The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2852: Yan Yan battle road

Chapter 2852 Zhang Yanzhan Road

"Road he killed my parents, the hatred of his parents, not wearing the sky, I came to revenge, not ungrateful."

In Yan Yan’s eyes, the majestic momentum permeated.

His current cultivation is a virtual reality.

The opposite of the old man is a virtual world.

He looked at the forty-two veins of Yan Yan’s head. His scalp was numb.

"Hurry up and take the shot together to be able to deal with Yan Yan, let people quickly inform the helper."

The old man is very clear that he is not an opponent of Yan Yan.

In particular, Yan Yan’s “Thunder and Thunder” is a second-class sacred spirit, powerful and powerful.

He can only entangle with Yan Yan and delay time.

"Thunder and Thunder!"

Yan Yan has no good feelings for the Falcons.

Now, the road kills his parents, but his enemies.

Of course he will not be merciless.


The silver-white thunderbolt fell down, and the eccentric old man suddenly fell back.

The blood of the whole body rolled, and the blood spilled from the corner of the mouth.

"Damn, I can't think of the strength of this kid, so much."

The old man with a faint ambiguity is surprised inside.

Yan Yan’s talent is too strong.


Yan Yan did not hesitate to continue to kill the old man who was in a false position.

Other warriors also rushed out to Yan Yan.

Xu Feng is very easy on this side.

Mainly Xu Feng's strength is too violent.

He is almost a punch and can kill an opponent.

"Which is this young man, the ambiguous situation is double-educated, and his strength is so terrible."

When someone looked at Xu Feng, all the faces were full of fear, and they were all wrong in their hearts.

Why are there such enchanting youths?

The ambiguous situation is double-repaired, and the strong smashing of the virtual world is sevenfold.

Meow! Meow!

The sharp claws of the kitten are constantly tearing.

The warriors of the Falcon gang fell down.

"What are you doing? The cat is very bored here, hurry up and fight!"

Inside the kitten's voice, there is excitement and smile.

Not far from the crowd.

They all thought that the rumors of the beasts before were bragging.

Unexpectedly, there really is a kitten.

Moreover, the strength of this kitten is so powerful.

"You look at the kitten, is he a beast?"

"He is a different kind of monster, and the strength is really strong."

"This kitten seems to be Xu Feng's pet. It is really a genius, a cat around me, so enchanting."

Many people look at the kittens, and all of them are surprised.

They looked at the kitten's eyes and they all admire them.

At the same time, many people are also envious.

If you can find such a kitten, how good is it?

The kitten continues to kill the Quartet.

Xu Feng was very calm. Someone came to him for trouble. He punched his opponent with a punch.

No one asked him for trouble, he stood there.

Watching everyone fight with Yan Yan, he did not mean to intervene.

Seeing is not Xu Feng’s opponent.

The Falcons did not dare to provoke Xu Feng.

Yan Yan also faces eight people at the same time.

There are eight people in the virtual world, seven in the virtual world, and six in the virtual world.

Yan Yan’s strength is very good.

He did not ask Xu Feng to take the shot, but he was alone, constantly circling around.

His attack, constantly dealing with eight people.

"Get out of my way!"

Yan Yan burst into a burst, and the forty-two veins on his head condensed on the palm of his hand.

His palm, with a strong momentum, was suddenly suppressed and brought a strong air wave.


A figure suddenly quits.

Then, Yan Yan’s hands were swept again.

Several falcon gangs have retreated at the same time.

"Thunder and Thunder!"

Yan Yan Shi exhibited this second-order sacred spirit, endless thunder and lightning, and condensed into a sharp edge.

The old man who is fascinated by the ambiguity of the opposite side, tears down.

"Do not!"

The old man made a scream, and his eyes were unwilling, and his face was full of jealousy.


At the moment when the whole person flew out, blood spurted out of the mouth and his face became pale.

The moment he fell to the ground, in the palm of his hand, some light blue powder, suddenly filled out.

Xu Feng’s figure appeared beside him, cold and cold: “Is it an opponent, do you want to use poison?”


In the eyes of the old man surprised.

The blue powder turned into smoke, which was gathered around Xu Feng's palm.

"You... is the alchemy teacher?"

The old man’s voice just finished.

Around Xu Feng’s palm, the blue disgusted, rushing out toward the nose of the old man.

"Ah, no……"

The old man made a miserable snoring, his eyes were constantly struggling, and the whole person was on the ground, constantly rolling.

Xu Feng’s mouth raised slightly, and his heart said: “I just said that Yan Yan said that such a big righteousness is in the blink of an eye. In the blink of an eye, it is necessary to use poison to deal with Yan Yan. This Falcon gang is really brazen.”

If Xu Feng knows about poison, Yan Yan is very likely to be poisoned.

Once poisoned, Yan Yan will die.


Yan Yan’s hands slammed out, and the strong spiritual power formed silver-white lightning.

At the moment of the fall of the cockroach, a few falcon gangs, all of them quit, and the faces of each one were languid.

"Hey you are sick, you must die!"

Yan Yan does not want to delay the time, the moment of stepping out.

"Thunderbirds" came out.

The silver-white lightning is constantly condensing.

A fierce wind, blowing up.


Several falcons who took the shots of Yan Yan helped the elders, all fell to the ground, and one by one could not stand up.

In Yan Yan’s eyes, they are all powerful.

"Hey, Lucy, he hides, don't dare come out to see me, or come out to see me?"

Yan Yan’s voice is full of pride.

Despite his cultivation, he is only a virtual world.

Even if he knows that the roller is a heavy one, he is still wary and only wants to avenge his parents.

"Yan Yan, I have been raising you for more than 20 years. Are you repaying my kindness?"

not far away.

A man in a light gray shirt, his two eyebrows are curved, his body is not burly, very well-proportioned.

If you don't know that he is the gang of the Falcons, it's hard to imagine that this is a sultry person.

The Falcons have done what they have done over the years, and they are all far-reaching in the entire Black Iron City.

Of course, the benefits are huge.

The development of the Falcon gang is extremely fast.

It became one of the nine forces under the Black Iron City, second only to Qing Shui Zong, and was able to sit on the same level as Bi Tao.

Yan Yan saw the road appear, his face was killing, said: "Road, you kill my parents, how is this account?"

Lu Hao heard the words, his face was extremely calm.

He looked at Yan Yan and smiled. "I have killed too many people in my life. If they come to me for revenge, the queues will be far away."

(End of this chapter)

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