The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2753: Yang Yanzhan's challenge

Chapter 2753, Yang Yanzhan's Challenge


The whole scene of the people, instead of Xu Feng pinch a cold sweat.

No one thought of it.

Xu Feng dared to provoke the elders.

This is completely ignoring the existence of a great elder.

Child frost stood up.

He looked at Xu Feng, he yelled: "Xu Feng, not to be noisy, the great elder is the hero of the Bi Tao door, he certainly hopes that our Bi Tao door is thriving."

"The battle between you and Xiao Hanteng is provoked by Xiao Hanteng, and the elders will not blame you."

Tong Shuang first wore a high hat for the elders.

The meaning is obvious.

The great elder is the hero of Bi Taomen. He can't hurt your genius.

Although the elders are very selfish, they know.

If he starts to work on Xu Feng, he will call his own face.

In the future, it is really majestic.

He looked at Xu Feng and said: "Xu Feng, your talent is very good, the old man is very impressive to you."

"However, the old man would like to remind you that it is to respect the old man in the future."

"Xiao Hanteng is self-sufficient, and this is the first place in the internal test of the spiritual world. It is none of you."

The elders said directly.

Xu Feng heard that he stared at the elders with a smile.

The heart is secretly funny.

If it is not a child cream opening.

I am afraid that the elders may not be willing to give up.

"Thank you for the elders to handle the public!"

Xu Feng said to the elders that they are not salty or light.

Many people look at Xu Feng with envy.

"It seems that the door owner is really good for Xu Feng, take the initiative to stand up and give Xu Feng a chance to live."

"If it weren't for the doorkeeper's words, the elders would definitely take the lead in teaching Xu Feng, fearing it would be very miserable."

"However, Xu Feng's talent is really terrible. What is the realm of your real strength?"

"Who knows? Xiao Hanteng is not his enemy."

Seeing Tong Chuang took the initiative to help Xu Feng.

Many people on the scene, their faces are envious.

The status and identity of the elders at Bitaomen are very high.

Tongshuang also respects the elders very much.

This is also why the elders can do whatever they want.

Now, Tongshuang is for Xu Feng.

I personally spoke, although I am praising the achievements of the elders.

In fact, it is for the elders to be unable to start with Xu Feng.

"Who is this Xu Feng in the end, how can it be so abnormal? The seven spirits of the spiritual environment are rebuilt, and 30 spirits are gathered."

Someone looked at Xu Feng, and the eyebrows were shocked.

For them.

It is really awkward to reconcile the seven spiritual relics.

Yang Zhao’s heart is full of horror.

He said: "What is the role of this kid, the seven spirits of the spirit, and the thirty threads?"

Yang Zhao seems to understand.

Why Xu Feng was able to kill Jiang Dahua, and the seven elders of Heichengcheng could not wait to kill.

Such a martial arts talent.

Maybe three or five years later, no one is his opponent in the entire Black Iron City.

Xu Feng looked at the elders.

"The elders, the first place in the spiritual test, the reward is the nine-leaf spirit, do not know where the reward is?"

Xu Feng took the initiative to speak to the elders and directly said such words.

Many people's skins are shaking.

They all have to sigh.

This Xu Feng's courage is really too big.

The great elder did not do anything to him, and it was a great gift.

Now, the elders did not mention the rewards, he actually said it.

The depths of the elders' old eyes are all angry.

"Is it difficult for the old man to swallow?"

The elders took out the Jiuyehualing fruit and he threw it directly toward Xu Feng.

“Thank you for the elders!”

Xu Feng with a smile on his face, he took over the nine leaves of the fruit.

The purpose of his participation in the test is the nine-leaf spirit.

Of course he will not let go.


The elders waved their sleeves and walked down the side of the ring.

Xu Feng did not care. He looked at the opposite person and said: "You are not my opponent, I am too lazy to waste time."

After Xu Feng finished, walked down the ring.

that's it.

The name of Xu Feng is spread all over the Bitao Gate.

Many people at Bitaomen know.

Bi Taomen appeared a talented young man, and he was rehabilitated in the seven spiritual worlds.

Xiao Hanteng, a disciple of the great elders, was shocked.

The test of the spiritual world is over.

Then there is a comparison of the virtual world.

However, most of the imaginary trials are imaginary and trivial.

Among them, the most powerful people are the triple peaks of the virtual world.

"You said that this time the internal test of the virtual world, who can get the first place?"

"Is this still used? Of course, the son of four elders Yang Zhao, Yang Yanzhan!"

The person next to him said suddenly.

"Yang Yanzhan's cultivation is the triple peak of the virtual world. He has already gathered twenty-six spirits."

"And, Yang Yanzhan also cultivated a first-class supernatural spirit. It is said that his fire and claws have been cultivated to the realm of getting better."

"No, Yang Yanzhan can completely defeat the four weapons of the virtual world."


With the ambiguous trials continue to progress.

The battle of imaginary dilemma seems to be carried out in an orderly manner.

Until noon the next day.

Yang Yanzhan defeated the other side with the "fire and claws" and won the first place in the virtual reality test.

Yang Zhao’s face is full of smiles.

Other elders around him also expressed their congratulations to Yang Zhao.

Yang Yanzhan won the first place in the virtual dilemma, and his eyes were deep and disdainful.

He directly looked at the two elders who were responsible for the downfall, saying: "Two elders, I want to challenge a person, don't you know?"

The words of Yang Yanzhan sounded.

Yang Zhao’s face became ugly, and he knew what his son wanted to do.

Yang Yanzhan wants to challenge Xu Feng.

"How can this kid not listen to my persuasion?"

Yang Zhao did not expect.

He has warned Yang Yanzhan.

He knows that his son's strength is definitely weaker than Jiang Dahua.

It is almost impossible to defeat Xu Feng.

In particular, Xu Feng also condensed thirty threads.

The two elders looked at Yang Yanzhan and said: "You can ask a challenge. As for the other party's promise not to agree, it is the other party's business."

It is more fair for the two elders to be human.

He is not biased towards anyone.

This is why he has been a referee for many years.

"Well, thank you for the two elders!"

After Yang Yanzhan finished, his eyes swept over the people around him.

Finally, his eyes stopped on Xu Feng.

Xu Feng stood there, his face was very calm, he did not seem to know Yang Yanzhan, he did not understand why Yang Yanzhan is hostile to him?

"Xu Feng, it is said that your talent is very strong, and the strength is very powerful, I really want to see."

"I don't know, do you have the courage to accept my challenge?"

Yang Yanzhan’s voice sounded.

Many people are wrong.

Yang Yanzhan is a three-fold martial artist in the virtual world. He even made a speech to challenge Xu Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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