The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2639: Why are you afraid of a fight?

Chapter 2639 Why fear a war?

"Where is the waste kid coming, die."

A warrior with five peaks in the spiritual world.

He saw the moment of Xu Feng.

The long sword in the hand smashed out toward Xu Feng’s chest and a sword.

Haven't waited for Xu Feng to shoot.

The little body of the kitten went straight out.


Above his claws, it seems to be a sword, directly piercing the other's chest, blood flowing from the other's chest.

The warrior of the five peaks in the spiritual world, his face is not reconciled.

He did not expect that a kitten would be so powerful.

"Brother, how?"

Xu Feng looked at the kitten on his shoulder and was shocked.

He really didn't expect that the kittens became so powerful.

"Not bad!"

Xu Feng knocked on the kitten's head.

"The purple electric thunder is almost impossible to hold on."

Xu Feng looked at the purple electric thunder that was struggling with death. His eyes were all condensed.

The kitten is very excited.


Purple electric Thunder crazy creeps.

The entire Bailing Lake has become choppy, with incomparable waves, moving in all directions, frantically surging.


In the moment when the huge body of the purple electric thunder struggled, even if it was a seven-strong warrior, it was directly shaken out.


At this time, things that nobody thought of happened.

When the purple electric thunder was dying, its mouth suddenly opened. It was a purple, flaming fist-sized demon.


Even Xu Feng was shocked.

The kitten went straight out from Xu Feng's shoulder. He took a direct sip and swallowed the purple demon.

Crazy purple lightning surrounds the kitten's body.

The purple electric thunder looked at the scene and even closed his eyes.

The kitten appeared proudly on Xu Feng's shoulder.


The body of the purple electric thunder was instantly overwhelmed by countless attacks.

However, at this time, some warriors, but they looked at Xu Feng and the kittens, and their faces were not good-looking.

"Kid, hand over the demon that you just had, maybe you can still leave alive."

"Yes, this kind of demon, you can't swallow it."

"Hurry up and let your pets hand over the demon!"


The kitten looked at the people around him. He grinned and screamed and said, "Brother, kill them!"

The kitten is now wrapped in purple lightning, and the violent momentum makes Xu Feng somewhat surprised.

However, many people in the Shadowless Island recognized Xu Feng.

"He is the one who the three elders are going to kill."

"I don't think he is still alive."

"He is the Xu Feng."


Some people in Baiyang Island have a smile on their faces.

They did not expect that Xu Feng actually appeared in Bailing Lake.

In particular, those who know the true strength of Xu Feng.

When Cha Qian saw Xu Feng, he frowned slightly.

He does not know the strength of Xu Feng.

Ren Chun stood on the side and said something annoyed: "Is this guy coming to trouble us? Now let us be the target of public criticism."

"Li Wei, it seems that you have no shadow island people, and this young man has a lot of grudges, I still look at you to solve it yourself."

Zhuang Quan stood on one side and his face was full of smiles.

When Li Wei looked at Xu Feng, he frowned slightly.

He clearly remembers that a few months ago, Xu Feng was still repaired by Emperor Fengfeng.

But, now Xu Feng’s breath.

It has reached the triple peak of the spiritual environment, which is the speed of terrorist growth.

"Kid, as long as you kill you, the three elders will definitely give me a big reward."

A six-armed warrior with a full-fledged spirit is full of excitement.

He suddenly took a shot toward Xu Feng.

Another warrior around him said directly: "Don't do it, you are not his opponent..."

Unfortunately, his reminder has not finished.

The other party has already rushed out toward Xu Feng.

"Not self-reliant."

Xu Feng looked at the attacking warrior, his spiritual flow, and the twenty threads directly emerged.

It’s like swallowing a fist!

A punching out of the boxing, it seems like it has become invincible, as if it is infinite, can destroy everything.


With the surge of water waves.

The six-strong warrior who passed through the spirits was unwilling to be beaten by Xu Feng and directly flew out.

Blood ran out of his mouth, his body gradually floated up, and the entire Bailing Lake seemed to suddenly fall into silence.

"How can this be?"

After a moment.

Bailing Lake is boiling again.

Many people look at Xu Feng's eyes and are afraid.

The three-pronged martial arts of the three spirits in the spirit of the three spirits.

Even the other party has no power to fight back.

Some of the warriors of the Shadowless Island, which were still eager to try, have now stepped back a few steps.

There are surprises in Cha Qian’s eyes. He never imagined that Xu Feng’s speed and potential are so strong.

Before he also thought that Xu Feng may not be very powerful.

It seems now that the rumored Xu Feng has no real Xu Feng horror.

"This kid is so low-key?"

Cha Qian couldn't help himself.

If you switch to someone else with such a gift, I am afraid that the world will know it.

However, Xu Feng is so low-key, it seems that Xu Feng is very powerful, really few.

Just saying that Xu Feng came to be a cumbersome Ren Chun, his face has become a bit ugly. Isn’t this a clear face?

Xu Feng stared at the people on the Shadowless Island and said: "The Shadowless Island Warrior, you listen!"

"My Xu Feng started from Wangbeicheng all the way, you are bullying and constantly chasing me."

"I am constantly escaping in the seas of the nine ruins. It is exhausting. Today, all of you, let's go together."

"My Xu Feng, let you know what is called real hegemony."

The field of killing in Xu Feng is diffuse.

The killing field of the ninth heaven.

His body, clothes and agitation, the waves around his body, seem to form a wave of waves.

Xu Feng’s words rang.

Many people in Baiyang Island are full of blood.

Their strength in Baiyang Island is much weaker than the other two forces.

In these years, Baiyang Island is often oppressed by the Shadowless Island in the Jiubai Sea.

just now.

Many people look at Xu Yang's instigation.

They all rushed out.

"Xu Feng, brother, even if it is a war today, I will fight with you."

"Yes, not dead."

"Today, we are Baiyang Island, why are you afraid of a battle!"

The sound of the majesty of the road broke out.

Xu Feng looked at the people behind Baiyang Island. His eyes were touched. "Thank you, today I am Xu Feng, why are you afraid of a fight?"

"Why fear a battle!"

"Battle war!"

Cha Qian stood there, and he looked a little worried.

Even Ren Chun, who had just had an opinion on Xu Feng, has already charged in the front, and the people who are facing the shadowless island have a determination to fight for the battle.

Zhuang Quan’s face became ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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