The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2824: 擒龙无敌爪

Chapter 2824 擒龙无敌爪

"Yes, he just came in from the overseas fire, I believe that you will see him soon."

The other party said to Yan Yan.

"You can rest assured, I will challenge him."

Yan Yan slowly said.

"The meaning of the elders of Wu, we all join the Falcons and kill Xu Feng. Can you be willing?"

Zhao Wei knows the character of Yan Yan.

Wu Elder also knows the character of Yan Yan.

If Yan Yan can agree, they will kill Xu Feng, and they will really get it.

Yan Yan did not think about it and said: "Either I fight him alone, or you kill him. You choose?"

Yan Yan’s words sounded and he was a proud person.

He believes in his talent and strength.

If it is really not Xu Feng’s opponent, what if he is killed?

If he wants to bully more, he will never do it.

Zhao Wei heard that he shook his head and said: "Yu Yan, do you know why your talent is very good, but still not to be seen?"

"You are so arrogant, you and the falcon help everyone, out of place, you are not suitable for the Falcons."

Zhao Wei said coldly.

Yan Yan dismissed the road: "If it wasn't for the help of the Lord to help me in the past, I have already left the Falcons. I and a group of people who have no ambitions to waste time in the Falcons. This is a shame to me. ”

Yan Yan’s voice contains a lot of power.

"go away!"

Yan Yan is facing Zhao Zhao and swings directly.

He didn't even look at Zhao Wei's eyes, he began to attract thousands of fire and thunder sea lightning, and gathered toward his arm.

Zhao Yu’s eyes are full of killing.

"Hey, Yan Yan, if you know, the lord is not your savior, but your killing father, what will you do?"

Zhao Xin’s heart is full of conspiracy.

As the saying goes, only the villain and the woman are difficult to raise!

I would rather provoke a thousand gentlemen than to provoke a villain.

However, Zhao Wei is such a villain.


Xu Feng came to the central area of ​​Thousand Fires Leihai. His eyes swept across the surrounding training stations, and the eyebrows were excited.

He found that the strength of the thundering station in the center of Thousand Fires, the thunder and lightning, and the temperature were terrifying.

It is indeed in line with his cultivation of the Kowloon Refining Body.

"You stare at me for so long, then you!"

Xu Feng’s eyes fell on the left hand side.

It was a middle-aged man who was the elder of the Falcon gang.

He stared at Xu Feng, of course, is not good.


Xu Feng stepped out and punched a middle-aged man. He couldn’t help but say that he was violent.

The dragon king boxing was displayed, and the middle-aged man’s face was angry. “You kid, do you think Laozi is a soft persimmon?”

"You are not a soft persimmon, you are an ant!"

Xu Feng’s voice is extremely overbearing.


In the moment when the fist fell, the middle-aged man was imaginary and repaired, and the whole person was shaken out.

His body fell in the thunder sea, and Xu Feng stepped out step by step, his feet on his chest.

"You hawks help people, want to kill me three times and five times, see you are not pleasing to the eye, then I will kill you!"

Xu Feng did not have any good feelings for the Falcons.

At the moment, a punch condenses out.

With a bang, the fist fell.


The middle-aged man fell in the sea of ​​fire and was bombarded by lightning on the body. It was really dead.

Many people in the Falcons are angry.

However, not far from the practice station, the Qingsong martial arts frown, they think that the emergence of such a genius in Bi Tao, is not a good thing.

However, several people in Bi Taomen have smiles on their faces.

Xu Feng is really too arrogant.


Xu Feng returned to the cultivation platform. He sat cross-legged and said: "Whoever sees me in the Falcons can do it."

"If no one is going to take it, then I will start to practice, I hope you will not come over and bother me."

Xu Feng’s voice revealed that he was overbearing.

The spiritual flow of his body, the golden light emerged.

Wu Elder's eyes were gloomy. He swept Xu Feng and said: "Don't worry, since Yan Yan is so arrogant, let them first bite the dog. When we get the profit of the fisherman, don't you be happy?"

The elders of Wu are the savage and savage, and he is the strong eagle.

Since Xu Feng has invested in the net, they certainly will not let go.

"Wu elders are brilliant!"

Zhao Wei was facing the elders of Wu, laughing with a flattering.




With Xu Feng sitting cross-legged, his body, the second pillar of the Kowloon refinery, exudes a terrifying momentum.

The silver-white lightning around them are all facing Xu Feng's body.

It seems to be a huge whirlpool, and it’s going crazy.

The momentum emerged and the spiritual flow.

"The peak of the vain body!"

The dense thunder and lightning, bombarded above Xu Feng's body, all came out with rumbling sounds.

The people around me are stunned.

"Is this kid still a human? Is such a terrible thunder and bombarding his body, he is still innocent?"

A man with a six-fold virtual situation, he was stunned.

He is very clear about the horror of thunder and lightning in Thousand Fires.

However, Xu Feng at the moment, but with so much lightning, is still intact.

"This kid seems to be tempering the flesh."

Someone said.

"The imaginary body is perfect!"

Xu Feng felt the strength of the body, and the golden light filled.

The golden light is like a dragon shadow.

The body before Xu Feng reached the realm of the peak of the illusory body.

With the operation of the Kowloon refinery, his illusory body was elevated to great perfection.

"I want to continue to build up the body."

Just as Xu Feng is ready to continue to temper his body.

Above the pillars of the first Kowloon refinement, a ghost of a dragon emerges, filled with mysterious runes.

The dragon's shadow of the pillars went toward Xu Feng's mind.

He felt that there was a refining skill in his mind.

"The dragon is invincible!"

Xu Feng’s face was full of smiles, he did not expect. ,

On top of the pillars of the Kowloon Refining Body, such a holy spirit is hidden.

What surprised him the most.

The spiritual skill of this "Invincible Claw of the Dragon" is the Holy Spirit that perfectly matches his body.

In other words, the display of "Zhulong Invincible Claw" can completely erupt the power of his vain body.

"The dragon's invincible claws: it is an ancient period, killing the dragon's powerful spiritual skills, and the power of the world."

"Cultivating to the peak, even if it is the sea of ​​stars, you can still break it!"

Xu Feng learned that the "Dragon's Invincible Claw" is overbearing, and the heart is full of joy.

His recently cultivated "burning wind tyrants" is also very powerful.

However, it is really difficult to find the magical skills that erupt the strength of the body.

Especially in small places like Heicheng, there are few strong physical exercises.

(End of this chapter)

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