The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2643: Baiyang Island victory

Chapter 2643, Baiyang Island Victory

"What do you mean, is this my fault?"

Xu Feng looked at each other and said, "I shouldn't let you meet me?"

Xu Feng’s eyes are all killing.

The six elders who passed through the spirits heard the words and suddenly became surprised.

He slammed directly on the ground and cried directly.

A big man, crying directly.

You can imagine how much his heart has collapsed.

"Hey... beg you, let me go..."


Xu Feng fell down with a fist and said: "What do you do when you are a coward? Early death and early life!"

The six elders of the spiritual world fell directly to the ground.

His eyes are unwilling.

Zhuang Quan, who had been fighting with Cha Qian, had a particularly ugly face.

His heart is shocked.

"How can this be the case? It is incredible to break through the cultivation in the battle, or to pass the four spirits, the twenty-two spirits, and to kill the seven-pronged Li Wei."

Zhuang Quan feels the collapse of his heart at this moment.

Cha Qian’s heart is all joy.

He looked at the talent and strength that Xu Feng showed, and he was of course very happy.

he knows.

As long as Xu Feng joins the battle.

The warrior from Soul Island could not resist the attack of Xu Feng.

Finally, Zhuang Quan is definitely dying in this Bailing Lake.


"How to do?"

Many warriors from Soul Island, they are looking at Xu Feng's figure at this moment, they feel a very headache.

However, they can only fight hard with the people of Baiyang Island. Some people want to escape, but they die even worse.

Cha Qian looked at the opposite Zhuang Quan. His face was smiling and said: "Zhuang Quan, it seems that your luck from Soul Island is really not good?"

Zhuang Quan’s face is gloomy.

"Cha Qian, this thing is done, we are planted from the soul island."

Having said that, he pointed to the treasures in the Bailing Lake and said: "The treasure of Bailing Lake belongs to you, how?"

Zhuang Quan himself is also very clear.

The next battle, there is no suspense from the soul island.

It's better to save your strength and leave here alive.

Cha Qian slowly said: "Zhuang Quan, you took the initiative to join the battle, do you want to destroy my Baiyang Island?"

"Do you think I will let you go?"

Cha Qian finished.

Directly screamed, said: "Everyone gave me all my best to kill all the people away from Soul Island."


In an instant, all the people in Baiyang Island are madly rushing out to the opposing warriors of the island.

Xu Feng looked at the changes in the war situation. His figure appeared not far from Zhuangquan. He said: "Check the elders, can you let him escape so easily? If he leaves alive, will there be a lot of trouble?"

Zhuang Quan is not good.

If he leaves alive, he will find the strongman from Soul Island.

It’s really a big deal to come to Bailing Lake quickly.

"of course!"

Cha Qian’s face is full of smiles. “Xu Feng, my strength is not enough to kill him. I am afraid you need to help.”

Xu Feng stood on one side, but slowly said: "Check the elders, I will show you next to you, in case he escapes."

"You just need to go all out to fight him. Maybe this kind of battle is not necessarily a bad thing for you."

Xu Feng’s words rang.

Cha Qian heard the words and nodded.

At the moment, his head gathers.

Xu Feng was next to him.

The strength of Cha Qian has all erupted, almost without reservation.

At the beginning, Zhuang Quan was able to fight with him.

I know that Zhuang Quan was afraid of Xu Feng’s sneak attack from time to time, resulting in constant distraction.

It gradually fell into the wind.

Even Cha Qian’s heart was shocked.

Instead, the more fighting, the more passionate.

The more Zhuang Quan fights, the more fearful he is inside.


Under such a fighting situation, the two sides ruled up.


The bombardment of Cha Qian’s palms was on the chest of Zhuang Quan, making Zhuang Quan’s entire people successively regressing.

Blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and his face became extraordinarily ugly.


Zhuang Quan looked at Xu Feng and said: "Boy, you have the ability to hurry and kill me. Are you using me to give a breakthrough?"

"Haha, it's easy to kill you like this, isn't it that you are worthless?"

Xu Feng spread his hands and smiled.

Zhuang Quan heard that almost no viscera was spurted.

"Haha, of course I will not miss such a good opportunity."

Cha Qian continued his all-out battle.

In such a limit of fighting, Cha Qian only felt his own spiritual powers to stir up. His cultivation was from the early stage of the seven-pronged period of the psychic, and directly broke through to the mid-seventh of the psychic.


Zhuang Quan suddenly fell to the ground, and his eyes were not reconciled.

Seeing the death of Zhuang Quan.

Other warriors from Soul Island are even more scattered.

One by one, there is no heart to fight.

The battle on the scene instantly turned into a massacre.

The kitten jumped onto Xu Feng's shoulder and said, "Brother, I need to refine the demon, I have to sleep for a while."

I haven't waited for Xu Feng to speak.

The kitten has already entered Xu Feng’s arms. This little guy is really, said to sleep, and immediately fell asleep.


The battle is still going on.

The warriors from Soul Island fell one by one.

Everyone at Baiyang Island feels hearty.

They have never been so happy.

It was suppressed by the Soul Island in the Nine Wild Seas, and was also oppressed by the Soul Island and the Shadowless Island in the wind and thunder.

Finally, they are now in the Bailing Lake, really proud, and get a real victory.

Many people's eyes are not far away, where there is no arrogance and no grievances.

They looked at the heart of this young man and they were all in awe.

Cha Qian came to Xu Feng's body.

He took the crowd to sort out the entire trophy and handed Xu Feng 50,000 Ling Jing, saying: "These are the crystals that have been searched from them. The rest, I will give it to everyone."

Xu Feng is not polite, he really needs a lot of Ling Jing.

Once he starts to configure the Red Moon Spirit, he needs more Lingjing.

Moreover, the number of remaining Lingjing is also quite large, and everyone can also be divided into thousands.

Everyone gets the spoils, they are all elated.

Ren Chun went to Xu Feng's front and apologized: "Xu brother, I still think you are tired before, now I am sorry for you."

Xu Feng has some doubts.

He and Ren Chun met for the first time. How did the other party feel that they were tired?

Ren Chun’s face is sly, saying: “Xu brother, I am looking at your arrival. I feel that you are only the peak of the three spiritual worlds, so I feel that you have come to us and did not help.”

Next to Yu Kai said: "Xu Shixiong, you should not be forced, he is not in front of you, is telling me."


Xu Feng did not care about his hand and said: "Do you think I am tired, isn't it normal?"

"My repair is not high in itself, and you don't think it is wrong."

(End of this chapter)

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