The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2644: Human greed

Chapter 2644 Human greed

Ren Chun and others did not expect.

Xu Feng turned out to be so good.

One by one is admiration.

They really can't imagine that a young man with such a great talent has such a heart, which is incredible.

Next to Cha Qian, he said to everyone: "Everyone hastened to rectify and rectify. Let's see, what is the treasure in the Bailing Lake?"

Everyone heard the words of Cha Qian.

One by one is very excited.

You know, the treasure at the bottom of Lake Bailing is very likely to hide a lot of precious things.

Even Xu Feng, the treasure at the bottom of Bailing Lake, is also very much looking forward to.

He really wants to see it.

How big is the treasure at the bottom of Lake Bailing.

As everyone rectified almost.

Cha Qian sighed at the crowd and said: "Let's go to the bottom of Bailing Lake and see what treasures are there."

Although Baiyang Island has few arms lost, it has also killed more than a dozen people.

Now, there are more than a dozen people left.

However, for the military.

Death has long been seen very thoroughly.

They may have been sentimental before.

At this moment, I think of the treasures in front, but they are relieved.

Everyone is following the bottom of Bailing Lake and keep moving forward.


The crowd looked at the front and a huge whirlpool emerged.

"Be careful!"

I saw a six-year-old elder who was in a state of spirituality. He did not pay attention to it and took a step toward the whirlpool.

When Xu Feng uttered a reminder, the elder suddenly returned to God, but it was too late.


The huge whirlpool, as if it were a beast, went to the six-year-old elders who were in the spirits.

His body could not react at all, and was swept away by the huge vortex, directly toward the bottom of Lake Bailing.

Everyone is involuntarily stepping back.

Xu Feng looked at the vortex in front and his face changed slightly.

Cha Qian’s face has also become somewhat ugly.

He felt very clear that the fluctuations of the whirlpool, even if he was, could not struggle out of it.

Some people look at Xu Feng.

After all, it was his first reflection.

"Xu brother, you first reminded you, is there any strange place in this whirlpool?"

As someone asks.

The rest of the people are watching Xu Feng.

Even Cha Qian, his eyes fell on Xu Feng.

Xu Feng nodded and said: "This vortex is a lineup that is arranged by one person and is very powerful."

"Ah... then we can't get into it, have you got the treasure?" Ren Chun said a little strangely.

I heard Ren Chun’s words, and many people’s faces were disappointed.

Everyone is desperate to come here.

Now, if you can't get the treasure inside, nature is desperate.

"not necessarily!"

Xu Feng shook his head. He looked at the vortex in front and said: "Since it is a battle, there will be a way to crack it."

"Any array is no exception, you can find the crack, just see how you can find it."

Xu Feng’s voice is very stable.

Others looked at Xu Feng and said: "Xu brother, don't you still understand the law?"

Xu Feng is not salty and not light: "I know a little bit of fur."

In the eyes of everyone, they are all curious.

Xu Feng looked at Cha Qian and others and said: "Can you trust me? I need to enter the whirlpool first."

Hearing Xu Feng’s words, some people are slightly squinting.

To them.

The treasure inside is very likely to be precious.

Not everyone's mind is broad.

They are also afraid that Xu Feng will enter the treasure first and take away other things inside.

Cha Qian directly said: "Xu Feng, are you not looking down on us?"

"If it weren't for you, all of us would die in the hands of others, even if it was the treasure inside. You really want a first acquisition, it is okay, what better question?"

The words of Cha Qian sounded, but some people did not think so.

A man who looked a bit bitter, he said: "Xu Feng, brother, there is a sentence, I don't know when it is not appropriate?"

Xu Feng slightly brows his brow and said: "But it's fine!"

"Since Master Xu can enter it, why not tell us how to enter, and everyone will enter together?"


The words of the bitter man clearly resonated with everyone.

Although some people don’t say their heart, they also want to say it.

It’s just that they are obsessed with face and don’t want to say it.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "The way to enter inside is very simple. Jump into it and follow the power of the vortex. Naturally, you can reach the center of the array."

"Of course, it is not that I can control the ability to withstand the tearing of the formation."

Xu Feng’s straight-cut channel.

He didn't even have too much concealment.


The bitter man looked at the huge whirlpool and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Xu Feng does not want to talk nonsense with these people.

His heart was slightly disappointed.

It is no wonder that these people can only be in the nine wilderness areas.

How can such a mind and heart be able to become a big event?

"If you are willing to follow, you can follow me, but I can't guarantee that you can survive."


Said, Xu Feng's spiritual power suddenly flowed, I saw him suddenly stepping out, the body fell toward the whirlpool.

At this moment of the millennium, with Xu Feng jumping into the whirlpool, there are actually five people.

Even if it is, Xu Feng is shocked.

Cha Qian and Ren Chun, Yu Kai and others are standing on the side. Although their hearts are doubtful, they are not so superficial.

"Ah... save me..."

The first to make a scream, it is a woman who has passed through the five peaks of the spiritual world. The clothes on her body have been torn and shattered.

Her body, even before it had any reaction, was torn apart by the power of the vortex.

The blood is completely swallowed by the whirlpool.

The bitter man followed closely behind Xu Feng.

The speed of the vortex is getting faster and faster.

"I can't hold it, save me..."

Another scream came out.

Most of the people who can survive in the battle just now are very good.

However, this huge whirlpool, at this moment, tests the strength of the body of a warrior.

The screams came out.

The people standing on the side watching, their eyes are all condensed.

One by one is helpless shaking his head.

They have no doubts about Xu Feng in their hearts.

The power inside this vortex is not something that any one of them can hold.

Therefore, Xu Feng did not want them to enter, but they could not enter.

In a blink of an eye.

As Xu Feng jumped into the whirlpool, he died two.

There are still three people left.

Everyone can see that their faces are blue and green, and their spiritual power is overloaded.

(End of this chapter)

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