicious.

Qiu Cheng’s killing order is that Xu Feng is a sinister sin, and his talent is enough to kill the martial arts.

Therefore, he concluded that the other party is Xu Feng.

Xu Feng heard that he looked at Chen Wenhao on the opposite side and his heart was cold.

He is very clear.

Absolutely Qiu invincible and Wu Siyue.

It seems that these people, who want to kill their own minds, have not been cut off.

"Forgot to tell you, I am called Chen Wenhao, but I am a member of the 97th Flame List. I have realized the power of power."

Chen Wenhao’s spiritual flow, he slowly said: "I am really embarrassed, it seems that you are destined to die in my hands."

"You know, your head is worth five thousand Chinese spirits!"


As Chen Wenhao’s words came out, countless people on the scene took a breath of cold, and their eyes were round.

"God, what kind of person is this young man, even someone has squandered the value of five thousand Chinese spirits to chase him?"

"It’s incredible, he’s only ruined seven times!”

"It seems that the person who wants to kill him is not simple, and he still has to kill him!"

Many people looked at Xu Feng, both with shock and pity.

Five thousand Chinese spirits, even those who are in the top 50 of the flame list, will be very heart-warming.

(End of this chapter)

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