Chapter 2752, a boxing shock



Many people's faces are changing.

To know.

At the moment, the seven remaining people on the top of the platform are all nine-fold existence.

Xu Feng actually let the other seven people together, it is too arrogant.

It is difficult, he feels that he can beat seven people.

The elders did not expect that Xu Feng actually said such words.

In this case, it is exactly what makes him happy.

His eyes fell on Xu Feng, saying: "Kid, your talent is really good, but unfortunately you are so provocative, it is really something that shouldn't be, don't you think that you are really too arrogant?"

The voice of the elders is full of sternness.

Xu Feng spread his hands.

"Great elders, don't be so hypocritical. Don't you just want to let them seven people deal with me?"

"I let them go together with seven people. Isn't that what makes you happy?" Xu Feng said relentlessly to the elders.

The elders heard the words, his old face, and some of them could not be hanged at the moment.

After all, Xu Feng's tone is too straightforward.

This is tantamount to hitting his face naked.

"Hey, the old man has been at Bitaomen for so many years. Is it a hairy boy like you, can you talk about it casually?"

The elders screamed directly.

"Is this the big elders who rely on the old and the old, the biggest self-interested capital? It makes me look at each other!"

Xu Feng said to the elders in a straightforward manner.

He can say that it is really unwelcome.

Make the elders deep in the eyes are angry.

"Hey, since you are not good, you want to let them seven people, and work together for you, then you can fulfill it."

"If you can defeat them seven people, you will prove that you are the first in the spiritual world."

The great elders have a firm tone.

Since Xu Feng has turned his face, he is not prepared to give Xu Feng any way to live.

"It doesn't matter!"

Xu Feng's face is indifferent.

to him.

Such a nine-heavy warrior in the spiritual world, it is only seven.

Even if it is more, he will kill it.

It is a pity that if you don't take care of Bi Taomen, these seven people can kill him in an instant.

Xiao Hanteng stood between seven people. He looked at Xu Feng and said slowly: "Xu Feng, you can't even do the basic respect for the elders. It's damn!"

Xu Feng heard that he had a deep kill in his eyes.

"Xiao Hanteng, do you want to kill me?"

Xu Feng’s eyes fell on the elders not far away, saying: “The elders, this is your pro-disciple.”

"The so-called point-to-point, is this rule specific to other people?"

The elders heard the words, he stared at Xu Feng, angry said: "Xu Feng kid, you don't challenge the old man's authority every time."

"Since the old man said that it is up to the point, it is up to the point, even if it is my disciple, it cannot be violated."

The elders voice is harsh.

Xu Feng looked at Xiao Hanteng, cold and cold: "Xiao Hanteng, you heard no, this is the end of the words."

"But what your father said, can't you be against it?"

Xiao Hanteng did not expect Xu Feng to be so treacherous.

He thought very clearly, as long as the seven people on his side shot.

It is inevitable to kill Xu Feng.

Xiao Hanteng stared at Xu Feng and said, "Oh, of course, I will not violate Master's words."

"You are so arrogant and arrogant, it must be a painful price."

In Xiao Hanteng's tone, it is ridicule.

Xu Feng said directly: "Don't you really want to kill me? Then let's just let go of life and death, fight well?"

Xu Feng asked Xiao Hanteng with a mockery.

The elders’ face changed slightly.

Xiao Hanteng heard the words, he said: "Since you want this, then of course we can only satisfy you."

He looked at the elders and said: "Master, although it is a battle until the end, since we want to live and die to fight, then please ask Master to meet our requirements."

The elders heard the words and he frowned.

"Since you volunteered, what the end of the battle is, it doesn't matter to the old man."

The elders are obviously not satisfied with Xiao Hanteng.

He said this for the last time.

Xiao Hanteng still does not know how to make such a request.

"Xu Feng, you heard no, our battle, we solve it ourselves, and it doesn't matter to the elders."

Xiao Hanteng's face is arrogant.

He said to the six people around him: "Since Xu Feng is so arrogant, we should let him pay the price."

The six people frowned slightly.

They and Xu Feng have no real life and death enemies. Why do they have to compete with Xu Feng for life and death?

One of the young people, he stood up directly.

"Xiao Hanteng, we don't want to fight for life and death, we just want to learn from Xu Feng."

The words of the youth sounded.

Other people have nodded.

Xu Feng stared at Xiao Hanteng and smiled: "Xiao Hanteng, are you not confident to kill me?"

"Not as good as this, I am standing here, if you can let me move one step, I Xu Feng is on the spot."

Xu Feng's tone is extremely arrogant.

Xiao Hanteng bit his teeth.

If the other six people do not fight, how is he the opponent of Xu Feng?

"Don't you dare?"

Xu Feng brows, stretched out his hand, facing Xiao Hanteng with a provocation, hooked his fingers.

"Since you don't dare, then I will let you know how idiotic you are to provoke me!"

Xu Feng finished in an instant.

The violent momentum of the body suddenly broke out.

The golden light is pervasive.

The next moment.

On top of Xu Feng’s head, 30 spiritual veins broke out instantly.

The people of the entire Bitao Gate stood up directly, and all of them were horrified.

"how is this possible?"

Xiao Hanteng's eyes widened and his face was terrified.


Xu Feng directly spit out a moment of death, the golden fist of his body, and the suppression of it.

Xiao Hanteng had not had time to react. He was directly killed by Xu Feng’s Cang Long Wang Quan.

His eyes were round and his face was terrified, unwilling, and confused.

He really doesn't understand why he died here?

The elders looked at the 30 threads of Xu Feng’s head, and his old cheeks were trembling.

What kind of talent is this, even in the spirit of the seven souls, condensed 30 spirits.


Cao Zhen swallowed swallowing water.

He thought that Xu Feng's strength was very powerful, but he did not expect such a metamorphosis.

Tongshuang also stood up. He stared at the 30 threads of Xu Feng’s head, and his heart was shocked.

Xu Feng looked at Xiao Hanteng, who was strangled by him. He said coldly: "It’s really waste, and even a punch can’t support it.”


Xu Feng shook his head helplessly. He looked at the elders and said: "The elders, your pro-disciples, but this is not the case."

The elder's lips trembled, and he was clearly on the verge of rage.

(End of this chapter)

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