The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2851: Blockers! Kill innocent!

Chapter 2851 Blockers! Kill innocent!

Seeing Xu Feng and Yan Yan, they went to the Falcons.

And many warriors in Yongcheng, they are all behind.

They all have the mentality of watching the show.

"You said, the Falcons will help the two young people, how will they deal with them?"

Someone looked at the back of Xu Feng and Yan Yan.

They don't think that Xu Feng and Yan Yan can destroy the 9th-order forces Falcon.

Falcon gang is a force that has a strong presence.

If it is so easy to be destroyed.

How could it be among the top nine ninth forces in the Black Iron City?

Moreover, the strength of Lu Ling is there.

"I think the Falcons will definitely kill chickens and monkeys. They must make a big fuss. This is a good opportunity for publicity."

"This is also true. The falcons are all despicable and shameless people. They must find ways to expand their influence."


Xu Feng and Yan Yan are marching toward the Falcons and continue to advance.


The entire Falcon gang is a burst of turmoil.

"The two young people are really crazy. They are really helping us with our falcons. It seems to have been killed."

"No, do they really want to live? If you kill the Falcons, you will find yourself dead."

"Oh, I really don't know who is not afraid."

"Go to inform the elders."

Looking far away at Xu Feng and Yan Yan.

Those who helped the Falcons to inform the elders.

Xu Feng and Yan Yan, standing outside the Falcon gang.

When many people looked at Yan Yan, they were shocked and said: "No, isn't that Yan Yan?"

"He is not our falcon to help the nine geniuses, the second genius? How to follow the people to kill the Falcons?"

“Is it a misunderstanding?”

When the Yan Yan appeared, many of the Falcons were stunned.

Yan Yan is the son of Lu Ling, who has a high status in Falcon.

This is a well-known thing.

Just at this time.

A few figures appeared in the falcon's gate, they are the elders of the Falcon gang.

A middle-aged man, he is the cultivation of the seven peaks of the virtual world. When he looked at Yan Yan, he was wrong.

He stared at Yan Yan and said: "Yu Yan, what are you doing? You are the hope of our falcon to help the future, how can you bring people and kill the Falcons?"

"God, really, Yan Yan, what is he doing, to destroy our Falcons?"

"He is the son of the lord?"

Yan Yan’s eyes swept across the crowd.

He rang: "You, I have been in the Falcon for these years, and I am benefited by the Falcons."

"But, Luke, he personally killed my father, humiliated my mother, killed my parents, and pretended to take me to grow up."

"In these years, he used me as a tool for the Falcons. Now, I have to hand in my hand and hope that you will not stop."

Yan Yan’s voice is incomparably firm, and the look is killing.


Many people have heard that they are all open mouths.

Yan Yan is so angry, it seems that this thing is true.

If this is the case, many people think that Lu Ling is too mean, right?

"Yan Yan, you and the lord have misunderstood, you can communicate well under private, he has nurtured you for so many years."

"You are now betraying the Falcons, you are digging your own graves. I advise you, hurry up the cliff and return to the shore."

Another elder who is a vain eight-pointed elder, he stared at Yan Yan, slowly said.

Yan Yan haha ​​smiled.

"Ha ha ha ... good for a cliff, Le Ma, parents' hatred, not wearing the sky, today, not endless!"

Yan Yan’s face was full of killing, the spiritual power of his body flowed, and the emptiness of the nine-fold momentum broke out.

Many people feel the momentum of Yan Yan, they are all shocked.

“Yu Yan broke through to the virtual world and quickly went to inform other elders to come to support and kill Yan Yan.”

"It’s really a tiger, and the lord doesn’t know what to think. I have to keep such a time bomb.”

Some people are dissatisfied inside.

"I am leaving the Falcons now, I am not worried."

Among Yan Yan’s eyes, the majestic momentum bursts.

"The roadblocker! Kill innocent!"

Xu Feng stood on one side, and the ambiguous situation broke out, and the pulse above the head emerged.

"Hey, the virtual world is double, and dare to come to the falcon to help the wild, this kid is really daring."

Feel the cultivation of Xu Feng, a seven-year-old elder, who thought that Xu Feng was a soft persimmon.

At the moment, when the hands danced, his palms formed a sharp edge and he was tearing toward Xu Fengqi.

The violent raging waves are picked up.

"Kill him!"

Falcons help people, looking at the middle-aged man, attacking Xu Feng, one by one is a roar.


Xu Feng's body, the golden light burst, the incomparable momentum, spread out from his body.

A fierce hurricane is surging.

Punch out.

At the moment when the fist and the sharp edge collide, the power is destroyed and the general man is stunned.


Xu Feng stepped out step by step, punching the man's shoulder and squatting down.

The man's eyes widened and he felt the pain of the bones smashing.

The whole person fell to the ground and died.

On top of Yan Yan’s head, the spirits continued to gather. He slammed into the Falcons and slammed them in.

Yan Yan does not have any mercy.

He himself does not like these people from the Falcons.

The falcon gangs are all wicked, they are bullying, no evil.

This is also the purpose of the roller.


Xu Feng and Yan Yan, all the way, continue to kill.

The hawks of the Falcons fell one by one on the ground, and blood flowed from them.

All formed is a **** red trickle.

The warriors in the distance are all stunned.

"The strength of this Xu Feng, such as horror, the illusory peak of the seven worlds, is also a punch."

"I don't know who this young man is. Why should he and Yan Yan come to destroy the Falcon gang?"

When Xu Feng killed the Quartet, many people’s eyes flashed and their faces were shocked.


Yan Yan’s Thunder has been displayed, and his imaginary strength is really invincible.

He looked at the people across the Falcon gang and said: "I don't want to die. From now on, leave the Falcons, or kill them."

Yan Yan’s voice contains a cold killing.

"Yan Yan, you are really ungrateful, Falcon has been training you for so many years, you are killing innocents now, are you not worried inside?"

An imaginary eight-year-old man, staring at Yan Yan, wants to use his emotions to move Yan Yan.

It is a pity that after Yan Yan knew that Lu Hao had killed his parents, he had no feelings for the Falcons.

He simply doesn't like the way the Falcons do things and the means of doing things.

(End of this chapter)

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