The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2833: Horrible skill

Chapter 2833 The Spirit of Terror

"A good man!"

I heard Xu Feng’s words.

Many people looked at Xu Feng's eyes and were worried.

They think that Xu Feng is so irritating that Yang Ji, who is a sinister singer, is not a very good thing.

"But people also have arrogant capital, and the martyrdom of the martial arts are killed by him."

Some people think that Xu Feng is not arrogant, but the real strength is strong, and he dares to say such words.

In this world of the strong.

The strong are all respected.

Xu Feng’s strength is enough to surprise people.

Moreover, he is still so young, how can he not be respected?

Yang Xie did not expect to come forward, Xu Feng still dare to be so arrogant.

He looked at other people in Qing Shui, and said: "You are responsible for dealing with Yan Yan, this kid is handed over to me personally to kill."

Yang Xie was thoroughly angered by Xu Feng.

Yang Yang shot, and everyone else went to besiege Yan Yan.

Yan Yan’s strength is also very good.

It is impossible for Qingshui Zong to want to kill him in a short time.

"Xu Xiong, it seems that you can only deal with the emptiness of the emptiness. I don't have this blessing to enjoy this treatment."

Yan Yan, while watching other people in Qing Shui Zong, looked at Xu Feng with a smile on his face, he joked.

For a warrior like Yan Yan, he simply does not know what fear is.

Therefore, he felt that Xu Feng was really a great opportunity for the war-torn warriors.

"Hahaha... brother, don't forget, I can kill the Falcon with you, and I will wait for you to experience the opportunity."

Xu Feng said to Yan Yan.

Yan Yan did not expect that Xu Feng would have to kill the Falcons with himself.

His heart is touched.


Yan Yan is in the heart and treats Xu Feng as his own good brother.

Standing on the opposite side of Xu Feng.

Xu Feng was also able to talk to Yan Yan, Yang Yang felt that Xu Feng looked down on him and his cheeks became awkward.

"Kid, I will make you die very badly."

Yang Ling’s spiritual veins above his head completely floated, and his spiritual veins reached the realm of forty-four.

You must know that he has broken through to the virtual world and the time is not short.

It is not too difficult for him to condense forty-four threads.

The spiritual power around the body is stirring, forming violent waves of wind and waves, and the wind whizzes past.

"Red Dragon King."

Yang Xie was really irritated by Xu Feng. The Holy Spirit technique that he came up to display was the first-class Shang Sheng Spirit.

Seeing that Yang Zhishi exhibited "Red Emperor Lei", many people were shocked by the face. "Yang Ji casts the Akasaka Emperor Lei. This holy spiritual skill is one of his few, and he has cultivated for more than ten years. The Holy Spirit."

The realm of "Red Dragon and Thunder" has reached a gradual improvement.

His footsteps moved and rushed out.

At the moment when both hands were lifted up, the thunder and lightning around the Thunder Sea were all condensed and pressed down toward Xu Feng.

Thunder and sorrow, all bring horrible waves.

"Dragon is in the wild."

The realm of Xu Feng’s Cang Long Wang Quan also reached the realm of perfection. His perception of the boxing method was really terrifying.

A fist hits, as if the dragon is taking off.

In addition, his body burst out of the power of the sudden, the moment of shock, the horrible waves and waves.

In the depths of Yang’s eyes, they all flashed a surprise.

He had seen it before, Xu Feng’s strength and cultivation, and forty threads, were terrifying.

When he really faced Xu Feng, he realized that why he was squandered by Xu Feng.

The strength of Xu Feng’s body was on his fist, and all that was picked up were the existence of huge waves.



With the fist and the thunder of Yang, the bombardment of the scorpion caused the void to tremble.

Among the thousands of fires and thunder seas, the Thunder spread in all directions, bringing with them powerful waves.

Yang’s face changed slightly, and the “Red Emperor Lei” that he displayed showed no harm to Xu Feng.

On the contrary, his arm felt a powerful force shock, and the meridians sent out a painful tear.

"Damn, why is this kid's body so horrible, he obviously is only a virtual situation."

Yang Xing himself is a nine-fold cultivation of the virtual world. His body is also very powerful. Compared with Xu Feng, the gap is too big.

For example.

If Xu Feng’s body is an ancient elephant, then Yang’s body is an ordinary elephant.

The difference between the two is a world apart.

"You can't fight this kid. His body is too horrible. I want to consume his spiritual power, making him lack of energy and can't fight."

Yang Ji is secretly calculated in his heart.

"It seems that you are a virtual reality, but it is just that."

Xu Feng stared at Yang, his brow was picking, his face with a faint smile.

Yang’s words: “The kid, the battle has just begun, don’t be too proud, otherwise you don’t know how to die.”

"I really want to see, how did I die, but I am afraid you can't fulfill me."

Xu Feng's mouth is raised, and the spiritual power of his body is constantly surging, bringing about a circle of air waves.

"Since you want to die like this, I will fulfill you."

The forty-four spirits of Yang Xie’s body are madly stirred and formed into waves of a circle.

The ground of Thousand Fires and Thunder Sea is constantly shaking.

"The second-order product of the Holy Spirit, a sneaky ghost!"

Yang screamed and screamed. The body seemed to be a tangled, horrible thunder, and it was rioting.

"The second-order Holy Spirit of the horror, the illusory nine-fold display of the second-order Holy Spirit, the power is really strong."

"I don't know if Xu Feng can still resist, I feel Yang Ji's second-order holy spirit skills, and the power is strong."

"Xu Feng is estimated to be seriously injured, and I don't know Bitao. Is there any other strong person?"

Feeling the breath of Yang Ji, many people replaced Xu Feng with a cold sweat.

Only Xu Feng’s face was calm.

"Yes, it’s not awkward."

Xu Feng felt the power of Yang Ji’s Holy Spirit. He nodded with satisfaction, as if he was commenting on Yang.

Yang Li looked at Xu Feng’s expression and hated the real tooth itch.

He knows that it is not a simple matter to kill Xu Feng.

For so many years, he has not experienced anything.

Only the last laugh, the last to live is the strong.

"Burn the wind and punch."

The power of Xu Feng’s whole body is surging wildly, and in his sea of ​​breath, forty souls are surging wildly.

The spiritual power of the whole body is in the shock, and the pain in the meridians breaks out. The horrible momentum shocks the world.

Xu Feng himself knows that it is very difficult to display the second-order sacred spirit of the Holy Spirit.

It is better to display the "burning wind punch" to test and test the power of this second-order best holy spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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