The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2874: Soul division area

Chapter 2874 Soul Division

"The kitten, take him to the soul division to find Chen Youran."

Xu Feng said to the kitten on his shoulder.

The kitten is a little worried.

"Do not worry, he can't kill me."

Xu Feng’s words rang.

The opposite of Qiu Zhihuan holding his hands, his face is full of smiles.

He does not think that a young man with a false dilemma.

You can turn the waves in front of you.

He can become the commander of the Ninth Army of the Black Iron Army, and his strength is beyond doubt.

He has seen too many geniuses.

However, what about it?

Mu Xiu Yu Lin, the wind will destroy it.

The genius of death is no longer a genius.

"Well, brother, be careful!"

The kitten finished talking to Xu Feng. He jumped to the shoulder of Zheng Xiaopeng and said, "Fat, let's go!"

Zheng Xiaopeng knows the relationship between the kitten and Xu Feng.

Since the kittens decided to leave.

He looked at Xu Feng and said: "Xu brother, be careful!"

He followed the kitten and quickly left.

Qiu Zhi did not stop Zheng Xiaopeng and the kitten.

In his opinion.

The real person to kill is Xu Feng.

As long as you kill the youth in front of you, the remaining monsters are different, and the fat one is easy.

Qiu Zhi eyes staring at Xu Feng and said: "Is it arranged properly?"

Xu Feng’s mouth swelled and sneered.

"Despite the shot, you have to kill me, be your skill."

Qiu Zhi did not expect.

At this time, Xu Feng dared to be so arrogant.

The four peaks of his creations are filled with momentum, and his eyes burst out, all of which are magnificent.

He is in charge of the Black Iron Army and can fight a lot.

Always fight in the flames battlefield.

The war on his body broke out, and the fifty-five spirits on his head were so horrible.

He said: "Today, if you can live alive, my name is Qiu Zhi, and I will recite it!"

"is it?"

Xu Feng’s golden light is surging, and his imaginary body is filled with golden light and becomes extremely terrifying.

His whole body's spiritual power is also constantly surging. He knows that he has no chance of winning in the face of Qiu Zhi, who is full of creation.

Only go all out and choose to escape.

He first arranged Xu Feng to go to the Souls Guild to find Chen Youran.

The purpose is that he will escape to the Souls Guild, and will not find Chen Youran.

It will appear very passive.

"Let me see, where does your confidence come from?"

Qiu Zhi stepped out of the moment.

The spiritual power around the body was accompanied by a float, and his palm became magnificent, and he slammed it toward Xu Feng's palm.

I watched that palm and slammed it down.

It is not the existence of the creation.

The momentum brought by the fifty-five spirits is really a general trend.

Qiu Zhi’s strength is terrible.

Many people looked at the palm of the attack that Qiu Zhi attacked, and they replaced Xu Feng with a cold sweat.

What Qiu Zhishi showed was only the first-class supernatural spirit, but it broke out the unstoppable power.


Xu Feng’s spiritual power moved toward his fist and continued to gather.

"Canglong Wang Quan!"

The dragon king boxing came out, and he punched the palm of the hand that Qiu Zhi attacked and smashed out.

With the fist and the palm, the moment of the crazy collision, the sound of the ground screamed.

A crack in the road appeared between Qiu Zhi and Xu Feng.


Two people collided with each other, and it was five or six times in an instant.

Every time, Xu Feng was really tumbling, and the whole person continued to regress.

His body was completely retired and went to dozens of feet.


His body flew out, and the strong spiritual shock wave brought by the palm of his hand was slammed on the ground.

Blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Qiu Zhi looked at Xu Feng lying on the ground, his face changed slightly, and his heart was shocked.

Mind: "No wonder this kid can beat Qiu Hai, his strength is really much stronger than Qiu Hai."

"When is it, we are black and iron city, it is incredible to have such a virtual world."

Qiu Zhi’s heart is full of eyes on Xu Feng.

After all, Xu Feng is only a virtual reality.

"It is amazing to be able to withstand my push of the mountain and the clouds for thirteen times without death."

Qiu Zhi’s words are still very calm.

As if everything is under his control.

Inside Xu Feng’s hand, the violent giant elephant Dan floated out.

He did not hesitate and swallowed the drug.

The momentum of the whole body is rising wildly.

His vain body has become stronger, he feels the whole body blood, and he is madly rolling.

The blood of his space seems to be roaring.

"What kind of medicine is this guy taking, the momentum and strength of the promotion, so horrible?"

Feeling the breath of Xu Feng, many people were shocked and their faces were awkward.

"Burn the wind!"

The spirit of Xu Feng's whole body, as well as his spiritual power, and the power of his body.

Completely emerged, behind his back, the dark crow Ling Yu emerged, both wings are shining.

His whole body's momentum broke out to the extreme.

In an instant.

A fierce fist is like a flame.

In his body, the fires of heaven and earth are also crazy burning.

His footsteps rushed in an instant.

The moment of flying.

Xu Feng’s mouth sneered and said: “What are you, what are the qualifications to control everything here?”


"The second-order best holy spirit!"

Qiu Zhi’s eyes are all condensed, especially the power of the boxing method that Xu Feng broke out. It is really terrifying.

He has no defense at all.

He did not think that Xu Feng was able to display such a powerful Holy Spirit.


He lifted his palm and slammed toward Xu Feng’s fist.


The whole person was hot and hot, and the impact of the incomparable wolverine, his face was a little painful.

His body was even more important to withdraw, and the whole person continued to retreat, and his body was tumbling.

Xu Feng exhibited "burning the wind punch", coupled with taking the violent giant elephant Dan, his meridians tear.

When the next blood spurts out.

He did not hesitate, and the dark crows behind him appeared.

In front of the Black Iron City, quickly fled.

Before from the mouth of Zheng Xiaopeng, he knew.

Inside the Black Iron City.

There is a region that is the site of the Soulist Guild, and it is also a very prosperous place in Heilongjiang.

Originally Xu Feng wanted to go there first.

However, Zheng Xiaopeng said that the trading downturn here is very interesting and he came here.

At the moment, Xu Feng went in the direction of Zheng Xiaopeng, desperate to escape.

Qiu Zhi’s eyes seemed to be burning in anger.

He was the leader of the ninth army of the Black Iron Army, and he was injured by a young man.

If this is passed to the ears of those of Heilongjiang, it is not a laughing stock.

In any case, he must kill Xu Feng.

"Damn, I knew I wouldn't force it!"

Qiu Zhi’s face is full of anger.

If he did his best from the beginning, Xu Feng was already a dead man, and it was impossible to display such a powerful Holy Spirit and get a chance to breathe.

"Kid, I want you to die!"

Qiu Zhi is behind Xu Feng, the whole body is as if it is a gust of wind, and quickly chasing it out.

(End of this chapter)

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