The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2825: Yan Yan Challenge

Chapter 2825 Yan Yan Challenge

no doubt.

The appearance of "The Dragon's Invincible Claw" is a good complement to Xu Feng's inadequacy as a life.

Nowadays, Xu Feng also cultivates spiritual power. His cultivation is a breakthrough in the realm of imaginary dilemma.

The realm of his body has also reached the perfection of the illusory body, and only one step can break through the body of creation.

However, he is still a second-order soul master, his holy soul line.

During this time, he has enough soul refining.

His holy soul has reached thirty.

Of course, the number of spiritual souls of the soul sorcerer and the warrior is not the same.

As the strength of his Holy Spirit increases, the soul is going to progress, and it will become more and more difficult.

You must know that if you want to ascend to the realm of the third-order soul master, you must gather a hundred lines of holy soul.

"Since there is such a good opportunity, then I am just using the thunder of Thousand Fires and Thunder Sea to cultivate the invincible claws of the dragon."

Xu Feng’s eyes are full of excitement.

In the eyes of the public.

Xu Feng took a step and walked toward the center of the Thousand Fires, and walked step by step.


With all the thunder and lightning bombardment, his body is still shining.


Many people can't help but spit out two words. Such a powerful thunder and lightning can not damage his body.

What a pervert is this?

"The dragon's invincible claws, the emphasis is on the use of body strength, gathering together, forming claws, can kill the dragon!"

"The invincible claws of the dragon are still divided into five realms, which are Xiaocheng, Dacheng, and gradually enter the good environment, and the fire is pure and green."

"Of course, the power of the invincible claws of each dragon in each realm is very different."

Xu Feng constantly perceives the details of "The Dragon's Invincible Claw".

Constant cultivation.

About half an hour past.

He stood up and the lightning around him continued to float with his body.

Above the arm, the power of the majesty broke out.

That horrible power seems to be able to destroy everything.


He displayed the moment of "the dragon's invincible claws", and the emptiness of the emptiness broke out, and the lightning was cut.

The cultivation station in the distance.

Yan Yan’s eyes sparkled and said: “The crazy guy, he actually practiced the Holy Spirit in the middle of the Thousand Fires.”

Yan Yan can see that Xu Feng’s practice of the Holy Spirit is similar to his “Thunder and Thunder”.

Of course, his "Thunder and Thunder" is to use the Thunder to gather his arms and form a hundred Thunder.

However, Xu Feng is purely using the Thunder to cultivate the Holy Spirit.

"My thunder and sorrows have been unable to break through and get better. Since some people dare to be so crazy, why can't I?"

Yan Yan stood up from above the cultivation platform. He took a step and stepped out, which was dozens of feet.


The thunder of the thunder was on his body, and he bit his teeth, and he was constantly approaching the center.

"Give me cultivation!"

He resisted the pain, madly absorbed the surrounding lightning, above his right arm, the silver-white light became more and more intense.

"Isn't that the second day of the Falcon gang?"

Some people know Yan Yan.

After all, Yan Yan has a great reputation in the Falcons, second only to the first day.

At this moment, watching Yan Yan's crazy practice, they are all bursts of shame.

"I have heard that this Yan Yan is a madman, and I didn't expect it to be true."

They all know that the Thousand Fires are in the middle of the sea.

Being able to support it requires not only great perseverance, but also strong strength and indispensability.

Zhao Yan’s faces are all embarrassing.

The more this time, the more easily he remembered, Yan Yan’s disdain for him.

The feeling of being on the back is really hard.

"I will destroy you personally!"

Zhao Wei knows the secret of Yan Yan.

That is, Yan Yan’s parents are the falcons who help the gang to kill themselves.

That is also the secret that he discovered unintentionally.

When Xu Feng cultivated the "Invincible Claws of the Dragon", his eyes saw Yan Yan, and his eyebrows were with appreciation.

Dare to be like him, the people who came to the center of the Thousand Fires Leihai were all real men.

No matter what the other party is?

Very strong.

Yan Yan’s eyes are also staring at Xu Feng, and her face is full of majestic warfare.

"Would you like to fight?"

Xu Feng felt that Yan Yan’s body was the repair of the seven-fold mid-peak peak of the illusory world, but the momentum that permeated it was terrible.

He is increasingly looking forward to fighting Yan Yan.


Yan Yan was bombarded with countless thunder and lightning. His eyes were unruly and he did not accept the lost eyes.

Some people are like this, just a glance, and become pleasing to the eye.

"Thunder, a breakthrough!"

Yan Yan screamed, filled with strong momentum, above his arm, a silvery white thunder, crazy invasion.

The center of the whole Thousand Fires Thunder Sea seems to be a layer of lightning waves, filled with madness.

"Good horror of the Holy Spirit!"

"This is definitely the second-order sacred spirit."

Those who don’t know Yan Yan can’t help but scream.

The elders of Uganda are all wrong, saying: "This guy's talent is really terrifying. He can cultivate the Thunder and the sorrow to the realm of getting better. I am afraid that under the sinister circumstances, no one is his opponent."

Zhao Wei’s fists are dead and he knows that the gap between himself and Yan Yan has become bigger and bigger.

"Ha ha ha!"

Yan Yan stood in the endless thunder and lightning, and he laughed loudly, and the thunder and lightning were shocked by his laughter.


On Xu Feng’s body, the golden light was overflowing and the Thunder was also shocked.

The two stood there, complement each other and appreciate each other.

"Under the next Yan!"

"Under Xu Feng!"

Xu Feng stared at the opposite Yan Yan, so young man, he would not despise the other party, nor will he look down on the other side.

"I want to challenge you!"

Yan Yan said to Xu Feng: "I am the falcon gang, you kill my falcon gang, I will give them revenge."

Xu Feng heard the words, suddenly frowned.

"Haha, I don't think the Falcons help a group of people, the despicable villains, and the existence of you, it is interesting."

The voice of Xu Feng seems to be magnificent.

"Yes, they are all rabble, I never look at them, even if the Falcons are the number one genius, I look down."

靳彦眉宇, revealed all the pride.

That is a kind of true genius.

"I accept your challenge!"

Xu Feng’s voice was very exciting. He felt that fighting with Yan Yan was a wonderful showdown.

"Today, we don't talk about life and death, just talk about fighting, how?"

Yan Yan asked.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "With you!"

"As far as I know, after I fight you, you have to face the falcon to help the group of despicable people, are you not afraid?"

Yan Yan’s words came out, and Wu’s elders and Zhao Wei, all of them were full of faces and anger.

(End of this chapter)

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