The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2648: Mangokudani

Chapter 2648 Wan Shigu

Everyone looked at Xu Feng's gaze and became completely fearful.

That is the eight-armed warrior.

But still died in the hands of Xu Feng.

Although, they all know.

Cha Qian also plays a very important role.

However, if there is no Xu Feng.

All of this is in vain.

"Xu Feng, you are incredible."

Cha Qian looked at Xu Feng’s eyes and was shocked.

Even if it is a seven-armed warrior, the surprise of Xu Feng is also beyond words.

Such strength and talent are simply unbelievable.


Xu Feng is almost an medicinal herb, and the martial arts are all understood.

Not understanding it.

It has reached the point of mastery.

I don't know if they know that Xu Feng is also a soul teacher, will it be even more shocking?

"Luck is better!"

Xu Feng said low-keyly.

"Xu brother, can you not want such a low-key, people who don't know, and think that you are as mediocre as us!"

"Cut, you know a fart, Xu brother, this is a pig, eat a tiger, and make a hundred!" The person next to him joked.

Everyone is happy.

They entered the site of Jiuhuangmen this time.

Has gained a lot of opportunities that people have not obtained.

Xu Feng looked at everyone and said: "Maybe the Jiuhuangmen site, there are other treasures, we still leave Bailing Lake here."

Hearing the words of Xu Feng, everyone is looking forward to the face.

The crowd left the outside of Lake Bailing.


Everyone is deeply breathing.

There are so many bodies floating on the surface of Lake Bailing.

The bottom becomes more dull.

Everyone is in the hall, although very happy, but the heart is extremely troublesome.

Now, leaving the bottom of Lake Bailing, one by one is the joy of the rest of the robbery, and the importance of feeling free.

Xu Feng looked at the crowd and said: "You, we have met in the mountains and rivers. Everyone is careful in the Jiuhuangmen site. Today we will not be here!"

Xu Feng is holding a fist at everyone.

He doesn't know where to go next.

I also know.

When so many people get together, walking is very inconvenient, and many things are not convenient.

"Xu Shixiong, don't ever do this."

Some people want to be with Xu Feng.

I also know.

Xu Feng's strength is very powerful. Together with Xu Feng, they will only become Xu Feng's burden.

Some people are helpless in their hearts.

But I can only watch Xu Feng leave.

Cha Qian looked at Xu Feng and said: "Xu Feng, be careful!"


Xu Feng is moving away from the distance.

"The people of Xu’s brother are really good."

"It’s a very good person, and the martial arts talent is also very bad."

"In my opinion, in the morning and evening, Master Xu will leave the nine seas, and it will be nine days in time."

Seeing the back of Xu Feng’s departure, everyone’s voice is full of worship and awe.

Ren Chun and Yu Kai and others have long been convinced by Xu Feng’s performance.

In their hearts at the moment, for Xu Feng, there is admiration.


"Brother, where are we going?"

The kitten stood on Xu Feng's shoulder and his face was curious.

Xu Feng smiled.

"Let's take a step and don't know where it is. In the end, it's better."

Xu Feng also does not have a map of the Jiuhuangmen site.

Or, there are no maps for others.

Everyone enters this ruin, wherever they go, seeing treasures and opportunities, they will fight for it.


Xu Feng’s eyes condensed.

He quietly hides his breath and hides his body directly in the grass next to him.

"You heard that there is no, the fierce battle in Wanshigu has been going on for three days!"

"How can such a battle happen? Is it impossible for Wanshigu to discover what treasures are not?"

"No, I heard that Wan Shigu seems to have discovered a stone tire, which is very weird."

"In any case, everyone wants to get the treasure, so everyone is fighting fiercely."

"So powerful, we don't want to join in the fun, how can we do it?"

Xu Feng quietly hid next to it.

The eyes of his eyes sparkled.

“Wanshi Valley?”

Xu Feng’s mouth whispered slightly.

He did not expect that such a small voice was actually heard by three people outside.


All three people looked at Xu Feng at the same time.

Xu Feng walked out of the grass, his face with a smile, said: "Sorry, just passing by."

"Kid, you obviously are hiding there, listening to our conversation, are you looking for death?" One of them was full of angry faces.

Who knows, another person beside him, pulling his sleeves.

"What do you pull me, I have to teach this kid."

The man’s face is wrong.

"Xu Feng, brother, beg you, let us go, he is not sensible, we have no innocence with you..."

Looking at the companion's pleading, he suddenly looked angry and said: "I said, are you crazy, you actually give the four spirits of the spirit, such a request, let alone know you."

"You are crazy!"

I know, another person, a slap in the face of his face.

"He is Xu Feng that we told you before."


"He is Xu Feng, so young, you are not saying, is he only going through the spiritual environment?"

His face is wrong and surprised.

"Xu Feng big brother, he does not know it is you, please do not hesitate." The man suddenly said to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng looked at the attitude of the three people and was very satisfied.

"I am very interested in the Wanshi Valley that you just said. I don't know if I can tell me where is Wanshi Valley?"

Xu Feng asked three people.

"Ah... of course you can..."

Said, one of them, patiently pointed to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng listened to the other person's directions and said: "Thank you!"

"you are welcome!"

The man said to Xu Feng.

Seeing that Xu Feng is far away, all three are relieved.

"You almost killed us two, you know?"

Both of them looked at the same time, the very arrogant warrior.

"Where do I know that he is Xu Feng?"

He said a little wronged.

If he knows that the other person is Xu Feng and gives him ten courage, he does not dare to come.

"It seems that Wanshi Valley will become very lively. It seems that Xu Feng's strength seems to be getting stronger."

"Let's go to Wanshi Valley and join in the fun, so don't miss such a good opportunity. Isn't it a pity?"

Xu Feng continued to move forward toward the front line.

His eyes are shocked.

He looked at the place not far away, and saw that it was a stone of honor, and it seemed to be a rock.

It seems to be a huge valley, full of stones.

There are no flowers and trees on the stone.

From time to time, there was a buzzing sound.

(End of this chapter)

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