The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2875: Second-order best alchemy teacher Liu Hui

Chapter 2875 The second-order best alchemy teacher Liu Hui

"Hey, isn't that Qiujiaqiu?"

"Isn't that the commander of the Ninth Army of the Black Iron Army?"

"He seems to be chasing a young man."

"The young man turned out to be a virtual reality."

"It’s strange that Qiu Zhi, who has made four peaks in the realm of the realm, can’t catch up with a virtual world?”

"I am also very surprised. In the end, who is this young man, is it worthy of the commander of Qiu Zhitang, so go after it?"

Looking at Xu Feng and Qiu Zhi, two people are in the streets of Heilongjiang.

Xu Fengchong is in front, two wings, so envy of countless people.

The ambiguous situation is double-educated, with such a spiritual treasure, it is also able to fly, and the speed is increased so much, which is bound to be enviable.

However, Qiu Zhi is the commander of the Black Iron Army.

Inevitably most people know.

The four peaks of the creation of the realm, so catching up with the virtual world, but also catch up, naturally make people curious.

"Do you know what happened? Why is Qiu Zhi chasing the young man?"

Seeing that Qiu Zhi is chasing Xu Feng, many people are curious and are inquiring about the people around them.

The area of ​​Black Iron City is large.

However, such a hot thing is ultimately to be spread.

"I heard that this young man beat Qiu Hai and played very badly. Qiu Zhi is going to avenge his brother."

"It is said that before Qiu Zhi thought that killing the youth was foolproof, he did not expect that he would finally be escaped by the youth."

"No, Qiu Zhixu's four-level peaks have been repaired, and even a young man with a virtual dilemma has escaped?"

"You won't be bragging, I can't believe it."


Everyone is talking about it.

Xu Feng’s spiritual power is surging wildly.

When he came to a street and swept his eyes, he found that the number of people wearing the soul robes continued to increase.

He knows that the place that Zheng Xiaopeng said is really correct.

Here is the soul division area.

His eyes are far away and he sees the distance. There is a region there, very lively.

more importantly.

There is a plaque there, the Soulist Guild.

"Damn, this kid wants to escape to the site of the Souls Guild?"

Qiu Zhi is very clear.

Throughout the entire Black Iron City, he can walk sideways in most places.

However, the Soulist Guild is definitely a small part of it.

Mo said that he is only Qiu Zhi.

Even if his grandfather Qiu invincible appeared here, he did not dare to go sideways in the Soul Guild.

"Kid, do you really think that you have escaped to the area of ​​the Souls Guild, can I take you for nothing?"

Qiu Zhi’s heart is cold.

He has been in the Black Iron City for many years and can become the commander of the 9th Army of the Black Iron Army. His strength is unquestionable.

He also has a certain relationship.

Moreover, Jiang Ziling, the vice president of the Soul Masters Association, is invincible with his grandfather, and is a good friend.

He is also a simple teacher in the Society of Souls and also knows several alchemists.

Xu Feng quickly came to the area of ​​the Souls Guild.

His speed has slowed down.

Qiu Zhi behind him caught up with Xu Feng.

Xu Feng is cold and cold: "I am sorry, even if you are, don't dare to make trouble in the soul division area?"

Qiu Zhiwen said that he was biting his teeth, and he said coldly: "Boy, I want to kill you, there are many ways."

"Do you really think that if you escape to the soul division area, is it really foolproof?" Qiu Zhi's face is sneer.

The rules of the Soulist Guild.

In the soul division area, even the black iron guards can't make trouble here.

Otherwise, it is considered to ignore the Soul Guild.

Become the public enemy of the Soulist Guild.

He Qiu Zhi is confident that the Qiu family is very strong, but he does not dare to provoke the soul guild.


Xu Feng took out a bunch of medicinal herbs from the storage ring and swallowed it. His tear wounds were relieved.

He took a step and walked toward the place where the Souls Guild was.

On both sides of the street, there are medicinal shops everywhere.

Of course, there are many shops of spiritual materials.

However, most of the shops in the spiritual materials here are all spiritual materials such as elixir.

Xu Feng is now in no mood to find spiritual materials.

He will not doubt that Qiujia also knows a lot of alchemists, even soul masters.

It is imperative to find Chen Youran quickly.

"The Soulist Guild?"

Xu Feng looked at the place in front, and the courtyards of the seats were located on both sides, as if they were a huge palace.

His heart is shocked and his heart is: "This is the real soul guild, it is the presence of powerful forces that can shake the spirit of the mainland."

Soulist Guild.

According to the heritage of inheritance.

This power can be said to be intricate in the spirit of the mainland, there are all kinds of people inside, but very powerful.

The Society of Souls can be part of the spiritual gods, almost wherever they go, and there are chapters. Naturally, it is not to be underestimated.

Looking at the huge palace in front of it generally exists.

Xu Feng did not hesitate and walked inside.

The hall of the Soulist Guild, where there are many warriors, are looking for alchemists and alchemists.

He also saw that on the bulletin board of the Soulist Guild, he was also responsible for the release of the various spiritualists who needed to find the different alchemists.

And the problem that needs to be solved.

He came to the front desk of the Soul Masters Association. He looked at the two women standing there and looking handsome.

"Two beautiful women, I don't know Chen Youran, the vice president. Where does he live? Can you give me a pass?"

Xu Feng said to the two women.

Both women are condensed and they frown slightly.

"This son, do you have a letter from Vice President Chen?"

The two women said to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng had a quick identity token from Chen Youran.

Just when he was ready to take it out.

Not far from a cold voice, I saw a middle-aged man, followed by Qiu Zhi.

Qiu Zhi’s face is a proud look, and his heart said: “Boy, even if you come to the Soul Guild, what about it? I can’t escape my palm.”

He wore the robes of the soul master, and the badge hanging on the chest was the badge of the second-order elite alchemy.

His appearance, the two women receiving the reception, are full of awe.

"Master Liu!"

Liu Hui walked in front of the two women. He said: "This kid is indiscriminate and wants to come to our Soul Association to seek asylum."

"I seem to hear, he just said, want to ask for Vice President Chen?"

Liu Hui seems to be very angry.

He wants to show his status as a soul guild in front of Qiu Zhi.

The two women who received the reception were somewhat embarrassed, but did not dare to violate Liu Hui’s question.

"Master Liu, this son, really wants to see Vice President Chen."

The two women apologized to Xu Feng for their disappointment.

Xu Feng’s mouth was slightly raised, and he looked at it all with a cold eye, and he looked very calm.

Qiu Zhi whispered: "Kid, I see you pretend to be calm, as long as you get out of the soul division area, I have a million ways to kill you."


Xu Feng spit out two words, making Qiu Zhi almost did not go away.

(End of this chapter)

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