The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2780: Someone is poisoned?

Chapter 2780 Is someone poisoned?

"Not good, it is a monster!"

“How can there be a beast in it?”

"It seems to be a second-order monster, a red-blooded wolf."

"Red-blooded wolves are all living monsters. Once they are dispatched, they are all a group of monsters."

"We are all careful. The red-blooded wolf is not very powerful. Although it is a lot, it is very easy to kill."

Eight people, except Xu Feng.

The rest of the seven people are all saying a word to me.

Yang Linhua looked at Xu Feng and said: "Some people are tired, but they must rely on the elders of Ji to be able to survive."

Yang Linhua is also one of the seven people who is very uncomfortable with Xu Feng.

He felt that it was a burden to carry the eight-pronged spirit of Xu Feng.

He did not understand why the elders of Kyrgyzstan wanted Xu Feng to follow.

He does not think that Elder Kyrgyz is a big compassion.

"Yang brother, if you want to say that Xu Feng is cumbersome, then you can say it directly. Anyway, he is already tired."

Chen Yagang is not so euphemistic.

He originally wanted to kill Xu Feng, of course he would not be merciless.

Seeing the red-blooded wolf attacked.

He smiled and said: "I feel that since he followed us, he should deal with the red-blooded wolf instead of hiding behind us."

Kyrgyz elders heard the words, he said: "Don't look down on anyone, everyone will concentrate on dealing with the red blood wolf."

The words of Elder Ji’s voice sounded, and Yang Linhua’s face was a bit unremarkable, but there was still no seizure.

Elder Kyrgyz turned his head. He was still curious about Xu Feng. He looked at Xunyang and respected Xu Feng.

He does not think that Xunyang is an idiot.

For a youth who is eight-minded, with respectful emotions.

The recent reputation of Xunyang shops is very big.

He has heard of Elder Chee.

The boss of such a shop, of course, cannot be an idiot.

Xu Feng must have his uniqueness.

Moreover, for the elders of Kyrgyzstan, there is no one influence on his plan.

Xu Feng is not very far from Ji Chang.

He didn't have much thought about the words of the two.

He knows very well that these two people are very upset about themselves, so it is not good for them to be more unhappy. Isn't it good?

Seeing Xu Feng silent.

Chen Yagang and others are even more angry.

They think that this is Xu Feng ignoring them.

Why, a young man with an eight-pronged spirit can ignore them?

Chen Yagang’s eyes are full of killings.

If you don't know, Elder Kyrgyz wants to maintain Xu Feng's words.

He is afraid that he can't help it anymore and wants to kill Xu Feng.

Chen Yagang did not know.

If it weren’t for Ji’s elders, he might have become a dead person, and he couldn’t complain with his heart.


Just at this time.

The red-blooded wolves around them were rushing toward them.

There are many red-blooded wolves, at least a hundred.

Chen Yagang originally thought that Xu Feng saw so many red-blooded wolves that he would be scared to fear.

He also pays attention to Xu Feng's face and wants to ridicule each other.

Unexpectedly, Xu Feng’s face was even calmer than his.

On the elders of Ji, the impetuous situation of the seven-fold situation broke out.

Every time he attacked, two or three red-haired wolves fell to the ground.

When Kyrgyzstan took the shot, he also helped Xu Feng to kill and wanted to attack Xu Feng’s monster.

Xu Feng did not have much affection for Elder Ji.

Yes, since the other party wants to be a good person, he certainly won’t stop it.

Anyway, he is too lazy to do it.

"All of us are going to hurry and rush out of the encirclement of the red-blooded wolf."

The voice of Elder Kyrgyz spread.

Chen Yagang’s eyes are sneer in the depths.

The spiritual flow in his body is in an instant.

A red-blooded wolf, with his hands directly grasping his legs, toward the place of Xu Feng, throwing away.


Seeing Chen Yagang doing this.

Some other people are frowning.

The red-blooded wolf squatted on the ground and turned to the moment, heading toward Xu Feng, wielding sharp claws and attacking.

Kyrgyzstan burst into a burst, he originally wanted to shoot, rescue Xu Feng.

I know, Xu Feng is on the sidelines.


He only saw Xu Feng punching out with a fist.

The fist collided with the red-blooded wolf.

The red-blooded wolf seems to be a broken kite, flying directly out, and squatting on the ground.

Chen Yagang's face became extraoriously ugly. He didn't expect Xu Feng to be able to deal with the red-blooded wolf.

In the depths of the elders of Kyrgyzstan, with a touch of surprise.

"A strong and powerful body, the strength of this young man does not seem to be as simple as the surface?"

Gigi Elder's eyes flashed.

He knows that although the strength of the red-blooded wolf is not strong, it is also a double ambiguity and a triple existence.

Want to easily kill the red-blooded wolf, it proves that Xu Feng's strength is comparable to the virtual world.

However, he clearly only cultivated eight spirits.

Unless this young man can fight more and more.

"Oh, you have a little means, you are so shameless, hiding behind us?"

Chen Yagang was furious and taunted.

Xu Feng was cold and cold: "I didn't let you rush in front. If you feel unwilling, you can go behind."

Xu Feng said that he was not salty.


Chen Yagang looked behind him, all of them were chasing the dense red-blooded wolf.

Kyrgyz anger screamed.

"Hurry up and kill the encirclement of the red-haired wolf, so that the battle goes on, it is a waste of time."

Elder Kyrgyz said, the spiritual power of his body swept out, his head and the veins criss-cross.

It is worthy of being a seven-strong powerhouse in the virtual world. He almost swept the red-blooded wolf, and he smashed it.

Xu Feng successively killed three red-haired wolves.

Chen Yagang also knows that he wants to use the red-blooded wolf to kill Xu Feng.

Almost impossible.

He also did not continue to waste time.

After the people killed the encirclement of the red-blooded wolf, they were all dense forests along the way.

"Oh... you found out that this valley is so strange that it is bare everywhere."

"We have just walked all the way, all of them are towering trees, all green forests."

Looking at the valley in front of me, some people said with curiosity.

Xu Feng’s eyes were staring at the ground.

I saw some tiny holes in the yellow soil.

The dirt is like dust.


Xu Feng felt that the spiritual power in the soil was almost scarce.

This is the reason for this valley without any vegetation.

"Get closer and closer to where we are going, cross the valley."

Elder Ji did not find any clues.

He walked in front and walked across the valley.


Xu Feng’s ears moved, his eyes were very deep in his eyes, and his heart said: “What the **** is it?”

Xu Feng is sure that there is absolutely something under the ground.

Not all monsters are huge.

There are also some monsters, born to be small, living under the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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