The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2619: All bombardment

Chapter 2619 All bombardment

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Xu Feng directly laughed.

He really didn't think of it.

His own like a swallowing of heaven, can break through the realm in battle.

It’s even more powerful to reach the natural fire of the realm of the fire.

"Thank you for your training, I like your sparring."

Xu Feng’s words rang.

Qin Xiaolei and Ni Songquan and others, almost did not vomit blood.

These six strong men in the spiritual world have been ridiculed by a young man with a three-pronged spirit.

It’s a shameful shame.

"Boy, you are really too arrogant."

Ni Songquan is the elder of the Shadowless Island.

His status as a shadowless island is very high.

Now, being crushed by a hairy boy like Xu Feng is already very depressed.

He also became the best sparring of Xu Feng, and his heart is of course extremely depressed.

“It’s like a cockroach!”

In the moment when Xu Feng’s spiritual power surged, 20 spiritual threads directly impacted.

His eyes are cold and killing.

Then, the field of killing in the ninth day became even more horrible.

the most important is.

Above his fists, it is like a moment of cohesion, forming a very terrorist attack.

The elephant is invincible.

In the immediate moment, it is quite condescending.

The incomparable imagery has become more ferocious.

Like the opposite of Ni Songquan, the smashing bombardment went out.

Ni Songquan's face suddenly changed.

He did not expect Xu Feng to be so decisive and attacked himself.


The fist became a wild elephant, as if it was brave and invincible.

Ni Songquan’s attack was accompanied by Xu Feng’s attack.

The waves are floating and the power is surging.


Ni Songquan directly squirted a piece of blood, and the whole person was directly stunned by the earthquake.

His face changed greatly. I didn't expect Xu Feng's savage to swallow the heavens. When it broke through the realm of fire, it became so terrible.

The surrounding Qin Xiaolei and others, each one is also very different.

"Come on, you all have to die today."

At this moment, Xu Feng seems to be an incarnation.

The look of his eyes is overbearing.

As if he was standing there, it was an ancient man, who could control everything and destroy everything.

"It's like invincible."

Xu Feng continued to strike out, and it was a punch and a fist.

A five-pronged man was directly attacked by the earthquake, and his chest was directly sunken, and blood flowed wildly from his mouth.

He fell to the ground and struggled to stand up.

It has already died.

Xu Feng’s eyes are all right.

He stepped out directly, the moment the footsteps moved, the fists above his hands, all of them were pretty elephants.

"I don't think that the fire of the pure realm of the realm of swallowing the sky, there is such a power."

Xu Feng did not think of himself. It was like a swallowing fist that could still be developed. It was a huge surprise.


"another one!"

Xu Feng roared, and it was like a gallop. A fist became an ancient icon, and the killing fields on the body all condensed.

When the field of killing condenses on the image of the elephant, the momentum of terror becomes more fierce.

"Do not kill me!"

A five-pronged man, he looked at the fist that Xu Feng attacked, and he was already scared.

Suddenly, the fear of the face, the legs directly soft, the whole person fell directly on the ground.


The fist was bombarded on the other side.

His whole person fell to the ground, and his eyes were not reconciled.

In addition to Ni Songquan and Qin Xiaolei, several other people are scared of fear.

They looked at Xu Feng's look and were afraid.

"How can this be the case, the three-way repair of the spiritual environment, will be so powerful?"

Each one is full of surprises.

They simply don't understand why the three warriors in the spiritual world would be so powerful.


Xu Feng’s imagery is swallowing and is constantly being displayed.

Strong and unpredictable fluctuations in the air.

One body after another, fell to the ground.

Blood spurted out of their mouths, one by one was stunned, and the look was not reconciled.

At last.

Only Ni Songquan and Qin Xiaolei stood.

The faces of the two people also have fear.

On the contrary, Xu Feng was very calm. He looked at Ni Songquan and Qin Xiaolei on the other side. He said slowly: "If you want to kill me, don't you hurry?"

Xu Feng has come to the nine wild seas since.

Due to the reasons for his cultivation, he was chased and killed from Wangbeicheng.

His heart is depressed.

Now it is a triple breakthrough in the spiritual world. His original hegemony, control all momentum, come back again.

His eyes were cold, and his ninth day of killing was still filled with blood red.

Qin Xiaolei looked at Xu Feng and said: "Xu Feng, why do you need to kill this way?"

"We can't make any threat to you, let people stay on the line, how?"

When Qin Xiaolei said this sentence, he was obviously afraid.

He knew that he was not an opponent of Xu Feng.

Xu Feng laughed and said: "It’s ridiculous. Just now you are fighting on both sides. I am just watching it. You will join forces to kill me first."

"Excuse me, if you don't know my strength, do you think I have a threat to you?"

Xu Feng’s words rang.

Next to Ni Songquan suddenly said: "Xu Feng, Qin Xiaolei proposed to kill you first, I don't know you."

Qin Xiaolei heard the words, his face full of anger.

"Ni Songquan, do you want to be so mean and shameless, but you want to kill him, and then invite Ji Zeteng to invite you to enjoy it?"

Qin Xiaolei’s words rang, and Ni Songquan’s face became ugly.

"Two together, maybe you still have a chance."

Xu Feng looked at the two people opposite and said.

"Xu Feng, since you really want to work hard, I will fight with you."

As a young man, Qin Xiaolei knows that he cannot live.

The spirits of the body all gathered together, and he rushed out toward Xu Fengyu, and his hands became sharp edges.

The sharp blade looks very sharp and seems to be able to break the void.

Xu Feng stepped out.

His footsteps moved, like the last form of swallowing a fist, directly bombarded.


Qin Xiaolei flew out, and his body was tumbling, and the sharp edge was also divided. The whole person fell to the ground and felt that the meridians were shaking.

He really did not expect that the power of Xu Feng was also terrible.


Xu Feng took the lead in killing Ni Songquan.

The punching of a punch and a punch is like a swallow.

till the end.

Ni Songquan the whole person fell to the ground, blood flowing from his mouth, he was not willing to fall to the ground.

He did not expect that the elders of his own shadowless island died in the hands of a young man who was not known.

Xu Feng came to Qin Xiaolei's body.

"Before you followed the disciples from Soul Island, you wanted to kill me."

"Unfortunately, you are afraid of my strength, do not start, why not always insist?"

Xu Feng finished, ending Qin Xiaolei's life.

(End of this chapter)

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