The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2832: What about the emptiness of the nine worlds?

Chapter 2832 What is the emptiness of the nine worlds?


"Qing Shui Zong cleans up thousands of fires and thunder seas, killing Xu Feng, the person who steals my Qing Shui dynasty, and idle people, and quickly leaves!"

It was at this time that a cold voice came.

The sound is diffuse.

"What happened? Is Xu Feng not the young man?"

"He dared to steal the treasures of Qing Shui Zong, and he was too bold."

"I really don't know who is not afraid, I think that I have a good talent, I dare to arbitrarily, and Thousand Fires Leihai is the site of Qingshui."

"It seems that Xu Feng is escaping and escaping. He must die. If he can't think of a genius, he will fall like this."

In the middle of the Thunderstorm, many people have left the outside, they are afraid of being affected by Qing Shui.

To know.

Qingshui Zong is the most powerful presence among the nine-order forces under the Black Iron City.


Xu Feng’s troubles in Qingshui’s territory will inevitably die very badly.

Xu Feng’s eyes were condensed, and his face was cold and cold. He said: “It seems that Qing Shui Zong also wants to get rid of me.”

This is beyond his expectations.

After all, Qing Shui Zong is so arrogant to kill him, isn't he afraid of being criticized?

However, I think it feels normal.

Xu Feng is the person of Bi Taomen.

Qingshui Zong does not want the rise of Bitaomen. More than Qingshui’s status in Heitiecheng, only Xu Feng is killed.

Yan Yan’s face was killing, and his look was cold and said: “Xu Xiong, it seems that a big battle is inevitable.”

When Yan Yan heard that Qing Shui Zong wanted to kill Xu Feng, he would be ready to fight.

Xu Feng took out some medicinal herbs and handed them to Yan Yan. He said, "Oh brother, these medicinal herbs are kept, and when you fight, you use them."

Seeing Xu Feng handing over the medicinal herbs to himself, Yan Yan felt the breath of the medicinal herbs, and they were all shocked.

"Xu brothers, you are too precious for these drugs."

Although Yan Yan is not an alchemy teacher, he can see that the quality of the medicinal herbs Xu Feng gave him is very good.

"Oh brother, you said so, don't you see it? I didn't say it, let him leave, leave me alone."

Xu Feng treats Yan Yan as a friend, and he will talk to Yan Yan like this.

Yan Yan heard the words, with a hearty smile on her face.

"Xu brothers, then I would be more respectful than to be alive, and I will help you kill a few Qing Shui Zong people."

Yan Yan put it away, and the momentum of the emptiness of the eight sides broke out, and the strong wind was blowing fiercely.

Xu Feng nodded and said: "There are a lot of people coming to Qingshui Zong, we must be careful, don't overturn the ship inside the gutter."

"Xu brother, I am not a cocky person."

Although Yan Yan’s character is arrogant, he is not arrogant. He is very clear about his own strength.

Xu Feng also knows Yan Yan’s character and temper. Now he looks around and says: “Since you Qing Shui wanted to kill me, then hurry out.”

"Don't you know that it is really rude to let people wait for you?"

"Kid, you are so arrogant, don't you have a Yan Yan support, how can we not take you?"

A middle-aged man rushed out.

There were more than 20 or 30 people around, and Xu Feng and Yan Yan were surrounded, all of which formed a fierce killing.

Xu Feng heard the words, sneered: "Is not talking about madness, you will know later?"

The sinful atmosphere of Xu Feng’s body emerged, and his body’s meridians were floating.

"you wanna die."

The middle-aged man feels that he is guilty of ambiguity, and it is not difficult for him to defeat Xu Feng.

Although I know that Xu Feng has repeatedly killed the elders of Wu and others.

"Kid, I have to look at it, you are just a sham, and the spiritual power can support you for how long?"

In the eyes of middle-aged men.

Xu Feng’s strength and talent are horrible, but it’s just a sinister situation.

"is it?"

Xu Feng’s eyes suddenly condensed, and the killing of the eyebrows broke out instantly, followed by an instant.

The dragon king boxing came out, and the dragon smashed out on the fist, and the golden fist smashed out.

Yang is excited to see that Xu Feng is still able to explode such strength. He is screaming at the next command: "Everyone is shooting fast, and quickly killing Xu Feng, so as not to have a long night dream, don't underestimate the opponent."

Yang Ji is a nine-fold cultivation of the virtual world.

He certainly has to shoot at the last moment.


With Xu Feng's fist suppressed.

The emptiness of the eight-fold man, the whole person continually quits, and every time he retreats, his feet are in the thunder and sea, leaving a few meters deep footprints.

After retreating more than ten meters, he stood firm.

"Good boy, it is worthy of killing the existence of the emptiness of the eightfold, it is my strength to take advantage of you."

Yang Meng’s eyebrows are filled with shock.

Immediately, he screamed at the surrounding, saying: "Don't leave your hands and follow me."

"Hey, how much, how much I kill."

Xu Feng's face is full of killing, the illusory body is full of perfection, and the golden light is surging.

Yan Yan smiled and said: "Xu brother, it seems that today, I want to fight side by side with you."

Yan Yan said that the spiritual power of his body surging.


The two men made crazy shots, causing people who came to attack by Qing Shui Zong to be injured one by one.

Their eyebrows are all scared.

Especially looking at Xu Feng's eyes.

It is a desperate look.

"God, what is this metamorphosis of Xu Feng? He has been fighting for so long, and he is able to explode such a powerful strength."

"This child has grown up and has an uncertain future."

"If Qing Shui Zong can't kill this son, Qing Shui Zong is really dangerous in the future."

"This is not necessarily the case. The geniuses who have gone out of Qing Shui in these years are not in the minority."

"As far as I know, there are six people among the black iron guards, but Qing Shuizong went out."

"This is also the reason why Qing Shui Zong, under the Black Iron City, can not stand the biggest."

Looking at the talent that Xu Feng broke out, many people think.

If Qing Shui Zong can't kill Xu Feng, it will become a trouble.


The emptiness of the eight-fold man, his face is not reconciled, the moment when blood spurted out of his mouth.

He yelled at Yang, not far away: "Two elders, why don't you save me?"

Yang’s mouth twitched slightly and said: “It’s good to be able to consume him before you die.”

"Hello, you are poisonous..."

A man with a sinister ambiguity, when he was dying, his eyes were filled with grievances.


Xu Feng punched the other's body and punched him out. His face was cold and killing. He said, "Is it finally going to be shot?"

"Hey, being able to die under my hand is the greatest pride of your life." Yang Ji stepped out, and his emptiness and arrogance became a terrible horror.

Xu Feng dismissed the road: "What about the emptiness of the nine worlds? It is dying!"

(End of this chapter)

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