The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2781: Blue blood octopus

Chapter 2781 Blue blood octopus

"Ji Chang, I think this valley is so desolate, or we will go around the valley."

Xu Feng looked at the elders of Ji, who was walking in front of him. He was very clear.

These monsters under the ground are very likely to contain highly toxic.

Once poisoned, it is not a simple matter to find a solution to detoxification.

At that time, he doesn't want it.

I haven't found the black wood purple vine, and I died in this valley.

Of course, for Xu Feng.

Unless it is those toxins that are against the sky.

Otherwise, with his body's ability to ignite the fire, with his detoxification ability, he will not die.

Ji Chang heard the words, he suddenly frowned.

After all, the area of ​​this valley is not small.

If you circle this way, I am afraid I will spend more than half a day.

Chen Yagang’s face was mocked and said: “Xu Feng, if you are afraid, just wait for us to come back here.”

"If you look for black wood purple vines anyway, you can't get any chance."

"As a man, you are so timid, you are still very embarrassed to propose a detour."

Chen Yagang really did not let go, any chance to fight Xu Feng.

His face is contemptuous.

Yang Linhua stood on one side.

He turned his head and looked at the elders, saying: "Ji Chang, since Xu Feng is so scared, I think he still should not be with us."

"In case, everyone is dying in this impoverished valley. When it is time, is it really hurting him?"

Everyone can hear it.

Yang Linhua is ridiculing Xu Feng and everyone.

At the same time, Yang Linhua's meaning is obvious.

That is, the valley in front of it looks so poor.

How can it be dangerous?

The road is pure and redundant.

Xu Feng's eyes were slightly screwed up, and everyone looked like they didn't want to make a detour. He couldn't help but shake his head.

Ji Chang’s face is smiling, and he also feels that Xu Feng is afraid of watching such an environment.

"Xu Feng, don't worry, you are by my side, it is impossible to be dangerous."

Elder Kyrgyz’s face is confident.

He patted Xu Feng's shoulder and said, "Follow me, we walked across the valley."

Yang Linhua and others are helpless and shake their heads.

"Hey, it seems that I really want to bring this oil bottle, so I walked all the way to the end." Yang Linhua's voice is very big, and there is no cover.

He seems to have deliberately said to Xu Feng.

"Ji Chang, this valley is so desolate, don't you feel embarrassed?"

Xu Feng still insisted on his own ideas.

He wants to persuade everyone to detour.

After all, his purpose is black wood purple vine.

When you don't arrive, Elder Kyrgyz and others are dead inside. Who will take him to find the black wood purple vine?

Ji Chang looked at Xu Feng and insisted that he was also impatient.

He felt that Xu Feng had some instinct.

"Master Wang, you are the second-class master of alchemy, you have to look at it, is there any special place in this valley?"

The other seven people inside.

There is a second-order Shangpin alchemy division.

This person is a white-haired old man.

The purpose of his followers is also for the third-order spiritual material, black wood purple vine.

His eyes looked around and said: "Elders of Kyrgyzstan, the old man can be sure that there is no danger in the valley."

"Ha ha ha!"

I heard the words of Master Wang.

Yang Linhua and others are laughing.

One by one, looking at Xu Feng with a sullen look, said: "Xu Feng, if you are very afraid, say it, don't be so alarmist."

Elder Ji did not pay attention to Xu Feng this time.

He said: "Go, start!"

He took the lead to walk towards the valley.

When Chen Yagang came to the front, he deliberately turned his head back, staring at Xu Feng with contempt.

"Brother, it looks like a monster under the ground."

The kitten stood on Xu Feng's shoulder and said softly.


Xu Feng nodded and could only follow the former Ji Chang and others.

As they walked to the middle of the valley.

Xu Feng's eyes stared at the ground. He found that some soil seemed to be constantly floating up and down.


Just in an instant.

There was a loud noise in front.

A middle-aged man with five emptiness in the world, he made a cry.

"Zhang Tianzhao, what happened?"

Elder Kyrgyz looked at Zhang Tianzhao and asked directly.

Next to Chen Yagang and others, it is also full of curiosity.

Zhang Tianzhao looked under his own shoes, his eyes narrowed slightly and found that there was nothing unusual in his body.

Only the bottom of his shoe seems to have some tiny scallops.

"Nothing, it seems like stepping on a grain of sand."

Zhang Tianzhao said with a smile.

"Haha... you are not suspicious, do you think the valley is unusual?"

Among Chen Yagang’s laughter, he was ridiculed with Xu Feng.

After all, Xu Feng said before that the valley is not normal.

"That is not!"

Zhang Tianzhao never satirized Xu Feng.

He felt that he followed the elders of Ji to find the black wood purple vine.

I want to get this third-order spirit from the other hand, unless it is lucky.

Therefore, what does he do for Xu Feng?


Chen Yagang was still preparing to say something, but suddenly snorted.

His face changed a little.

For fear that the people around him found his strangeness, he endured the pain in his soles, and opened his mouth and smiled and said: "Haha... What are you doing with me?"

It is clear that everyone has heard the snoring of Chen Yagang.

However, Chen Yagang does not seem to want to admit.

"Keep going."

Elder Kyrgyz said to everyone.


Another scream, this time it was Yang Linhua.

He was a little mistaken and said: "What kind of ghost thing seems to have gotten under my feet?"

When Yang Linhua spoke, he widened his eyes.

Just because he found his feet, severe pain came.

"Ah... what happened, my feet hurt!"

Yang Linhua’s face is full of embarrassment.

"Master Wang, let's take a quick look, what happened to my feet?"

Yang Linhua stared at his feet and turned into blue.

Most importantly, the blue skin seems to be spreading.

"Oh ah..."

Then, several other people screamed.

Chen Yagang still insisted on his teeth.

The elders of Kyrgyzstan also became iron-blue, and said: "What is going on, my feet are poisoned?"

Elder Kyrgyz looked at his own steps and turned blue directly.

"It turned out to be a blue-blooded octopus, no wonder!"

Xu Feng looked at the symptoms of several people poisoning, he suddenly knew, what is the toxin of the monster.

His soles were stabbed just now.

It is a pity that those toxins have been ignited by the world and refining in an instant.


Known as the master of the alchemy, he was spurted out of blood.

His eyes are panicked.

"Master Wang, what's wrong with you, you are the most powerful alchemy teacher among us."

Yang Lin just stared at Master Wang. He knew that only Master Wang could detoxify.

"I am poisoned too!"

Master Wang looked at his feet and the blue blood was flowing.

(End of this chapter)

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