The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2649: War ancient

Chapter 2649

Wan Shigu!

Ah, ah...

Throughout the world, the entire Wanshi Valley is in a crazy battle.

The rocky stone of Wanshi Valley.

One by one, both eyes are blood red.

Some of their faces are angry killings.

"Chenhua, my grievances with you, should be clear today."

A young man, his eyes are cold and killing.

The momentum on the body has become extremely fierce.

"It turned out that the ancient brothers, I can not think of the ancient brothers also came to Wanshi Valley, we have no shadow island, can dominate in Wanshi Valley."

Seeing the arrival of the ancients, many disciples of the Shadowless Island, their faces, full of hope.

"Ancient brother, kill this Chenhua, he killed many of us before."

Someone looked at Gu Li and said it directly.

"Yes, this aging is really abominable."

Chen Hua.

The strongest of Baiyang Island.

It is also considered to be the elder of Baiyang Island.


Chen Hua is the island owner of the islands of Baiyang Island.

"Ha ha ha... I have heard it for a long time, Ji Zeteng has a very powerful disciple, I must be you."

Chen Hua’s eyes stared at the opposite of the ancient.

The spiritual power of the body continues to flow.

His eyes are cold and killing.

Baiyang Island and Wuying Island can be described as a sea of ​​enmity.

these years.

Baiyang Island is oppressed by Shadowless Island.

It was killed by many people in the shadowless island.

Chen Hua’s best friend was the one who died in the shadowless island.

Therefore, Chen Hua did not have any good feelings for the people without the island.

As a warrior with seven souls in the spirit.

The spirit that he condensed is eighteen.

The spiritual power of the ancient body is also flowing.

In his eyes, there are majestic wars.

"Chenhua, fight, talk nonsense."

I saw it.

In the moment when Gu Gu finished, in his hand, the long gun floated and shimmered with darkness.

He used the marksmanship.

In the entire nine wild seas.

The ancient gunfare can be described as far and near famous, powerful and powerful.

"Nine songs and eighteen guns!"

In the eyes of the ancients, the mighty warfare condensed.

The pulse of the top of the head emerged.

What appears directly is the nineteen veins.

In other words, the number of ancient spiritual veins is one more than that of Chen Hua.

However, there is more than one thread, but it is impossible to determine the outcome of a real battle.

"Do you think that the strength of the ancient brother is stronger, or is it stronger?"

Someone looked at the battle between Gu Li and Chen Hua.

Their eyes are shocking.

The seven-fold battle of the spiritual world suddenly attracted the attention of countless people.

Even the people who have just fought some battles have stopped.

"We don't want to fight first, look at the battle between ancient and aging, what do you think?"

"So great!"


Xu Feng also appeared in Wanshi Valley.

His eyes looked at Chen Hua and Gu Li.

"Xu brother!"

Just at this time.

There was a figure around Xu Feng.

This person had met with Xu Feng before.

That was when I was with Zhang Tianyou.

"You are here too?"

Xu Feng looked at each other, a touch of the road.

"Xu Shixiong, this battle of Wanshigu has lasted for three days, and it is really shocking."

The man said to Xu Feng, excited.

Xu Feng heard that the heart is also shocking.

When he came to Wanshi Valley.

I also feel that it seems that some kind of strong war is rising inside.

It seems that this Wanshi Valley is the place used to give people a fight.

Xu Feng naturally does not know.

Wanshigu was once a disciple of Jiujiemen, where he fought and studied.

Originally at the beginning.

Fighting in it is a group battle.

It is to cultivate the courage of the disciples.



Just at this time.

Chen Hua and Gu Li have already fought together.

Both are the seven strengths of the spiritual world.

However, it's just a trick between.

Xu Feng has already distinguished it.

That is, the strength of Chen Hua is not as strong as the ancient ones.

This ancient is not a big disciple of Ji Zeteng, and the strength is not to be underestimated.

In particular, his "nine-eighteen-eighteen guns", which contain the majestic warfare.

As if in this moment.

His pistol can be turned into countless sharp edges and tear everything.

The violent wind blows around.

Gu looked at the opposite Chen Hua, said: "Chen Hua, it seems that your strength is nothing more than that."

"Today, you are destined to die in my hands."

Inside the ancient eyes, they are all heroic fighting ideas.

The mighty spiritual power floats above his rifle.

The nineteen spiritual riots on his head.


Chen Hua was again shot by a long gun, and the whole person rushed to the front and then quit.

"Ah, ah..."

Everyone in the shadowless island.

Seeing this scene, one by one is a cheering cheer.

The face of Chen Hua became extraordinarily ugly.


"Xu Shixiong, it seems that Elder Chen Hua is going to lose."

The man around Xu Feng, he could not help but sigh.

Xu Feng looked at each other and said, "Do you know him?"

The man suddenly said: "Xu Shixiong, he is the island owner of our Baiyang Island subordinate island, with a good temper and a good personality."

"Before we were in the nine ruins, if you met the attack on the Shadowless Island, he was always the first to arrive at the rescue."

The man’s words are finished.

Xu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly.



Chen Hua was directly pierced by a long gun.

The whole person spurted out blood.

His body fell directly to the ground.

"Give me to die."

The ancient roared out.

Seeing that Chen Hua fell to the ground, it is natural to win the pursuit.

The pike is fierce.

It is also the power of the nine songs and eighteen guns.

Towards the aging chest, the thorns pricked out.

This time, if it is stabbing.

I am afraid that Chen Hua will die.


Just when many people think that Chen Hua will die.

A figure appeared in front of Chen Hua.

Golden fists, smashing out.

In the moment when the fist and the long gun collided, the sound of the eruption was awkward.

The ancient face suddenly changed.

He felt that his arm was constantly shaking.

Chen Hua looked at the front figure, his face was slightly changed.

Xu Feng went to Chen Hua’s front and directly raised Chen Hua. He said: “Chen Huadao Lord, is it okay?”

Chen Hua shook his head.

"no problem?"

When the blood of his mouth blew out, he said, "Hello?"

In Chen Hua’s mind, he does not seem to know such a person.

Xu Feng smiled.

"My name is Xu Feng, but I am an inner disciple of Baiyang Island."

"Is the inner disciple so strong?"

Chen Hua’s eyes are strange.

"My time to join Baiyang Island is not very long, that is, more than half a year, Chen Island has not seen me, it is also a normal thing."

Xu Feng said to Chen Hua with a smile.

His voice was calm and there was no sense of arrogance.

(End of this chapter)

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