The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2638: Purple electric thunder

Chapter 2638 Purple Power Thunder


The kitten poked his head out of Xu Feng’s arms.

He jumped over Xu Feng's shoulder.

"Suffocate me."

The kitten stretched out.

Xu Feng looked at the kitten and smiled on his face. He said, "Are you okay?"

"Do not worry, my brother, I am not a bad person."

The kitten patted his chest and said.

Xu Feng’s heart is touched.

He and the kitten walked along, it can be said that the kitten is very good to him.

Of course, he is also the closest relative to the kitten.


Xu Feng walked with the kitten.

A burst of roar came.

Xu Feng’s eyes were all condensed, and he looked at the place where the sound came.

The kitten's hair was erected. He was excited: "Brother, hurry, I will swallow it."

Xu Feng naturally felt it, and the place where the sound came from was the snoring of the horrible monster.

The sound of fighting in the distance was even more noisy and passed over here.

Xu Feng didn't know what was going on there.

At the moment, the spiritual power of the body flows.

His speed was very fast, and he quickly rushed out to the place where the beasts of the distant land came.


It is a huge lake.

The lake is crystal clear, faintly visible, it is a terrible monster.

The huge body is more than ten meters long.

The whole scales are covered with sharp scales, and all of them are full of deep light.

The momentum of terror is diffused from its body.

Around his body, from time to time, purple lightning is emitted, which is a terrible anomaly.

Around the huge lakes, there are three major forces of warriors.

Headed by the top three strong forces.

Departing from the island.

The four elders, Zhuang Quan, and the seven-time medium-term warrior in the spiritual realm, his strength is extremely powerful.

Behind him is followed by dozens of other warriors from Soul Island.

Among them, the elders have.

Shadowless island.

Five elders, Li Wei.

The same is the seven-armed warrior in the spirit of the spirit, the strength of terror.

Behind them are also many disciples and elders of the Shadowless Island.

Baiyang Island.

Cha Qian.

He is the elder of Baiyang Island, and his status is very high. Of course, he is also a seven-pronged soul.

There are quite a few warriors behind him, most of them are elites of Baiyang Island.

Among them, the most powerful disciple of Baiyang Island, the two who reached the peak of the six peaks of the spiritual world, are also here at this moment.

Zhuang Quan’s eyes fell on Li Wei and Cha Qian.

"Two, if we continue to be deadlocked, it will only waste time."

"The strength of this purple electric thunder, we all know that we want to kill it, we must join forces with three forces."

"When the time continues to delay, the treasures under the Bailing Lake, I am afraid that everyone should not want to get their hands."

Zhuang Quan’s words are powerful.

Said very clearly.

He wants three forces to join hands to deal with the purple electric thunder.

Li Wei’s eyes picked up slightly.

He stared at the opposite Zhuangquan and said: "Zhuang Quan, the purple electric thunder is really very powerful, but you are away from the soul island, is not the head of the three forces?"

"Now, the thing that kills the purple electric thunder should have been taken away from the island."

Li Wei’s face is a smile.

Zhuang Quan heard the words, almost did not roar, said: "Now you admit that we are the boss from the soul island, before in the nine wilderness, why don't you give us the soul island, pay the annual contribution?"


Li Wei said with a disdain, he hugged his hands, as if a thing did not hang up.

Zhuang Quan’s gaze fell on Cha Qian’s body and said: “Zha Qian, don’t you want the treasures at the bottom of Bailing Lake?”

Cha Qian faintly said: "Zhuang Quan, are you not talking nonsense? Who doesn't want treasure?"

"But, you can't help me to charge the Baiyang Island, so that you can't afford to fish in the back."

Cha Qian is not an idiot.

He is very clear, under such circumstances, whoever starts first, whoever suffers.

After all, the purple electric thunder is a very powerful monster.

Seeing that the three people can't say it together.

Someone directly suggested: "Our three forces, from the three sides at the same time, to kill this purple electric thunder, how?"

"Yes, it is the three parties to take the shot."

"Nobody wants to be cheaper in the back."

"it is good……"

With this proposal, everyone is recognized.

Zhuang Quan said: "If in the battle, who dares to play conspiracy, our other two forces will join forces to destroy him."

Zhuang Quan naturally nodded and promised.

Li Yan’s eyes are all ridiculous in his eyes. He said: "Whoever does not play the means, who is stupid."

"Get ready."

As someone said.

The three major forces are separated separately.

The purple electric thunder at the bottom of Bailing Lake seems to feel a dangerous atmosphere.

Above the huge body, the purple thunder and lightning, began to burst into a squeaky voice.


As someone screamed, more than a hundred people suddenly rushed out toward Bailing Lake.

The strength of the purple electric thunder is really terrifying. The water column with a height of more than one meter is directly rising from the sky.

The huge body of the purple electric thunder is constantly sweeping in the water.

However, with so many people attacking, how can it resist?

Blood has sprouted from the body of many warriors.

The scales on the purple electric thunder are sharp weapons.


Some of the warriors were close to the purple electric thunder, and the body was directly smashed by the scales.

Blood completely dyed the entire Bailing Lake.

For a time.

The screams came from the mouth of the crowd, and the whole lake was **** and the body floated.


Purple electric Thunder is desperate to kill.

Many of the five warriors who passed through the spirits were directly reduced to cannon fodder.

The original one hundred or more people, only half of them in the blink of an eye.

On the top of the Bailing Lake, the floating bodies are densely packed, making people look numb.

Xu Feng took the kitten to the edge of Bailing Lake. He looked at the scene above the Bailing Lake and was shocked.

The waves of the lake surface rushed out after a wave.

Xu Feng saw the elders of Cha Qian.

He has had several relationships with Cha Qian.

When his eyes fell on the center, it was the body of the purple electric thunder, his face was shocked.

The kitten excitedly said: "Brother, I want to get the purple electric thunder body inside the demon, it is very helpful to me."

Xu Feng’s eyes are all dignified. Wanting to rob the demon in front of these people is tantamount to eating.

After Xu Feng appeased the kitten, he said, "Kit, we can't worry, we will see if there is a chance."

"Oh, no, is this the Bailing Lake?"

Xu Feng’s eyes sparkled with surprise and excitement.

If it is Bailing Lake, wouldn't it be that the treasure that the previous person said before he died is at the bottom of the lake.

Xu Feng’s current spiritual flow, rushing out into the Bailing Lake, he looked at the water, there was a scuffle everywhere.

His eyes swept through the purple electric thunder from time to time, and the goal was the demon of the purple electric thunder.

(End of this chapter)

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